KELLER’S WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 10/24: Follow-up to Under Siege, more Survivor Series developments, Jinder responds to Heyman

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor

WWE Smackdown Live logo - new July 2016 (c)


OCTOBER 24, 2017

Announcers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton


-They opened with footage from Raw last night of Kurt Angle announcing Survivor Series matches and saying he is going to make sure his Survivor Series proves Raw is the most dominant show in WWE. Then clips of Angle telling Shane that Smackdown talent seems inferior to Raw, and Shane promising Smackdown will annihilate his precious Raw. Then the interruption by Smackdown wrestlers as Angle was about to announce his five picks to represent Raw in the men’s elimination match, with Shane saying: “Blue Team, go get him!” Then the backstage beatdowns and Shane telling Angle afterward that at Survivor Series, they’ll finish what they started.

READ MY EDITORIAL ON THIS BIG ANGLE HERE: KELLER’S TAKE: What was wrong with Under Siege and how it could have been executed without glaring flaws

-Cole introduced the show: “There is somewhat of an aura of concern tonight. Is retaliation in the forecast as we welcome you to Smackdown Live.”

(Keller’s Analysis: The timing isn’t great that Cole is filling in for Tom Phillips during this angle.)

-Shane McMahon danced out to his music. Cole said he was extremely calm last night and must be proud tonight. He had a smirk of self-satisfaction resembling Matt Tiabbi after making a really good argument. He said in the past two weeks he’s been undergoing serious physical rehab, and he’s glad to be back in the ring and back in charge. A “Shane-o-Mac” chant was replaced by a “Welcome Back!” chant. He said November 19th is fast approaching and it’s the only time Smackdown and Raw wrestlers compete in head-to-head competition. He said he learned at an early age if you’re going to get involved in a fight, it’s always best to strike first. He said that’s why he and some of the roster paid a visit to Raw. He said when Angle called him to ask for an attraction for The Demon, “that’s when it all hit me.” He said they’d not only allow him to compete for the Raw brand, they’d let him stay for an extra night at Raw because they knew what they were going to do. He said Angle should have been a little bit more weary when he surprised to him in his office, and then he had the audacity to insult the Smackdown roster, saying they couldn’t level up. Crowd booed. He said what Angle didn’t know is that the Smackdown talent was lying in wait already. He said that’s when #UnderSiege was unleashed. Some fans chanted “Under Siege.” Shane bragged that they caught Raw by surprise, but they won’t be caught by surprise by Raw tonight because they’re ready.

Sami Zayn came out to his music. He said hello to Shane, but didn’t get a hello back. He asked, “No hard feelings about Hell in a Cell, right?” Shane said there are hard feelings and they’ll deal with that another time. He asked Sami where pulling Kevin Owens out of the way for his physical heath left him. “Not only could I be seriously injured, but you added insult to injury when you pulled Kevin Owens on top of me for the 1-2-3. So there’s a lot of hard feelings.”

(Keller’s Analysis: Why did Shane say there are hard feelings and they’d deal with that “another time,” and then immediately deal with it and establish there are indeed hard feelings?)

Sami said that’s fine, but if he were standing there as Shane McMahon the Competitor, he’d take him out in one second and leave him hurting even worse than when he left Hell in a Cell. Shane stepped into his space. Sami backed off and told him to take it easy. He said that’s all for another day. He said he’s out there to let him know that his good buddy and brother Kevin Owens have mulled it over and they’ve decided, fine, they will be part of Smackdown Live at Survivor Series. Shane scratched his temple and went wide-eyed. Sami said they’d carry the load as brave and fearless leaders and the rest of the guys could follow. He said he believes Shane knows they need him to represent Smackdown at Survivor Series. He said Shane is a lot of things, but one thing he’s not is a stupid man “except for when you’re taking one of your death-defying risks you like to do.” He said he and Owens have selflessly and kindly volunteered their services for Survivor Series. Graves said Sami is pushing his luck.

Shane said he doesn’t want him and Owens to represent Smackdown at Survivor Series and he doesn’t need them. He said he’d give them an opportunity, though. He said whoever wins that match will be his first represntative on his Survivor Series team. Shane turned to leave. Sami asked to know who his opponent is going to be. Shane turned and told him he’d face “The Viper” Randy Orton.

-The announcers hyped Sunil Singh vs. A.J. Styles.

-Backstage they showed New Day coming upon a table with raw fruit on it which was helpfully labelled “Raw Fruit.” Cole said that was a shot at Monday Night Raw and the Raw siege. Huh? Cole then plugged New Day vs. Shelton Benjamin & Chad Gable up next. [c]

-The Usos joined the announcers at ringside.


(1) SHELTON BENJAMIN & CHAD GABLE vs. NEW DAY (Xavier Woods & Kofi Kingston w/Big E)

Cole noted that New Day were at the forefront of the Siege. The Usos said, “Smackdown represented last night. That’s all we know.” They showed Shelton & Gable pulling their hands away from a handshake offer for the Usos last week. The Usos response to Cole saying: “Jolly Rancher: Keep on Sucking” was classic. “Whuh?” Cole said New Day said after Raw last night in a video on Twitter that no one likes Raw and they went into their house and put everybody down. Shelton clotheslined Kofi over the top rope to the floor and they cut to a break. [c]

The stayed with the action on split screen. Gable took it to Kofi inside the ring. By the end of the break, Shelton took over on Kofi and settled into a chinlock. With the ref’s back turned, Shelton kicked Xavier in the back and then Gable scored the pin. The Usos called them cheaters.

WINNER: Gable & Benjamin.

(Keller’s Analysis: So who are the heels here? The Usos spoke the truth.)

-Backstage Tamina, Becky Lynch, and Lana were bragging to a smiling Charlotte and Naomi what they did to at Raw last night. In walked Carmella and she asked if anyone had seen James Ellsworth. In walked Daniel Bryan who asked what was so funny. Bryan said all of them would be on Team Smackdown at Survivor Series. Lana said there were six of them. Bryan said, “Oh, not you, Lana.” Bryan said they’d have a unified front and a strong leader at Survivor Series this year so they didn’t lose to Raw again. Charlotte volunteered. Becky and the heels rejected. Becky said Charlotte wasn’t even there last night for Team Smackdown. Bryan said they’ll be involved in a Fatal Five-Way match and the winner gets to be Team Captain. They were all okay with that except a glaring Lana.

-Saxton excitedly hyped the premiere of Fashion Dogs up next. [c]

-They showed a clip of Angle’s milk trunk invasion of Raw in 2001. “Milk-a-Mania!” shouted Ross.

-Cole said that shows Angle “knows how to invade an arena.” He said security has been placed outside the arena and all over to thwart retaliation.

-Fashion Dogs: The Ascension, Fandango, and Tyler Breeze were shown walking together in a parking lot as credits rolled. Fandango and Breeze argued over who was Tickly Pink. It turns out they had James Ellsworth held captive. In walked Carmella who said he was supposed to be guarding her briefcase. Fandango opened it and pulled out gross dirty underwear. Breeze and Fandango said that’s another case closed. Ascension said that didn’t answer anything about who attacked them, who trashed their office, or what 2B stood for. When Ascension said it was the Bludgeon Brothers, Breeze thought there was no “B in brothers” but then “realized the B is silent.” Fandango, oddly, held onto the underwear and held it near his mouth as they contemplated matters. Then came a graphic for “Strangerer Things” coming next.

-Baron Corbin made his ring entrance. [c]

-They went to Bryan on his cell phone. Shane walked in. Bryan asked him why he didn’t tell him about Under Siege ahead of time. Shane said they were getting ready for Survivor Series to show them who’s boss. Bryan said he thought they were a team and he’s not sure he agrees with his decision. Shane said he respects him, but as commissioner sometimes he has to make decisions on his own. Bryan said he’s the boss, but he’s giving him his input because that’s part of his job description.

(Keller’s Analysis: I’m glad there’s one good person representing Smackdown, objecting to the non-instigated violence from the night before. For the sake of Bryan’s character, there’s no way he could stand by and not object. It was a soft objection, but at least it was something.)

Send your questions about tonight’s episode of Smackdown for the Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Podcast taping to:


They showed highlights from last week. Graves said Corbin may have underestimated Sin Cara and some are calling it a giant upset. Saxton said Sin Cara was the aggressor because he knew he had to be. Corbin attacked Sin Cara aggressively at the bell. Sin Cara made a comeback and dove through the ropes twice, knocking Corbin hard into the ringside barrier. Sin Cara threw him into the ring and climbed to the top rope and hit a missile dropkick. Corbin bailed out to regroup. He charged back in and drove Sin Cara hard into the corner and then pounded away at him. The ref warned him to break. When he didn’t, the ref DQ’d him. Corbin is now 0-2.

WINNER: Sin Cara by DQ in 3:00.

-Afterward, Corbin gave Sin Cara his End of Days at ringside. Two referees tried to calm him down. Some fans chanted “One more time!” Corbin grabbed his U.S. Title belt and yelled at Sin Cara that he’d never take it from him.

-They showed an exit sign backstage. Cole said despite security, there could be retaliation. [c]

-A video package aired on the #UnderSiege angle including clips of wrestlers doing selfie videos talking about their role in it including Lynch, Styles, Ziggler, Corbin, Zack Ryder, New Day, Mojo, and Carmella. And finally a picture of them all posing together with the caption: “Blue blue blue. You know it” on Ryder’s Twitter feed.


-The Singh Brothers stood on the stage and said they are the advocates for the reigning, undisputed WWE Champion “The Modern Day Maharaja” Jinder Mahal. Out walked Mahal. Graves said they were poking The Beast by mocking Paul Heyman like that. Saxton said Jinder might have been buoyed by all the confidence India showed in him when he did a promotional tour there last week. Cole said “as long as both of these men are still champs in four weeks in Houston,” Lesnar vs. Mahal will take place.

(Keller’s Analysis: It’s not often that the announcers make note of that, so I wonder if that’s worth reading into in any way. Not that I think Lesnar vs. Mahal won’t take place, but perhaps Mahal will have a defense on TV before that?)

Mahal said Heyman is a liar. They aired a clip of Heyman mocking and belittling him. Back live, fans chanted “Suplex City.” Jinder called Heyman a used call salesman. He said everything he has in WWE he has earned. He said he is now the most powerful man in WWE. He said he has dominated Orton and outwrestled Nakamura, yet the fans don’t give him the same level of respect he gets from the 1.3 billion of the great nation of India. A loud “USA!” chant rang out. Mahal said he is not Lesnar’s equal, contemporary, or counterpart, but rather Lesnar’s worst nightmare. He said at Survivor Series, he will prove to that human walrus exactly why the Maharaja Era has just begun. He said tonight, his loyal brother Samil Singh will face Styles. Styles’s music interrupted.

(3) A.J. STYLES vs. SAMIL SINGH (w/Samir Singh)

The referee tossed Mahal from ringside. Cole said it was a good call. Graves took exception to the decision. Styles countered an early attempt by Samir to interfere and then put Samil in his Calf Crusher for a quick victory.

WINNER: Styles via tapout in 1:00.

-They were showing Sami Zayn backstage listening to music on headphones. Owens walked in and then Sami took off his headphones. Owens said he talked to Bryan and next week he has a qualifying match for Team Smackdown. He said his opponent is Shinsuke Nakamura. Sami said that’s perfect if they both win their matches. He said Team Smackdown Live officially becomes Team Kevin & Sami. Owens said, “You mean Team Sami & Kevin.” Sami said, “Ahh, what a guy.”

-The announcers plugged the women’s five-way match. [c]

-Graves plugged Kalisto challenging Enzo for the Cruiserweight Title on 205 Live right after Smackdown.

-They showed Bryan texting someone. In walked Mahal in a rage, demanding to talk. Bryan said he assumes he wants to get revenge on Styles next week. Mahal said Samil couldn’t get the job done, so Samir will try next week. Samir said it’ll be phenomenal. Bryan said he made the same joke last week.

(4) BECKY LYNCH vs. TAMINA vs. CARMELLA (w/James Ellsworth) vs. NAOMI vs. CHARLOTTE – Fatal Five-way 

Charlotte came out to her music last. Natalya then showed up at ringside. She asked the ring announcer to accompany her into the ring. The ring announcer read a statement gushing about Natalya as the true queen of Smackdown Live. The other women rolled their eyes at her. Cole wondered what that was all about. Graves said it was just a reminder that whomever is the captain of the Smackdown women’s team is secondary to the champion. [c]

They stayed with the action on split screen. The women just took turns pairing off. Lana hit Charlotte from behind. Charlotte charged at her with a forearm to the chin. Tamina then surprised Charlotte with a kick to the face and then threw her over the ringside barrier “into the WWE Universe,” said Cole. Carmella then superkicked Lynch in the ring for a near fall a minute later. She scored two consecutive two counts and screamed is dismay. Becky ended up surprising Carmella with a Disarmer for a tapout win.

WINNER: Lynch via tapout to become captain.

-Graves hyped Orton vs. Sami later. [c]

-A vignette aired with the Bludgeon Brothers. (The B is silent.)

-As Renee Young was uncharacteristically commenting on the vignette with the Bludgeon Brothers, Ziggler walked in. He said she is great at what she does, but she’s going to ask him a rambling question and then he’s going to say a bunch of things that don’t matter until the catch phrase because that’s what makes a WWE Superstar. He mocked Rock’s “smell what you’re cooking” and then said he has some catch phrase: “Bobby Roode is nothing but a ring entrance… I told you so.” In walked Roode with a big smile. Ziggler asked what he’s smirking at. Ziggler said after they were part of the same group attacking Raw, he thinks they’re friends now. Ziggler said they’re not. He said he doesn’t even use that F-word. Roode said he’s right, they aren’t friends. Roode said he had the time of his life last night fighting. He said he’d like to fight him one-on-one to determine who the better man is since they each have a win. Ziggler said he beat him twice and he’ll beat him a third time. Roode cut him off and said it’s a great idea for them to have a two-out-of-three falls match. Ziggler said he’s in and he hopes his ego can take being completely embarrassed in one night. Ziggler left and Roode told Renee he has a feeling next week Smackdown will be glorious.

-Sami’s ring entrance took place followed by Orton’s. [c]


Sami was obnoxious after scoring any offensive moves. A few minutes into the match, Sami took it to Orton at ringside by moonsaulting him off of the ringside barrier. [c]

Orton made a comeback with some clotheslines and a snap powerslam. Then at ringside Orton dropped Sami on the announce table. He didn’t remove the monitors or anything! He scored a two count in the ring. Sami barely kicked out and put the ref in an awkward position of having to stop the third count before his shoulder actually was raised. That was weird. Cole noted Sami knocked out one of their monitors. Sami came back with a crossbody block off the top rope for a near fall. He countered a sudden Orton RKO attempt with a backslide. Orton kicked out and then met Sami on the top rope. He superplexed him off the top rope. Orton took it to Sami at ringside, but Sami shoved him into the ringpost. Sami set up his running dive through the ropes in the corner and then DDT’d Orton on the floor.

Back in the ring Sami charged at Orton with a Helluva Kick attempt, but Orton moved. Orton then gave Sami his DDT off the middle rope. He played to the crowd and got big cheers. He pounded the mat. Owens ran out and entered the ring. Orton kicked him and set up a DDT. Sami rolled up Orton from behind for a near fall. Orton complained to the ref on the ring apron. Sami then moved in for a move, but Orton gave him a low blow. Graves called it “poetic justice.” Orton then gave Sami an RKO for the win.

WINNER: Orton to earn a spot on the Survivor Series team.

-As Orton’s music played in the background, they went to Shane and Bryan talking about how Raw didn’t retaliate. Bryan said, “Not tonight, they didn’t. But they will. Eventually. And you better be prepared for all the consequences because that’s on your job description.”

NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S REPORT: KELLER’S WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 10/17: Ziggler vs. Roode, Jinder’s announcement, Sami Zayn heel turn follow-up, Daniel Bryan in Seattle


3 Comments on KELLER’S WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 10/24: Follow-up to Under Siege, more Survivor Series developments, Jinder responds to Heyman

  1. A very weak show tonight with not much follow up to last night. My interest in Smackdown was to see what Raw would do in response. Angle’s response was apparently nothing. I get that they want us to tune in next week or the upcoming weeks to see what happens, but I have pretty much lost interest.

  2. What a joke. Completely agree with your editorial Keller. WWE Creative are absolute amateurs when it comes to writing a cohesive story. No doubt they saw the ‘buzz’ from Monday night and thought ‘job done, now let’s fill the holes.’ Complete nonsense from a storytelling perspective. Worse thing is that this week, they could have easily just followed up on TLC on Raw and built up some characters on SD. Then begin the build to Survivor Series in earnest next week.

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