ROH HITS & MISSES 10/14: Kazarian, Daniels, Scorpio Sky, Kushida, Cody Signs His ROH Contract, Cheeseburger, The Kingdom

By Mike Mills, PWTorch Specialist

Bubba Ray Bully Ray Dudley (art credit Grant Gould (c) PWTorch)



Kazarian & Daniels: During the show opening Kazarian & Daniels are blocked from entering the building. As we have come to know, they have been disruptive as of late in ROH and this is a smart move by ROH and ROH security. As I like to say, this is a short and sweet segment and to the point right here.

Scorpio Sky vs. Kushida: Kushida may have lost the ROH TV title but he does hold the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight championship. As the match got started, Cabana gives us some insight into who Scorpio Sky is. I assume most ROH viewers know who he is since he has been around for a while but it’s still a plus when commentary can sell a relative TV unknown to the home viewer. For what this match was, I thought Sky put on a good showing in this short TV match. Sky got some good offense in before Daniels and Kazarian come in and ruin the match. Ian Riccaboni points out that Daniels and Kazarian are doing exactly what they said they would do and that’s create chaos. The match is thrown out due to interference from these two. Jay Lethal does come out and chases Daniels and Kazarian out of the ring. When we come back from commercial, Jay Lethal is on the microphone. Lethal states that he doesn’t know what Daniels and Kazarian’s problem is but apparently, they have a problem with ROH. Lethal states that since they have a problem with ROH, then they have a problem with him. Lethal then challenges Daniels and Kazarian to a match against he and Kushida. Riccaboni and Cabana then wrap up the segment and say that they have received word that the match will happen later in the episode although this is cleared up during the Cody vs. Cheeseburger match when Riccaboni says that the match will take place in two weeks. Good opening to the show and it leads me to believe there may be more between Lethal, Kazarian, and Daniels heading into the remainder of this year.

Recap of Kenny King Segment from Last Week: They show a quick recap of last week’s segment where Kenny King says he’ll give anyone a chance at his ROH TV title. Recall that Mark Briscoe, Punishment Martinez, Shane Taylor, and Chuckie T were out when he threw out the challenge last week. Riccaboni tells us then that next week Briscoe, Martinez, Taylor, and Chuckie T will have a four-way match for a shot at the ROH TV title.

Cody and the Bullet Club w/Shane Taylor: Shane Taylor is out with the Bullet Club and Cody. It appears that Taylor is a means of protection paid for by Cody. Based on what we can tell, Taylor is not a part of Bullet Club but he appears to be a hired gun as pointed out by Riccaboni on commentary. A few weeks back, I talked about the Cody “Kiss My Ring” segment and Cody’s literal “Ring of Honor.” I talked about how I didn’t like it. While I stand by those boring segments, this one felt different. I really liked this. Cody officially signs his ROH contract. This had the right mix of factual presentation followed by the Bullet Club and Cody’s arrogance.

Cody vs. Cheeseburger: After signing his ROH contract, Cody teases us as if we’re about to get him in a match vs. someone the caliber of say Dalton Castle. However, with Cody in his suit still, Cody brings out Cheeseburger for his first defense since signing his contract. During Cody’s contract signings, the Bullet Club does leave the ring at the conclusion of the signing but Shane Taylor does remain at ringside during this match. Ian Riccaboni and Colt Cabana do reference that Taylor is still there and given what we’ve seen from Kazarian and Daniels he’s probably watching Cody’s back. As far as the match, I thought Cody did a great job of retaining the title while at the same time making Cheeseburger look great in defeat. Cody locks in the American Death Lock and retains.

Coleman’s Pulpit: One word describes this week’s Coleman’s Pulpit, hilarious. Apparently, Rhett Titus and Will Ferrara are now known as “The Dawgs.” Additionally, I just came to realize that Will Ferrara has much more charisma than I could’ve imagined. I say this in the most complimentary way, this segment was so stupid that I thoroughly enjoyed it. And out of this segment we learned that next week we will get The Dawgs vs. The Tempura Boyz. Maybe sometimes I am easily amused but I watched this segment three times and enjoyed it over and over again.

The Kingdom vs. Search and Destroy: Prior to the match, The Kingdom cuts a short promo that is effective. They question why the 6-man titles weren’t just given back to them once TK O’Ryan’s injury was healed. I thought that was a great question as a heel team. During the match, I thought there was good teamwork throughout by both teams. In the end, The Kingdom did what they do best and that was cheat to win when TK O’Ryan distracts referee Todd Sinclair while Matt Taven hits Sabin across the back with his Kingdom Staff that he comes to the ring with. The Kingdom wins which to me positions them to eventually win back the ROH 6-man tag titles. Very solid match and good ending to this week’s episode.


Briscoe/Bully Ray Recap and Bully Ray Speaks: I hope I am wrong when this feud or storyline is over (if it is a feud or storyline). As for right now, I am not invested in it. I respect Bull Ray’s contributions to this great business but I’m not sold on Bully’s injury nor am I sold on a potential match with Jay Briscoe simply because I think Bully Ray at this point in his career is not a challenge at all to Jay Briscoe. After Bully Ray cuts his promo about how he is not sure where his career will go from here given his concussion diagnosis and that this appears to possibly be the end for him, Mark Briscoe comes out and tells Bully Ray that the issue is between Bully Ray and Jay Briscoe and not Mark. Mark lets Bully Ray know that he loves him and he has Bully Ray’s back. The execution of this was fine. I’m just not sold on it if it is indeed a storyline going forward. If this is truly Bully Ray leaving ROH, then I’m good with this. Time will tell.

Final Thoughts

Solid hour of ROH week this week. I really enjoyed Coleman’s Pulpit with Will Ferrara and Rhett Titus. I’m not saying Ferrara has never shown charisma it’s just that I’ve never seen that side of him that I can recall in ROH. The absurdity of Coleman’s Pulpit was great. Cody’s match and signing of his ROH contract was also good and the main event with The Kingdom vs. Search and Destroy was a good main event to close out the episode.

Mike Mills is the ROH TV Hits and Misses Specialist, providing his point of view on ROH TV weekly. You can follow Mike at @BTT_Podcast and @Mike504Saints on Twitter.

NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S COLUMN: ROH HITS & MISSES 10/7: Silas Young, Beer City Bruiser, Suzuki, Young Bucks, Adam Page, Kenny King, ROH TV Title, Dreamer


1 Comment on ROH HITS & MISSES 10/14: Kazarian, Daniels, Scorpio Sky, Kushida, Cody Signs His ROH Contract, Cheeseburger, The Kingdom

  1. Great article. Excellent points. I agree with you about Bully Ray, I have never really been a great fan of his character, but I do respect that he was a good in ring worker, but a feud with him as a face vs Briscoe as a heel, nah, doesn’t work for me either. I am not sure it would work with Bully as the heel either, it just isn’t something that I think the fans will get hyped up about at this point. If this is indeed Bully’s last match in ROH, I would have rather have seen them take the route that Kevin Steen/Owens did and having Bully pick Briscoe as his last opponent. They could then have a respectful match, shake hands and Bully could ride off into the sunset without having to turn/tease Jay going heel and then figuring out a way to turn him back.

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