OCTOBER 9, 2017
Announcers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Booker T
-A video package aired on last week’s Miz vs. Roman Reigns match for the IC Title ending with Cesaro and Sheamus attacking him and then doing the Shield fist bump mid-ring with Miz.
-Miz stood center ring as his music played. Curtis Axel was with him, but not Bo Dallas. Miz welcomed fans to the Mizie Awards, part two. They showed “Applause” flashing on the big screen to “show Miz was trying to get the crowd to react how he wants.” That had the (desired) opposite effect. He said last week’s Raw shook the very foundation of WWE because it’s when he went from The A-Lister to The Guy. He said the Miztourage is real family to him, and when you attack one of them, you attack all of them, so the first Mizie of the night goes to Curtis Axel. He acted surprised and honored. The crowd chanted “You deserve it.” He dedicated the Mizie to Bo Dallas. He said the second Mizie for Best Supporting Actors are Cesaro and Sheamus. Cesaro and Sheamus came out. Graves said they earned these Mizie’s “for playing a major role in a major event like the destruction of Roman Reigns.”
They briefly went to the announcers. (Yes, Cole managed to keep his job despite taking a week off, something pretty much unheard of in WWE. Now everyone’s going to want one week of vacation per year! Look what Cole has started.)
Sheamus thanked Reigns first. He said watching him lying in the ring, gasping for air, struggling to get up made him want to beat him down even more. “Yo Roman, we did it!” he shouted. Cesaro, with a mouthguard in, said at this point he’d like to thank Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose, too. He said they gave them a reason to prove they don’t set the bar, but they are The Bar. He said sometimes hard work pays off and sometimes the good guys do win. He said they have done something that Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, and John Cena could never do. “We put an end to Roman Reigns!” he declared.
He said the final Mizie goes to the man who led the charge not once, but twice – who has proven to be the Big Dog of WWE, not Reigns – “his name is The Miz!” He then awarded himself the final Mizie. Graves said, “We like him. We really like him.” Booker T said, “Big surprise.” (So Booker is back to being a babyface this week?) Miz dedicated the Mizie to his unborn child and all unborn children who need a new role model. He was interrupted by Reigns’s music.
Reigns walked out. “Rumors of his demise have been greatly exaggerated,” said Cole, excitedly and emphatically. “There is The Big Dog, The Guy, Roman Reigns!” Miz said Reigns is standing all the way up there with his tail between his legs. Roman: “See Miz, this is where you shut up now.” Cheers. He said he’s not there to play any games. He gave them one chance to get out of his ring. Miz said he thought the whole mantra of Reigns was talk is cheap and he’s all about action. He said Reigns won’t do anything because it’s four of them and one of him. “Shield” chants. Miz said, “When my hand goes up, your mouth goes shut.” He told Reigns to go get Dean and Seth “because the rumors of the Shield reuniting are exactly what you are, nothing but hype.” Reigns said, “Rumors? Who said anything about rumors.” He took a deep breath and then out walked Dean to his music. Miz got wide-eyed and gulped. Dean stood next to Reigns. Then Seth’s music played and he walked out and stood on the other side of Reigns. Graves said, “This can’t be happening!” They stood and accepted cheers as Cole yelled, “It is rocking in Indy!” Graves said the entire arena was on its feet.
The Shield surrounded the ring. A fan sign said: “Roman watches Chrisley Knows Best.” A brawl broke out with everyone. Well, Miz bailed out and let the other three fight The Shield as he watched at ringside. Miz then got cornered and Dean gave him Dirty Deeds. “What a moment!” said Cole. Then came the Shield powerbomb. “That’s what it’s all about!” exclaimed Cole. Reigns’s music played. They touched fists to make it official.
(Keller’s Analysis: How much bigger would the pop have been tonight if Reigns had his own music after The Shield breakup, and this was the first time the Shield music had played since they disbanded? )
-Cole commented on a graphic on the screen “Is Sister Abigail alive?” as Bray Wyatt’s music played.
-They went back to The Shield. Cole asked if they thought they’d ever see this moment. Graves said, “Not in a million years.”
(Keller’s Analysis: Cole’s announcing, while a valiant effort to elevate this to a huge moment in WWE history, ended up coming across as heavy-handed. Graves, too, came across as just a propaganda mouthpiece to try to elevate the moment instead of letting it speak a little more for itself. They have a challenge ahead of themselves now to make Miz & Cesaro & Sheamus seem like worthy foes. I suppose that’s where Miz recruiting Braun Strowman comes in, because the way Miz is being treated, he doesn’t seem like he’s in their league as a threat.)
-A Smackdown commercial hyped Baron Corbin defending his newly won U.S. Title against A.J. Styles tomorrow night on Smackdown. [c]
-WWE touted “Unleash Your Warrior: Be Strong. Act Bold. Always Believe.”
(Keller’s Analysis: When WWE tries to tie Ultimate Warrior to such inspirational messages, be sure to remember he said this about Bobby Heenan after he was diagnosed with cancer: “As for you, Bobby Heenan, it’s just too difficult to keep a straight face talking about the pure two-faced bag of sh– you are (and have always been), what, with you also actually wearing one as a piece of body jewelry. You are dying, dis-eased on the inside, and no more time is left to get back any of the integrity that matters the most on death’s bed. Imagine what it will be like, lying there taking in your last breaths, knowing you whored yourself out your whole life, and had to, in your final years, be faced with emptying your own personal sh–– bag affirming to you the true value of what you achieved in your life. Not even Vince could come up with a better finish than this [dying of cancer]. Karma is just a beautiful thing to behold.” You can read the “strong, bold” comments Warrior had about Katrina victims (“unorganized, unclean, and dysfunctional”), Martin Luther King (“Martin marched a few times from Selma, Ala. to Montgomery, Ala. It’s only about 40 miles and he walked along paved roads with security escorts and modern comforts and conveniences. He wrote a few jailhouse letters, plagiarized a great many speeches, and played up his last name ‘King’ as if he was ONE.”) and Heath Ledger after he died (“His kid is without a father, yes, but the negative influence is now removed and his own child has the chance for a full recovery.” I will never understand why WWE has chosen, of all former main event babyface stars, Warrior to champion and celebrate as they do, but tying him to inspirational anti-cancer messages just weeks after Heenan’s death is as bad as it’s gotten yet. You can read even more of his abhorrent comments that he never retracted or apologized for HERE.)
-Jason Jordan made his ring entrance. They showed the confrontation backstage of Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows calling Jason Jordan a nerd. Then they showed Gallows & Anderson defeating Matt Hardy & Jason Jordan last week.
(1) JASON JORDAN vs. KARL ANDERSON (w/Luke Gallows)
Jordan received a “Hoo Hoo Hoosiers” chant from the Indianapolis crowd early. Booker said he hopes Jordan does well and has no problem with him. Cole laughed and said Booker has been complaining for weeks that Jordan was given an unfair advantage. Booker said he has received opportunities others in the locker room deserved, but it’s not a knock on Jordan. Jordan fell prey to a distraction at ringside by Gallows, giving Anderson an opening to take control. [c]
(Keller’s Analysis: WWE constantly books babyface to look like they have the self-discipline of a cat being distracted by a butterfly. I quote successful Mid-South Wrestling promoter Bill Watts, from Jim Ross’s new autobiography “Slobberknocker”: “Babyfaces are not stupid.”)
Back live, Cole said, “We are back live on Monday Night Raw. Karl Anderson is control of a new top favorite in the ‘Fave Five’ of Booker T, Jason Jordan.” Booker said, “I do like Karl Anderson.” Booker thought Cole was saying Karl is in his “Fave Five.” Sigh. Cole said “all joking aside” because “we kid you, Booker, about the Jason Jordan situation,” he asked what he thought of his progress since coming to Raw. Booker said Jordan’s experience against Cena and Reigns will do him a lot of good. Booker said he wants to see Jordan prove himself on his own “with no handouts.” Graves asked what he was handed. Booker said he is referencing Cena and Reigns. When Cole said Booker “flip-flopped again,” Booker said they wouldn’t understand because they’ve “never been in the ring before.” As Graves laughed, Cole pointed out that Graves did. Cole said even has been in the ring, but his record isn’t good. Does Booker not actually know that Graves wrestled in NXT for years? Where does he think Graves came from?
Gallows got on the ring apron again, but this time Jordan side-stepped Anderson trying to jump him from behind and then gave him a flying neckbreaker for the win. Booker said, “I like this kid.” Cole said, “No handouts there.” Graves said Jordan has a bright future and the sky is the limit. Booker said Jordan reminds him of his dad, Kurt Angle.
WINNER: Jordan at 9:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: Cole and Graves giving Booker a hard time is a blast to listen to, but I’m not sure it’s ultimately good for the product to have something as incoherent as Booker trying to enhance the storylines. As Watts is quoted as saying in Jim Ross’s book: “There are no redeeming social qualities in a heel. I don’t want to hear that the heel is a family man. I don’t want people to like the son of a bitch in any shape or fashion.” Watts also said: “Our interest lies in the fans hating our bad guys, so they finally pay to see our heroes beat them.” Booker’s commentary indiscriminately undercuts that timeless core basis of what makes pro wrestling work week after week, month after month, and turning that into some sort of joke at his expense for Vince McMahon’s jollies is not serving stockholders.) [c]
-Backstage Axel was icing Miz’s back. Kurt Angle walked up and asked if he has any broken bones or torn ligaments. Miz said he doesn’t, but the Shield will when he gets his hands on them. Angle said he will have that chance at TLC when Miz & Cesaro & Sheamus vs. The Shield in a TLC match. Cheers from the crowd. Miz went bug-eyed and called Angle “crazy.” He said he is rewarding his behavior with a TLC match. Angle said, “It’s true, it’s damn true.”
-Elias sat mid-ring and strummed his guitar. He said he is in an Indiana town on an Indiana night, and he has one question for them: “Who wants to walk with Elias?” He said Apollo Crews doesn’t, and it’s getting embarrassing. He said it’s like he’s driving the Titus Worldwide car in the Indy 500 and he’s driving it around and around the track and nobody cares. He asked everyone to turn off their phones and shut their mouths because he has a song to sing. When the crowd booed, he threatened not to do a song. “Just kidding,” he said. “I like the sound of my voice too much.” He then began to play, but a banjo sound came over the sound system. Elias was thrown off. Titus walked out onto the stage strumming the guitar. He asked the fans who wants to walk with Titus Worldwide. Cheers. He asked the fans to take out their cell phones, get out of their seats, and “get ready to follow Apollo.” He said he drummed up a little song for Elias. He said this is his first time playing a banjo on live TV. He sang badly and played badly leading into Crews’s music playing. Graves said Titus’s music skills might be abstract. [c]
(2) APOLLO CREWS (w/Titus O’Neal) vs. ELIAS
Elias was in control of a match in progress after the break. Crews made a comeback and scored a two count after a standing moonsault mid-ring. Crews went after Elias at ringside, including a backflip off the ring apron onto Elias. He high-fived Titus and threw Elias back into the ring. Elias made a comeback with a Drift Away out of nowhere. Booker said Crews needs better guidance than Titus. “He needs expert tutelage, and Titus is not it,” he said.
WINNER: Elias in about 3:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: Booker has a point that Titus isn’t exactly who you’d pick to guide a career that’s off-track and help someone reach their potential. Elias getting a clean win here shows he’s on the way up the depth chart, and Crews remains a lower-mid-carder just there to put others over.)
-They showed Enzo Amore backstage. Graves said the Cruiserweight Division feels about Enzo the way Indiana Pacers fans feel about John Starks.
(Keller’s Analysis: Unless something happened recently, Starks hasn’t played for the Knicks since Bill Clinton was President of the United States. That really seems like a “reach” for an analogy. I know they’re in Indiana, but there’s got to something a little more contemporary to reference.) [c]
-Enzo made his ring entrance. He danced onto the stage. Cole said, “He’s in love with himself; there’s no doubt about that.” He added that he’s proud to be champion. Enzo did his mic work and the crowd did it along with him. The director cut to kids smiling and reciting his lines with him. A “How you doin’!” chant broke out. He said he is feeling pretty good, and thanks for asking. “But enough about me,” he said. “That’s a lie. Never enough about me.” He complained about Angle. He said they were doing great business a couple weeks back when he came up with the no-touch clause. He called himself Sugar Ray Amore. He took exception to Kalisto assaulting him last week. He said he is the realest guy in the room and Kalisto “is nothing but a Tostitos, so he should have dipped.” He called him to the ring.
Out came Angle to his music to a nice pop and then the “You suck!” sing-along. Enzo said Angle has been sucking on the udders of a cash cow, then pointed at himself. Enzo took out a wrinkled up sheet of paper with a WWE logo at the top. Enzo asked if that was his signature. Angle said it was. Enzo asked if the paper says if anyone in the Cruiserweight Division touches him, they are fired, so how does Enzo get a title shot at TLC. Angle said it only pertained to a Cruiserweight wrestler who was on the Cruiserweight roster at the moment the contract was signed, and Kalisto became a Cruiserweight roster member after. Enzo said the impossible has happened and he has been bamboozled. Enzo said he is Angle’s realest champ in the room and he has put the Cruiserweight Division on the map. He told Angle to stop hustling him and start making him happy. Boos. Angle said he wants to make him happy, so forget about the match against Kalisto at TLC. Enzo was happy. Angle said he’d put the title on the line against Kalisto, instead, tonight. Enzo got bug-eyed, then started to take deep breaths to fend off crying. He told Angle he is the realist champ in the room, and he’ll defend the title but only if it’s in the main event. Angle agreed.
Angle began to leave, but then said his match with Kalisto will be a lumberjack match and he’s putting the “no contact clause” on hold for tonight to prevent him from getting counted out on purpose to save his title. Graves said bravo to Angle and said it’s a great decision.
(Keller’s Analysis: Wow, another week with Raw ending with Enzo. Who saw this coming? Good segment and good setup for the main event.)
-They went to the announcers on camera who threw to a clip of The Shield reuniting and taking out Miz & Co. “Believe that!” said Cole. He said they’d be in action in two weeks at TLC.
-They showed Braun Strowman marching backstage. Graves said he was in action next. [c]
Cole noted that Strowman had decimated Dean and Seth in recent weeks. Matt’s music then played. Strowman shoved Matt down hard at the start. Booker said the last thing Matt should be doing is a lock-up to start the match. Great point. Cole asked what Graves would do if he was informed he was matched against Strowman. “Probably go back to college,” Graves replied. Strowman collided with Hardy and knocked him to the floor. They cut to a break. [c]
(Keller’s Analysis: This was a perfect opportunity to finally have a match end during the commercial for once.)
Back from the break, Strowman had Matt in the required post-commercial chinlock. Matt dropped down and caught Braun’s jaw on his head. He avoided a Braun charge, and Braun went shoulder-first into the post and fell to ringside. Back in the ring Hardy leaped at Strowman off the second rope and hit a tornado DDT. He signaled for a Twist of Fate. Cole said this would be a monumental upset. He landed it, but Strowman kicked out at one. He went for another, but Strowman blocked and chokeslammed Hardy hard. Graves wondered how that would affect you if Strowman kicks out at after one after giving him your best shot. Strowman landed the running powerslam for the three count.
WINNER: Strowman in 7:00.
-Strowman carried a KO’d Matt toward the back. The Shield walked out to stop him, wearing the new Shield t-shirts. He went after Reigns. Seth and Dean attacked him “like a pack of wolves,” said Cole. Reigns then speared Strowman hard onto the stage. They all swarmed Braun with a beatdown. Then they gave him a powerbomb through the announce desk. “The hounds of justice have mauled the Monster!” exclaimed Cole. [c]
-Cole was still “so excited,” using his words, about what happened with The Shield before the break. They replayed it.
-Backstage The Shield were shown celebrating what they did. Seth said it felt really good. “The bigger they are, the harder they fall,” he said. Charlie Caruso approached them. Seth said they are back and stronger than ever. Dean said they’re going to do what they do best and destroy everyone in their paths, whether it’s four or five or six guys. Reigns said they’ll take on the whole world if they have to. He said they are “the three workhorses that run this business now.” Seth said, “And you can believe that.”
-Cole told everyone to “pump the brakes” for a second and plugged that The Shield battle Miz & Sheamus & Cesaro at TLC in two weeks in a TLC match.
-Mickie James came out to her entrance music as the announcers hyped her title shot against Alexa Bliss at TLC. Mickie said when she returned to Raw, she felt she wasn’t fitting in and that people didn’t understand her. She wondered if it was her Southern accent or that she sings country music or maybe her age. She then realized she has one person to thank for feeling this way – Alexa Bliss. She said since Alexa realized she can’t manipulate someone like her, she’s been running around pulling pranks and making jokes, taking endless cheap shots at her. She said she did it all behind her back, though. There was one guy who loved Mickie James a lot (and he sounded like Timberwolves head coach Tom Thibodeau. Just saying’. Not trying to start rumors or any rumors.) She said when she had a chance to face her, she ran and hid behind her body guard. She said it’s time for Bliss to jump out of her booster seat and put on her big girl pants because she doesn’t play games, she is all woman. “I have more energy in me than you have hair extensions and cheap hair dye.” She said if she wants to call her old, she doesn’t care, because age is only a number and the only number that matters to her is “number 7” because she will make history when she defeats her and becomes a seven-time WWE Women’s Champion. She was interrupted by Bliss’s music.
Bliss walked out and said Mickie has been treated so unfairly for so long, and to show how sorry she is, she spent all week putting together a Mickie James career retrospective. She said the fans might not know how much she has accomplished, so she presents to the WWE Universe a Tribute to Mickie James. Of course, it started with a black and white video with scratched film effects of Mickie’s first stint with WWE with an old school narrator talking about her career a long, long time ago.
Bliss said, “Isn’t it past your bedtime, grandma?” She said at TLC she’ll run circles around here. She told her to get ready for the match doing shuffle board or whatever it is old people do. She said she’ll send Mickie a link to the video of her win, but then said she’ll send her a VHS tape. Mickie said age is catching up with her because she can’t quite hear her, “so why don’t you bring that little biscuit butt down this ramp and into this ring so I can hear exactly what you have to say.” Bliss began to walk down the ramp, but she asked the audience if anyone had hearing aid batteries for Mickie. A “Biscuit Butt!” chant broke out. Bliss teased entering the ring, but then backed away. Mickie chased her down and yanked her hair and threw her into the ring. Mickie tackled her and punched away at her. Bliss avoided a kick and retreated. [c]
-A video aired hyping the premiere of Asuka on the Raw brand at TLC in two weeks.
-Backstage Angle stood with Bayley and Sasha Banks. Bayley said she’d like to welcome Asuka to Raw with a hug and then a belly-to-Bayley. Banks said Asuka vs. her would be legit. In walked Alicia Fox who then threw a tantrum about how they get all the opportunities. She said she’s been around nearly a decade and she doesn’t have even one t-shirt. She said she deserves the opportunity against Asuka. Dana Brooke walked in and said sometimes she feels she doesn’t exist. Emma walked in and said she started the Women’s Revolution and she deserves the first match. Angle told them to all quiet down. He said they settle things in the ring. He said they’ll wrestle later in a Fatal Five-way and the winner will face Asuka at TLC.
Booker said a mean streak coming out of Cedric might be what he needs. Graves agreed that he has lacked that killer instinct. Gallagher wrestled in his street clothes. Booker said Kendrick is the dirtiest player in the Cruiserweight Division. Ali got a hot tag a couple minutes in. He went to work Gallagher, and then Kendrick. Booker said Ali is so smooth. Graves said it’s almost like watching a video game. Kendrick finished Ali with Sliced Bread #2.
WINNERS: Kendrick & Gallagher in 3:30. [c]
-They replayed extended highlights of The Shield powerbombing Braun through the announce desk earlier.
-Angle was on this cell phone telling someone that TLC is looking to be an incredible event. Miz walked up to him. Angle said he won’t cancel the match at TLC. Miz said they’re happy to keep the match as long as Angle holds The Shield to their word when they said they’ll take on any three or four or five men. Miz said Angle stands for integrity, so he should hold Ambrose to his word. Angle agreed and asked who his partner is. In walked Braun. Angle looked shocked.
-They went to the announcers sitting in front of the broken announce desk. Graves said this might not end well for The Shield because Strowman showed what he could do one-on-one and now he has a team. Booker said Strowman is the X-factor and he’s loving it.
-Finn Balor walked out to apparently receive a message from Bray Wyatt about Sister Abigail. Balor did his full ring entrance and got the crowd to extend their arms as he did to the beat of his music. He said last week Bray introduced the world to Sister Abigail. He said he didn’t even know what to say about it. He said Bray is like a poison, “a virus that keeps mutating with more lies and more mind games, and to be honest, I don’t believe it.” He said he is desperate for attention and to instill fear and have the WWE Universe listen to his garbage. He said The Demon is not afraid of him, and if that was Sister Abigail, bring her on because he’s not scared. “Bring on the whole family for all I care,” he said. Bray interrupted.
The big screen showed an empty rocking chair rocking. Bray sat in it. He said Finn may not be afraid of him, but he will be afraid of “her.” He said she knew the truth, so they feared her. “They turned her into a monster,” he said. “And I was there when she took her final breath. She chose me and together we promised that we were going to make them all burn.” He said the season of the witch is upon him. “She’s here!” he said. Then his face morphed into something else and his voice changed. He spoke in the voice of Sister Abigail, who said Bray is different and special. He said from a young age, she taught Bray that the world is a dangerous place and darkness is stronger than light and promised him she’d always be his side. “So here I am,” she said. “Scorned, scarred, and burned to a crisp, rising from the ashes to fulfill my promise to my little prince. My sweet, innocent Bray. He wouldn’t even harm a fly, but look what you did to him. You hurt him. You lied to him. So I must punish you. And your Demon. I know all about demons. Call it my speciality if you will. I can turn a demon into a pretty little dandelion.” She said her touch could have saved him and her kiss could burn him to the ground. Then maniacal laughter. Bray returned and the laughter returned to his voice. The lights went out. Graves said, “I don’t know whether to shower or go to church.”
-The announcers hyped Enzo vs. Kalisto. [c]
Booker said Buster Douglas scored an upset over Mike Tyson in Japan, so maybe one of these women can upset Asuka at TLC. He stumbled over it, getting wrong who was the underdog at first, then corrected himself. Cole laughed and wondered what that had to do with Japan since TLC is in Minneapolis. Booker couldn’t really explain himself. Graves said he’s still shaken up by Bray and Sister Abigail. Bayley eliminated Brooke first. Cole explained it was an elimination match, not a Fatal Five-way, as he originally framed it. Fox gave Bayley an axe kick to eliminate her. They cut to a break. [c]
Emma tried to get Fox to work with her. Cole said he wants to see Sasha vs. Asuka. Booker agreed. Graves said Sasha is hungry for the opportunity. Sasha rallied against Fox and strutted around the ring. Then she kicked Emma. Fox rolled up Sasha, but Sasha kicked out and shoved Fox into Emma. Sasha then gave Fox a Back Stabber and applied the Bank Statement. Fox tapped out. Emma then rolled up Sasha to win.
WINNER: Emma in 10:00.
-Graves plugged the Cruiserweight Title main event. [c]
-Renee Young interviewed Finn backstage to get his reaction to Sister Abigail. He said last week he felt Bray had lost his mind, but tonight after hearing her words and seeing her, he fears Bray may have unleashed something awful. “When she spoke, I heard her words echo through my head,” he said. “I felt my shiver up and down my spine. I felt true evil. But I also felt now I know what I have to do.”
(Keller’s Analysis: I really wish Balor didn’t act like he bough into the special effects as reality. I’d rather he would have said that he assumes that was just more hocus pocus special effects by Bray, but if Bray believes she’s real, he’s dangerous, and therefore he knows what he has to do.)
-Graves announced Braun vs. Reigns in a steel cage match next week on Raw.
-Caruso interviewed Kalisto backstage. He talked about Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero inspiring him to work hard and travel the world and make his dreams a reality in WWE. He said then he saw Enzo become Cruiserweight Champion. He said that was a slap in the face to all cruiserweights and he wants to make Rey and Eddie and the WWE Universe proud when he becomes champion.
(Keller’s Analysis: His syntax wasn’t great, but he seemed likable and inspired.)
-The lumberjacks began to come out for the main event. [c]
-Graves announced Swann vs. TJP tomorrow night on 205 Live.
(6) ENZO AMORE vs. KALISO – Lumberjack match for the Cruiserweight Title
Enzo’s ring entrance aired after the break. Graves complained that they already heard all of what Enzo is saying. Cole told Graves to relax. Booker said it’s big that Enzo has brought the Cruiserweight Title to the main event of Raw and that’s big. Enzo bragged about being money. He said Kalisto is like a house plant made of plastic, whereas he is the realist champ in the room. Graves mocked Enzo: “That was really good, Enzo.” When Enzo spelled S-A-W-F-T, Graves said, “I was thinking more like B-O-R-E-D.” Kalisto came out to his music. Cole plugged Raw in Portland, Ore. next week.
Enzo opened with a side headlock on Kalisto. Cole noted that both of them have been competing at the heavyweight level until entering the Cruiserweight Division recently. Enzo bailed out of the ring after an early flurry by Kalisto. He looked around at lumberjacks and returned to the ring. Kalisto dropkicked him to the floor. He scurried back into the ring, but then talked down at them. Kalisto rolled him up from behind and kicked him. They cut to a break. [c]
Enzo was in control after the break. Kalisto made a comeback and sent Enzo over the top rope to ringside. Enzo returned to the ring quickly. Booker said the lumberjacks want Kalisto to win because then they’re back in the mix for a title shot. When Enzo threw Kalisto to the floor, the heels who stood back when Enzo was thrown to ringside began stomping on him. Cedric ran in and scolded them. Enzo went after Kalisto aggressively in the ring and scored a two count.
As the lumberjacks broke into a brawl at ringside, Kalisto suplexed Enzo off the top rope onto the crowd of lumberjacks. The crowd popped and chanted “holy sh–!” Enzo made it back into the ring first. Graves said Kalisto might have gotten the worse of the impact. Enzo surprised Kalisto with a counter to his finisher and scored a near fall. Mustafa Ali yanked Enzo out of the ring to break up the count. Graves said Enzo took a cheap shot at Ali earlier, and Ali didn’t forget. Ali yelled at Enzo and said he doesn’t represent them. Enzo yelled back and then clotheslined Ali. Enzo knocked Kalisto off the top rope, crotching him. Kalisto gave Enzo a Salina del Sol off the top rope to win the Cruiserweight Title. Cole exclaimed, “The Era of Enzo is over!” He plugged 205 Live. Graves said he’s not waiting until tomorrow to celebrate, he’s partying tonight.
WINNER: Kalisto in 14:00.
I feel your comments and such about Warrior and his past comments would have been better served as a separate article, it may have the ability to carry more weight that a paragraph buried in the middle of a Raw report.
Glad to see Emma get the win but holy gamole…. A woman’s singles match AND a woman’s tag match would get us two women’s matches and do without the Fourway, Fiveway, 19way crap. I’m still annoyed that they seem to be preparing to bury the entire Raw women’s division for Asuka. Risky business, not all NXT call-ups do well and look at the disaster than is Shinske’s career on Smackdown.
Disparaging the Ultimate Warrior seems like a very personal thing for this website. I was not a huge fan of his, but what you just did, is no different than what you claim he did. The man is gone, let him rest in piece. If you really feel that way about him, not only did you stoop to that level, you may have limbo’d under it. Shameful and disgusting.
The Bray Wyatt stuff was a let down and stupid.