10/4 NXT TV REPORT: Drew McIntyre vs. Roderick Strong for NXT Title, Kairi Sane vs. Aliyah, Dream-Black angle

By Justin James, PWTorch contributor


OCTOBER 4,  2017

[Q1] Pre-credits video hype Roderick Strong challenging Drew McIntyre for the NXT Championship.

Aleister Black is in action tonight. He is a big draw, that should have been announced last week.

Ruby Riot comes out for her match against Billie Kay and Peyton Royce. Royce and Kay come out. This is billed as a tag team match, but Riot has no partner.


Fireman’s carry into an armbar from Kay to control Riot. A kick sends Kay into the corner for a tag. Quick schoolgirl gets Riot one, then an arm drag and a body slam. Riot clears Kay off the apron and hits a springboard reverse senton for two. Kay tags in, Riot with a sudden cover for two. Kay slams Riot into the corner to reverse things. Riot takes extended offense in the corner. Double front suplex for two. Nikki Cross shows up coming through the crowd and royce decides to step up the pace before Cross can come into play. Cross finally stands on the corner and reaches out for a tag, and Riot begrudgingly gives it to her. Cross goes nuts on Kay in the ring then Royce ont he apron.Reverse DDT but Royce breaks up the corner, then dumps Riot from intervening. Royce bulldogs Cross’s face into Kay’s knee for a nearfall, then tags in Kay. Kay wants a Styles Clash, Cross slips out as Royce gets tied up with Riot. Cross locks on a sleeper, Riot blind tags as Kay backs to the corner. Missle dropkick hits Kay and Royce, then a Pele Kick knocks Kay out for three.

WINNERS: Ruby Riot and Nikki Cross in 6:51. Cross looked so much stronger than Riot, with Royce and Kay being afraid of Cross but not Riot.

Recap of Lars Sullivan wrecking Oney Lorcan, then Danny Burch saving Lorcan from a post-match beating. The story here is that Burch and Lorcan “beat respect into each other”.

“Earlier today” with Lars Sullivan. Sullivan says that he is always in control of himself. People are afraid of his “uncontrollable rage” and they should be. He tells Burch to be in control of his fear next week.

[ J.J.’s Reax: Not the greatest promo. I feel like Aleister Black, “less is more” with Sullivan to keep an aura of danger. ]

Roderick Strong is shown warming up for his match.

[Q2] “Earlier today” Zelina Vegas is shown coming into the Performance Center. She says that Gargano is still mad over his split with Ciampa. She reminds us that she didn’t touch Gargano and Andrade Almas is happy to face Gargano and beat NXT’s “Golden Boy” over and over and over again. She says that “we” will beat Gargano and they gave him relevance.

Sanity is advertised to face “Undisputed Era” next week. They finally made the name official.

Lio Rush is making his NXT debut. He’s getting fed to Aleister Black. As Black makes his entrance, Velveteen Dream jumps Rush and takes him apart in the ring. Dream shakes his hips on the turnbuckle before hitting the “Purple Rainmaker” elbow drop. Dream poses in the ring daring Black to enter. Black is totally unfazed, and completes his entrance without paying Dream any mind. Dream pounds on the mat from the outside and demands to be acknowledged, but Black just stares at the hard camera in his cross legged pose. Dream vows to make Black say his name.

[ J.J.’s Reax: I’ll say this: I wasn’t sold on the idea of a Black vs. Dream feud, but now I am. I felt like such an odd pairing. But Black’s work in making this encounter so incredibly unique, and Dream’s anger and frustration at not being recognized has me totally buying in. They can slow burn this until Takeover and it will be perfect. ]

Kari Sane is out next. She is getting a monster reaction in FSU. She is facing Aliyah.


Aliyah quickly pursues Sane. She wants a waistlock but Sane slips out. Running forearm takes Aliyah off her feet, cover for one. Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker earns Aliyah one. Blockbuster gets Aliyah a two count. Another backbreaker into a bow and arrow hold, but Sane knees her way out. Sane posts herself, and Aliyah lands a hip, then rapid punches. Stout uppercut, but Sane hits a spear for two. Chops drive Aliyah into the corner. Spear in the corner, then a sliding forearm to Aliyah. Sane calls for the Insane elbow, hits it for the win.

Winner: Kairi Sane in 3:09. fun match and a nice introduction of Sane to the NXT show to prepare for her upcoming match for the NXT Women’s Championship. The only shine off the apple, and this is no one’s fault, is seeing two huge top role elbow drops in a row (from Sane and Dream) in the same segment takes a bit of the impact off that move.

[Q3] Drew McIntyre is show in the hallway getting ready for his match against Strong.

Royce, Cross, and Liv Morgan will have a qualifying match next week for the NXT Women’s Championship. Also next week is Gargano – Almas.

Strong gets a good, but not great pop on his way out. McIntyre kneels on one knee during Strong’s introduction. Then stands up in Strong’s face and the height difference is just stunning. It’s like Shawn Michael vs. Diesel. Apaprently the average NXT Championship reign is 145 days. That’s dragged down by the short Samoa Joe reign, and Sami Zayn’s short title run.

3. NXT Champion DREW MCINTYRE vs. RODERICK STRONG – NXT Championship Match

McIntyre forces Strong intot he corner, then throws him into the corner. Strong with a headlock to slow McIntyre down, McIntyre shoves out and a shoulder block sends Strong down. Strong looks rattled. [c]

McIntyre is able to fend off Strong’s offense out of the break. Huge overhead throw sends Strong across the apron then under the ropes and halfway up the ramp. Talk about selling a move! McIntyre goes outside, chops, then a press slam into the barricade. You feel like Strong will be lucky to not end up in a hospital after this match. Kick from the apron to McIntyre, then a leaping knee and McIntyre hits the barricade. McIntyre shoves Strong hard into the apron. Strong hits a backbreaker to drop McIntyre onto the steps. “Holy s—” from the crowd, and now I wonder if McIntyre is the one who will need to get stretchered out. Another backbreaker in the ring, low dropkick for two. McIntyre is screaming in pain. Another backbreaker for two. Strong kicks the back and hits chops in the corner. McIntyre can’t even get to his feet. Knees to the middle, then an abdominal stretch. McIntyre finally gets to his feet, then reverses a whip, but McIntyre is too hurt to follow up in a timely fashion. The crowd is finally behind Strong enough to start a full dueling chant. Dropkick stops McIntyre off the top, cover for two. Strong with punches on the mat. Strong kicks on McIntyre, two count. Strong kicks McIntyre halfway through the ropes. Foreman’s carry, McIntyre elbows out. Strong elbows away from a throw or suplex attempt. McIntyre counters a backbreaker attempt with a suplex sending Strong across the mat. [c]

[Q4] Some back-and-forth after the break. McIntyre kips up to surprise Strong with a big boot, but Strong has a boot up in the corner, then McIntyre has a boot. Reverse Alabama Slam puts Strong down for two. Strong slips out of a Future Shock DDT, then a huge reverse slam, cover for two-and-a-half. Strong kicks McIntyre’s knee, but runs right into a spinebuster for two. McIntyre plants Strong up top, Strong thinks sunset flip powerbomb, McIntyre blocks, Strong with an enziguri, then Strong goes up top. Superplex from Strong for a believable nearfall.

They trade chops then brawl. Strong punches his way to a Tigerbomb for a nearfall. McIntyre slowly pulls to his feet, then lands a quick headbutt to buy some time. McIntyre crawls to Strong, then a fireman’s carry from his knees. McIntyre holds the carry and climbs to the second rope then falls back intoa Celtic Cross that would get three, but Strong gets a boot on the ropes. McIntyre calls for the end, but a leaping knee cuts off the Claymore, then another and another. Strong dumps McIntyre midring, Sick Kick, McIntyre barely kicks out. Very exciting sequence. McIntyre barely gets to the apron. Strong with knees on the apron, then tries a running knee, McIntyre catches him and hits a buckle bomb into the ringpost. McIntyre rolls Strong into the ring, no cover, Future Shock DDT. McIntyre holds sTrong by the throat, shoves him aside, then hits the Claymore.

WINNER: Drew McIntyre in 17:23. What an outstanding match. Strong puts on some exciting matches, but McIntyre does too. McIntyre may have a “WWE Heavyweight Title Match” style, but he has that John Cena ability to make that style feel super exciting when needed. I really enjoyed this match.

Post-match, Strong hobbles out of the corner. McIntyre offers a handshake, and they show each other respect. Strong seems to be saying that it isn’t over. Strong continues to sell the match on his way out of the ring.

Post-match, Undisputed Era come out behind Strong. Cole taps Strong on the shoulder, and talks to him a bit. Are they inviting him to the group? Mocking him? Hard to tell.

Final Reax: Really fun episode. Dream-Black seems to have real potential, and the Strong-McIntyre match made Strong look better than I thought, and McIntyre comes off as a fighting champion. Kairi Sane is on a roll.

NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S REPORT: 9/27 NXT TV REPORT: Eric Young vs. Adam Cole headlines, plus Lars Sullivan, Heavy Machinery, Ohno


1 Comment on 10/4 NXT TV REPORT: Drew McIntyre vs. Roderick Strong for NXT Title, Kairi Sane vs. Aliyah, Dream-Black angle

  1. I thought Kairi’s debut should have been a bigger deal. Her pop was less than expected. Worse, she and Aliyah did not have good chemistry in the ring, and Aliyah had vocal supporters in the audience. Shoulda been a no-name jobber.

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