SEPTEMBER 29, 2017
[Q1: 2.9]… The program opened with highlights of last week’s Raw with Steve Austin giving Vince McMahon the Stone Cold Stunner. He said McMahon would have an announcement regarding Austin’s actions… The Raw opening montage aired… Vince McMahon interviewed Rick Rude, Shawn Michaels, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, and Chyna in mid-ring. Rude said he has a confidentiality clause regarding who hires him. McMahon called Michaels the “wise ass” of the WWF (how about dubbing him “The Prick,” since that fits his current “character?”) and asked him “how in the hell” he plans to escape from Hell in the Cell. Michaels said he’s not scared of the boogie man. He then handed the mic to Hunter. Hunter said McMahon is scared of Cliques and said he and other WWF officials have been “spreading their legs like whores” for the so-called other WWF Superstars and ignoring his greatness. He said, “Instead of waiting for you to recognize my greatness, I am taking it into my own hands and there is no stopping it now.” He said he enjoyed every second of kicking Undertaker’s dead ass all over MSG. McMahon did his best to look disgusted with Hunter’s and Michaels’s comments and antics. Ross injected it was like “interviewing the 9th grade gym class.” Sgt. Slaughter then came to the ring and announced that Hunter would have to face Undertaker later in the night. Hunter acted upset with the announcement. Bret Hart and the Hart Foundation walked out and said Michaels has to worry about more than Undertaker. He said they are guilty of crimes against the WWF and they would have to start paying the price. Michaels and Hunter mocked fear in a funny comedy spot…
[Q2: 3.1]… Freeze frame highlights aired of British Bulldog dropping the WWF European Title to Shawn Michaels at the UK pay-per-view. They showed Michaels’s post-match antics ripping into Bulldog and his fans. Fans bombarded the ring with garbage. He dedicated the post-match attack to Diana Smith at ringside. Diana climbed over the railing and entered the ring and began choking Michaels. Chyna then grabbed Diana and held her back. Owen and Bret ran to the ring to make the save… They showed the back entry to the arena in anticipation of Austin arriving… (2) Vader beat British Bulldog via DQ. Ross mentioned that Vader just returned from Japan where he defeated Ken Shamrock. When Vader had the match won, Jim Neidhart, Bret, and Owen all charged the ring and attacked him prompting the DQ. When Bret put the figure-four on Vader around the ringpost, Patriot ran to the ring for the save. The HF overwhelmed Patriot, bashing him with flag poles. Bret then applied the ringpost figure-four on Patriot…
[Q3: 2.6]… A feature aired on Ron Simmons including vintage footage of his college career. He said his first real parent after he entered his teens was his college football coach, Bobby Bowden. He said his heart is now in wrestling and he will continue to take a stand on what they believe in because the NOD is in the WWF to stay… (3) Faarooq (w/NOD) beat Ahmed Johnson (w/LOD, Ken Shamrock) via DQ at 2:20. (Last week’s TORCH mistakenly listed this as an eight-man tag match.) A fan held up a sign in the front row that read, “NOD is OLD.” Ahmed’s right hand was taped. Ross said he injured it last week on Raw and was “putting off surgery” to wrestle this night. Faarooq worked over the hand of Ahmed early in the match. At 2:20 Ahmed hit the referee when the ref was trying to stop him from using the ring stairs as a weapon. An eight-way brawl broke out. No really, an eight-way brawl broke out. I know it’s hard to believe the WWF would feature two four-man factions brawling after a lame DQ ending, but they went ahead and did it!…
[Q4: 2.8]… A Brian Pillman XXX Files home video aired. It showed Pillman lying in bed next to Marlena, who looked far from happy about it. Pillman said he wants Goldust handcuffed to the ringpost at Badd Blood before he will agree to wrestle Dude Love. Pillman laughed as he said Goldust better bring his own handcuffs because his are being used… (4) Goldust beat Sultan. Dude Love joined McMahon, Ross, and Lawler on commentary. He said Cactus Jack is beat up after law week’s Raw match, but Dude Love has never been better. McMahon announced Steve Austin had arrived in the building. Lawler asked McMahon if he was going to give Austin a pink slip. Lawler said, “When Marv Albert got his pink slip, you know what he did? He put it on.” After his win, they showed Goldust kissing his wedding ring. Lawler speculated Marlena is beginning to like Pillman better than Dustin… They showed Austin giving a security officer the finger as he walked in the arena a few minutes earlier…
[Q5: 2.9]… After recapping the angles from the first hour, WarZone began with the opening montage replayed… Steve Austin entered the ring and got a huge pop. Austin told McMahon if he has something to say to him, to get his “little carcass” in the ring. Austin held the ropes open for McMahon as he entered the ring. “You got something to say, bigshot, say it,” Austin said. McMahon said, “You are either a certifiable lunatic or you just don’t give a damn. And quite frankly I don’t give a damn, either. I’ve allowed WWF officials to be placed in a position of jeopardy and all because of people trying to protect you from yourself. No more. No, it stops right now.” Austin told McMahon to go ahead and fire him. McMahon then listed the three options for Austin: (1) next week produce a doctor’s note to wrestle; (2) absolve the WWF of liability if he returns to the ring on his own; or (3) face termination. The crowd booed. Austin said, “If you fire me in front of the world, I’ll kick your ass in the front of the world.” He gave McMahon the finger and left. McMahon grimaced back at Austin. McMahon left the ring as Austin postured to the crowd, which earlier had chanted, “One more time!” Austin gave McMahon a hard time as McMahon returned to the broadcast table, giving him the finger (which was digitized). McMahon rolled his eyes as Austin left. Ross joked that all this talk about termination brought back memories…
[Q6: 2.3]… (5) The Head Bangers beat Jose & Jesus of Los Boricuas via DQ when the Godwinns and the other two Los Boricuas interfered. Ross ripped into Slaughter as being “intoxicated with his power” by ruling that Austin will present the winner of the IC Title tournament with the belt at Badd Blood on Sunday, predicting that he is only asking for trouble. He called it an asinine decision. Lawler made fun of Miguel saying he has to comb his wrist to find out what time it is. He added that Sasquatch and Miguel have never been seen together…
[Q7: 2.5]… Jose hit a top rope huracanrana at 10:15 at which point the Godwinns ran into the ring to make sure the Head Bangers retained the tag titles. Savio and Miguel cleared the ring… McMahon interviewed Owen in mid-ring. He told McMahon that he should fire Austin before he destroys the WWF and referred to Vince’s father starting the promotion. Owen feigned sincerity as he touched McMahon on the shoulder and said he trusts that McMahon will make the right decision. One of the three security officers took off his helmet and revealed himself to be Austin. He gave Owen the Stone Cold Stunner and then fled from the other officers through the crowd. Owen, as usual, was good in his mock sincerity. Ross called Austin “the WWF’s Richard Kimble”…
[Q8: 2.8]… They showed Jim Neidhart tending to Owen backstage, looking around in fear of Austin showing up. They showed the construction of the special cage for Badd Blood’s main event… (6) Undertaker beat Hunter Hearst Helmsley (w/Shawn Michaels, Chyna) via DQ at 1:50. The Hart Foundation attacked Undertaker on his way to the ring. Patriot attempted to make the save. Michaels and Hunter joined in the fight. Eventually order was restored and the match actually began. At 1:45 Rude came to the ring and nailed Undertaker in the back with a metal briefcase (is Debra McMichael behind Rude’s activities?). Rude and Hunter held Undertaker as Michaels gave him Chin Music. Rude shook Michaels’s hand and then left. Hunter, Chyna, and Michaels stuffed Undertaker in a bodybag. Undertaker, though, sat up and broke out of the bag. Michaels and Hunter stomped away at Undertaker, but Undertaker fought back and cleared the ring. Michaels backed up as Undertaker went after him. Ross said, “Michaels won’t have anywhere to hide this Sunday at Hell in a Cell. Michaels ended up climbing up the TitanTron to escape Undertaker as the show went off the air. The main event match was barely a match, but the WWF did a really good job in the end pushing the PPV and building anticipation for Michaels “getting what he’s got coming” in the cage at the PPV. It’s disappointing they cut away from the situation before Michaels kissed Hunter in response to the fans chanting “faggot” at him…
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