How did Enzo’s Raw-closing segment do compared to the week before when a Six Pack Challenge with the Hardys, Jason Jordan, Elias, and Mizroutage took place? We took a look at the key 18-49 male demographic coveted by advertisers.
Last week’s hour three began with a 1.61 rating last week compared to a 1.32 this week. By the last minute of the third hour, last week’s rating dropped from that 1.61 to a 1.28. This week’s rating dropped from a 1.32 to a 1.12 by the end of the hour. So last week dropped 0.29 and this week dropped 0.21. The peak rating in the overrun for the Six-Pack Challenge was 1.60 five minutes into it. The peak rating for this week’s Enzo promo was 1.22 seven minutes into it. So the Six-Pack match grew from 1.28 to 1.60 whereas the Enzo promo grew from 1.12 to a 1.22 during the overrun.
The peak rating for the overrun this week was only 0.10 below the third hour starting point (1.32 to 1.22). The peak rating for the overrun last week was 0.01 below the third hour starting point.
Keller’s Analysis: This snapshot indicates the Six-Pack Challenge did better than the Enzo promo in the ratings. There’s a lot of factors at play, from the quality of the content leading into the closing segment to the excitement and marquee value of the Monday Night Football game. Last week’s third hour began with a Roman Reigns promo responding to John Cena, and this week’s third hour began with Miz vs. Reigns in progress. Compared the starting point at the start of the third hour to the peak in the overrun, the Six-Pack Challenge held the audience better by a 10-to-1 margin in terms of dropoff (0.01 compared to 0.10). So no bragging for Enzo this week, as Elias & Miztourage & Co. have him beat.
A little too much GobbledyGook there Wade. Basically if Vince had his surgery [to remove the stick from his butt] and closed the show with a second women’s match allowing them to show their stuff in a 1 on 1 battle, they would have clobbered Enzo and Miz.
Closing a show with a talking segment usually does not work out well.