SEPTEMBER 25, 2017
Announcers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Booker T
-They opened cold, without any highlights from No Mercy, with Miz, Bo Dallas, and Curtis Axel in the ring as Miz’s music played. The announcers narrated freeze-frames of Miz retaining his Intercontinental Title against Jason Jordan last night with help from the Miztourage. “Man, there was a party in Hollywood last night!” said Graves.
Miz welcomed fans to the most must-see TV in WWE history. He said as soon as Miz TV is over, he’s going to drive to his home in the Hollywood Hills and discuss with his wife the future of their unborn child, whom he guaranteed would “not be a loser like Kurt Angle’s son.” He told Maryse to keep the champaign on ice “because daddy’s coming home.” Miz then introduced The Big Dog of WWE. Boos from the crowd. Miz said he had a historic victory over John Cena last night. More boos. He told fans to get out of their seats for Roman Reigns. Louder boos.
Reigns’s music played and he walked out. Even louder boos when he walked out. Cole said it was an incredible match at No Mercy. Cole said Roman proved without a doubt that it is his yard now. Graves said “Reigns sat John Cena down.” Booker said it seemed like a passing of the torch or a changing of the guard. Graves said Cena respects and understands what a high caliber athlete Reigns is. Cole said Reigns has been very positive about Cena over the last 24 hours. “You don’t leave a fight without respect for your opponent,” Cole said Reigns has expressed on social media in the last 24 hours. Booker said Reigns respects Cena.
(Keller’s Analysis: Well, if you were confused about how you are supposed to feel about Reigns-Cena after No Mercy, the announcers are sure laying it on thick here – Cena respects Reigns, Reigns respects Cena, they fought hard, Reigns proved he’s the Big Dog without a doubt!!!)
Miz apologized for the fan response. “Are you guys done?” he asked. Reigns said, “No no no, we like it loud.” Miz said Reigns beat and retired Undertaker and now had an equally impressive victory over Cena, which has been characterized by Cena as a passing of the torch moment. He asked how he felt about that. Reigns looked pensive and said Miz is long-winded and he’ll get right to the point. He said he respects Cena now. He said he talked a lot and backed it up in the ring. Reigns said he held the fort down for 15 years and there’s not another top guy who say that. (Bruno Sammartino comes to mind). He said its the biggest win of his career. He said his back hurts, he celebrated a lot, and he didn’t get much sleep. “So I don’t understand why I’m sitting here talking to an idiot like you,” he said. Reigns did look like he was running on fumes.
Miz took a deep breath and said Miz is the guy in the ring with the championship. He said at No Mercy he single-handedly retained his title, the most prestigious on all of WWE. He said Jason Jordan is a loser and he proved it. Reigns asked, “A loser?” He said he’s been in the ring with both of them and Jordan is thoroughbred and he could beat Miz one-on-one. He said Miz wouldn’t have won last night without the help “of these idiots” (Miztourage). He said nobody helps him, so maybe “go back there and get me a cold beer, boy.” Miz said this is a classy establishment and they don’t drink beer on Miz TV.
(Keller’s Analysis: At this point, Vince McMahon & Co. are wondering if the anti-beer/pro-beer Miz/Reigns dynamic will be enough to get fans to start siding with Reigns.)
Miz said when he first came to WWE, he road the coattails of two Superstars. He said if the Miztourage were around five years ago, nobody would remember The Shield. He asked Reigns if he knows what would happen if the Miztourage faced The Shield. Reigns laughed at the concept. He bent over laughing so hard. The crowd chanted “Yes!” Reigns asked if he was serious. He said he thought Miz was joking. “We’d whip y’all’s ass no problem,” he said. “It’d be terrible.” He said he’s not going to get it because Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins have their own thing going and he has his which is chasing the Universal Championship, so he’s coming after “The Beast, Brock Les… Lesnar.” He tripped over his words. Miz didn’t call him out for it as Cena would have.
Miz asked Reigns about all the times he choked against Samoa Joe, Braun Strowman, and Brock Lesnar. He brought up that Reigns lost to Lesnar at Summerslam. He said he has carried Raw since he came to Raw and made the IC Title what it is today. He said he will not be disrespected. “Alright, let’s do it,” Reigns said. Miz asked, “Do what?” Reigns said: “Let’s run it, let’s fight.” Reigns asked the fans if they want to see him beat Miz. Miz began stammering and said he’s wearing a suit and he wasn’t asking for a fight. Miz said he has a pregnant wife at home who needs him. He left the ring. Bo and Curtis followed. Kurt Angle walked out onto the stage. He said Miz would face Reigns later tonight, and Bo & Curtis have a match coming up right now. He said Jeff Hardy’s shoulder may be busted up, but his brother Matt Hardy is ready to go. He said his tag partner is his son, Jason Jordan. “It’s true, it’s damn true!” he said. Reigns smiled as Miz & Co. protested at ringside. Graves said it’s going to be a big night.
(Keller’s Analysis: Miz did what Miz did there, and the crowd was booing him, but I just don’t sense that Reigns’s performance here otherwise will lead to any fans cheering him. The push is so heavy-handed right now, I just think the pushback is going to be stronger than ever. Reigns’s demeanor was more casual and laid back, but it still feel “performed.” It didn’t help he got tripped up on Lesnar last name, and then calling Miz and the Miztourage “idiots” like he was delivering some super-zinger just felt scripted. He’s still not finding that groove to connect with the crowd and “let them in.” It’s subtle, but he just comes across as if he’s above the fans and they should admire him as a star, and I just haven’t seen that work with a top babyface. He has to be vulnerable and be more willing to do what Hulk Hogan, Bruno Sammartino, Bret Hart, John Cena, and other top babyfaces have done and Drew McIntyre currently does so well, which is make it seem like he genuinely lives to be a pro wrestler and needs to win the World Title for himself and the fans equally. He just isn’t in that place, and I’m not sure he can get there because I don’t think he feels that way nor is he enough of an actor or willing to take himself to that place to pretend it’s so. I think he was born to be a heel in pro wrestling, and I think he could be one of the best of all-time.) [c]
The announcers commented on footage of Jeff hurting his shoulder last week on a big suplex spot. Cole said WWE.com reported he’ll need surgery and will be out a while. Booker said he didn’t like this match because Jordan and Matt haven’t teamed before. Cole immediately said, “Actually, they have.” Graves jumped in and said they have teamed multiple times in recent months, “just to set you straight.” Booker said you can’t equate a “three way to a tag match” and said they are completely different “and I know all about that.” Cole said, “They were tagging in and out, right?” Booker agreed. What a car crash Booker T can be sometimes. You can tell Cole and Graves get exasperated with him. Graves said Matt and Jordan might be tag champs some day soon.
Graves said Jordan could learn a lot from Matt. Booker, in a complete about-face from his comment about not liking Jordan & Matt as a team, said this is the perfect place for him under the learning tree. Then Booker said that he doesn’t like that Jordan “has to get all his stuff in” and “it’s about teamwork.” Matt let out some Broken Matt style laughs early in the match. Matt and Jordan cleared the ring of the heels and showed some fire as they cut to a break at 3:00. [c]
Matt hot-tagged in and went to work on Bo, ramming his head into the turnbuckles over and over and over. Then he charged with a clothesline and landed a bulldog. Cole said Matt has had a good career without Jeff by his side as a singles wrestler. He said he will succeed without Jeff by his side. Cole praised the teamwork of Jordan and Matt. Matt finished Bo with a Twist of Fate.
WINNERS: Hardy & Jordan in 10:00.
-Cole hyped Miz vs. Reigns. [c]
-A Total Bellas ad aired with Cena telling Nikki he does not want her to have the power of attorney to end his life. Tune in Wednesday!
-A two minute video package aired with freeze-frames of the Lesnar vs. Braun Strowman match at No Mercy.
-Elias sat mid-ring under a spotlight. He said he walked through Apollo Crews at No Mercy, and now he’s ready for an encore. He told fans to put their phones away and stay silent because “your purpose has arrived.” He sang Apollo is a loser and that’s all he’ll ever be, Titus O’Neal will be a failure, that’s clear for all the world to see. He said he arrived in this town and realized it’s an awkward place, just like last night he’ll wipe the smile off of Apollo’s face. Crews’s music interrupted. Cole oddly, as usual, put over Elias’s song as wonderful.
(2) APOLLO CREWS (w/Titus O’Neal) vs. ELIAS
Booker said Crews has more athleticism than anybody in WWE, but he doesn’t know how to use it yet. Cole said Crews was embarrassed last night, so he’s really showing he wants to correct course. He shot himself over the top rope onto Elias. Crews and Titus leaped and butted chests to celebrate, but then Elias kicked Titus’s leg. Titus went down. Crews threw Elias into the ring, checked on Titus, and then re-entered the ring. Elias kicked Crews as he entered the ring and then hit his Drift Away finisher.
WINNER: Elias in 3:00.
-Titus attacked Elias afterward. Elias fled the ring quickly. Titus threw off his jacket. Graves said Titus has a reason to be upset and Elias should send a letter of apology.
-Graves plugged that “The Extraordinary Finn Balor” would be up next. [c]
-Backstage, Charlie Caruso interviewed Balor. She said Bray didn’t think he could beat him man to man. Balor thanked Bray for doubting him as a man. He said he inspired him to do things in the ring he didn’t realize he could do. He said he hoped Bray experienced a sense of humility for not only himself, but also Goldust and all the other people he victimized in the past. He said he’s going back where he started when he first arrived – after the Universal Championship.
-Curt Hawkins stood mid-ring and said fans will remember this date forever because the Curt Hawkins History Machine is up and running. He said he’s sick and tired of being known as the man with a 118 match losing streak, so it ends tonight. He asked, “Who wants to make history with Curt Hawkins?” Out came Braun. Big pop. Graves: “I think Hawkins wanted to make history, not become history.” Hawkins bailed out. Strowman went after him in the crowd. He charged at Hawkins and caught up with him near the stage in the crowd area. He chokeslammed Hawkins through a table. Then he slammed him through the video wall on the stage. Strowman then went back to the ring and said after last night he is on a path of destruction and he’s not leaving until someone comes out to give him a real fight. Graves said nobody is going to come out. “You’d have to be out of your mind!” Graves said. Cole said they might be waiting a long time. Dean Ambrose then walked out. Graves said he said you’d have to be out of your mind to answer that challenge. Dean observed Hawkins’ condition, then headed to the ring. [c]
Cole said Dean is a former WWE Champion and is hoping his unorthodox style gives him an advantage. Braun brushed off Dean’s early offense and tossed him hard into the corner. Then he splashed him in the corner. Ambrose slapped Braun, then fell backwards. Dean came back with a sleeper mid-ring, but Braun backed Dean hard into the corner, then splashed him hard in the corner. He headbutted Dean, and Dean tried to fight back, but looked punch drunk and collapsed. Strowman stood on Dean’s chest. Dean kicked out. Strowman wrapped Ambrose’s arm around his leg and twisted his wrist. Booker noted Ambrose’s left shoulder is taped. Ambrose caught a charging Braun with a boot, but Braun brushed off his offense and chest-bumped him out of the ring. Braun went after him again. Dean poked Braun in the eyes and shoved him into the ringpost. Cole said Dean perhaps has a little bit of life.
Dean went after Braun as soon as Braun re-etered the ring. He kicked and punched away at him in the corner. Braun shobed him away and charged. Dean pulled down the top rope and Braun tumbled to the floor. Dean then launched himself through the ropes and DDT’d Braun. Graves said the entire floor of the arena shook. Dean threw three running clotheslines at Braun, but Braun blocked the third attempt. When he charged shoulder-first, Dean moved. Dean leaped off the top rope, but Braun caught him and then powerslammed him for the win.
WINNER: Braun in 8:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: They gave Dean enough offense to look like he belonged in the ring with Braun, and since Dean is a tag wrestler at this time, this is the right time to give Braun a solid win over a big name like this and Dean isn’t hurt that badly. There was no doubt Braun is a level above Dean, though, at this point, but the fact that Dean had a shoulder injury from last night gave him an excuse for losing or at least not being able to bring 100 percent.)
-Cole plugged Reigns vs. Miz.
-They went to Angle telling a ref to keep an eye on Bo and Curtis later. Enzo walked in. He is taller than Angle, not even counting his hair. Enzo said he’s in a celebratory mood tonight. Angle didn’t understand a word he said, but Enzo translated and said he deserves a celebration. Angle said he’s not sure he deserves it considering how he won. Enzo said he’s a star and every champion gets a celebration. Enzo said he knew Angle was a good man. Angle offered Enzo some advice “from a Hall of Fame.” Enzo said, “Nope, I’m good.” The crowd laughed.
-They showed Alexa Bliss walking backstage with her title belt. [c]
-Ambrose was icing his shoulder backstage and wincing in pain. Seth walked up to him and told him now that they’re tag champions, he should cut back on his self-destructive tendencies. He said since they’re tag champs, what affects Dean affects him. Seth said he hoped he’d be at ringside for him tonight in his match against Sheamus. Dean said he shouldn’t be worried because Cesaro has no teeth. Seth said that’s true. Dean said he’s a reverse chipmunk. Dean said maybe Seth should be less predictable. Seth took issue with that. Dean mocked Seth a bit for being the Architect. Seth then proved he’s unpredictable by saying he is going to tell Angle he wants to fight Strowman next week on Raw. He said he’s going to kick Sheamus’s teeth down his throat first. As Seth left, Dean admitted fighting Braun was a bad idea.
(Keller’s Analysis: I loved that Dean goads Seth into challenging Braun next week, only to admit afterward that his fighting Braun was indeed a bad idea and Seth was right in the first place.)
-Alexa came out to her music. She told fans to listen up. She said she has always considered each and every fan her friend. She said you have to be honest with your friends. She said she is very disappointed in them because she beat an all-star line-up last night and she woke up this morning, checked her phone, and expected there to be congratulations and cute little memes about her amazing victory. Instead, it was full of nonsense and gossip about Sasha Banks and Bayley or people looking forward to Asuka debuting at TLC. She asked what is wrong with the fans. She said they are all so fascinated with the idea of what might happen tomorrow, they don’t appreciate they are in the presence of a goddess right now. She said she doesn’t have to prove anything to them because she cleaned out the Women’s Division. Out came Mickie James.
Mickie took issue with her claiming she took out the entire Women’s Division. She said she wasn’t in that match, “so you didn’t beat me.” Bliss said that’s true, but… at which point Mickie interrupted her. She said on Raw Talk, she had some pretty big words. She told her torepeat what she thinks she is. Bliss said she respects her and if she didn’t, she wouldn’t have brought her back to WWE. Bliss said she was one of her favorites when she was a little girl and she was one of her “top eight” on MySpace. “You know, back when MySpace and Mickie James were relevant.” Mickie asked if she’s scared of her. Bliss said Mickie has a lot yet to offer WWE, including “a couple fans who say ‘you’ve still go it.'” Bliss said they’re talking about her “personal appearances in charity.” She said it’s great her demographic has someone to cheer for, “but I don’t want to see you break a hip.” Mickie laughed it called Bliss “little girl.” She said she doesn’t need Bliss to tell her what she can and cannot do. “I know who I am, honey,” she said. “I am Mickie James. I am a six-times Women’s Champion. I have broken bones, I have broken hearts, and I have broke down barriers for women in WWE all before you were wearing a training bra. Which is obviously still working out well for you.” Bliss went bug-eyed. Mickie asked her to repeat what she said on Raw Talk, but do it to her face. Bliss didn’t want to, but after more goading by Mickie, she gave in and called Mickie “an old lady.” Mickie slapped her and kicked her out of the ring. Cole said without Mickie, Alexa might not be in WWE tonight.
-Cole once again hyped Reigns vs. Miz later.
(Keller’s Analysis: I’m beginning to think Vince McMahon is ready to really get behind Reigns and give him a big push.) [c]
-Cole said fans can bid on a custom WWE belt with proceeds going to Conor’s Cure charity. They showed Triple H and Stephanie (“The Authority”) signing it and posing with it, all smiles.
(4) SETH ROLLINS vs. SHEAMUS (w/Cesaro)
Before the bell, the announcers talked about Cesaro getting his teeth knocked four millimeters into his gums. He said they had to be pulled back down and they will require surgery. The announcers put over Cesaro for finishing the match. They showed Sheamus & Cesaro with a miscue leading to Seth & Dean’s win. Booker said it might be the best tag match he’s ever seen. Sheamus early on locked Seth in a half Boston crab mid-ring. Graves again applauded Cesaro for being ringside tonight. When Sheamus leaped off the top rope, Seth sidekicked him and then gave him the leaping knee to the face for the win.
WINNER: Seth in 5:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: That felt way too short and diminished Sheamus and the magnitude of battles they’ve had in recent tag matches, absorbing a lot more big moves and surviving. The knee looked good (although the superkick didn’t), but still it seemed less than it should have.)
-The camera was following Balor walking backstage and he came up to Goldust. He said, “What’s up, Goldy?” Goldust said, “It’s Goldust.” He asked him what gives him the right to take shots at his expense. “I am not a victim,” he said. “I didn’t ask for your help; I don’t need it. I can do it all by myself.” Balor said he has nothing but respect for him and considers him a friend, so if he offended him, he’s sorry. Goldust took a deep breath and said he might be right and apologized. Then he slapped Balor and threw him into some equipment. He punched at his face. Goldust: “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, Godfather II, 1974.”
-They went to the announcers. Cole said Booker knows Goldust well, so what’s going on. Booker said Goldust doesn’t know anybody in that locker room anymore. “Friend? He’s not a friend of Finn Balor.” Graves plugged No Mercy on WWE Network. They went to a video package on the match and Cena’s comments on Raw Talk afterward, including his endorsement of Reigns and the “Thank you, Cena!” chants. He said it felt like a burden was lifted off his shoulders after the match. [c]
-WWE Fact: Over 40 WWE Superstars have over 1 million followers, led by John Cena with over 10 million.
-Reigns made his ring entrance. It was hard to gauge any kind of crowd reaction the way the sound was mixed as he walked out. The announcers continued to push the idea that Cena and Reigns have earned each other’s respect. Booker said it’s a passing of the torch and a changing of the guard and it’s huge for Reigns’s career.
(5) THE MIZ (w/Bo Dallas, Curtis Axel) vs. ROMAN REIGNS
Cole said Reigns can’t be at 100 percent and reminded viewers Reigns said his back was hurting. Miz tried to talk Reigns out of the match and then offered a handshake. Reigns shrugged and shook his hand. Miz tried to walk away, but Reigns held on and smiled. Then he gave Miz an uppercut. Miz bailed out to the floor where he was consoled by Curtis and Bo. Miz yelled, “I wasn’t even ready!” Cole said he was once a big fan of Miz, but he’s never heard anyone with more excuses than him. Reigns lost patience and chased down Miz at ringside. Miz slid back into the ring. Reigns shoulder tackled Miz, but immediately grabbed at his back. Bo yanked on Reigns from behind and whiplashed his back over the top rope as the ref was distracted. Miz kicked Reigns in the head twice and scored a two count. Miz settled into a chinlock.
Booker said Miztourage have been earning their money lately. Miz threw Reigns to the floor and then distracted the ref as Bo and Curtis threw him hard into the barricade. Back in the ring, Miz hit Reigns with two running dropkicks in the corner. Graves said he invented the move. Booker took exception. On a third charge, Reigns gave him a sudden Samoan drop for a near fall. Reigns grabbed at his back again. Reigns mounted a full comeback with three clotheslines. Then he clotheslined Miz in the corner ten times as the corwd chanted along. Miz then ate a running boot. A distraction by Miztourage led to Miz taking over. He threw the Yes Kicks. Reigns caught one kick and lifted Miz into the air. Then he delivered the first Superman Punch of the match. He gave them to Curtis and Bo next after they jumped onto the ring apron. Miz rolled to the floor. Then he hit a drive-by on Bo and Curtis. Miz recovered and surprised Reigns with a kick to the face and a DDT as he reentered the ring for a near fall. A “Let’s Go Roman / Roman Sucks!” dueling chant broke out. Reigns came back with a spear and a three count.
WINNER: Reigns in 8:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: It seems like they could have gotten more out of this one-on-one match, too. Reigns winning clean in under ten minutes despite help from Bo and Curtis diminishes Miz more than I think is prudent, even given his second-tier status as more of an agitator than respected top tier heel.)
-Afterward, Bo and Curtis attacked Reigns and then held him in place for Miz. Reigns fought free and cleared the ring of Bo and Curtis. Then he waited for Miz to stand. He looked down at him and talked about the Shield off-mic. Bo and Curtis then attacked Reigns with chairshots. Booker said they’re taking things to another level. Miz then gave Reigns a Skull Crushing Final and did some trash-talking afterward. Miz & Co. left, but then returned to beat on Reigns even more. Miz gave him a Skull Crushing Finale on the chair. Miz bashed Reigns with a chair to the back. Cole said Miz believes he should be The Guy and he’s trying to prove it here. Miz, Curtis, and Bo then did the signature Shield fist bump mid-ring. Cole called it “the final humiliation of Roman Reigns.”
(Keller’s Analysis: Even with the beatdown afterward “to get his heat back,” I still think the match itself just confirmed that in the hierarchy of “Superstars,” Miz is a full level under Reigns and not really in his league one-on-one. I think they could have protected Miz more, perhaps by banning Bo and Curtis at the very least for the actual match, especially considering they were heavy in stressing Reigns had a bad back after last night’s Cena match.) [c]
Balor threw Goldust to the floor early and then gave him a running dropkick. Graves said Balor is still favoring his ribs. Some fans chanted “Too Sweet!” which was picked up easily by an otherwise silent arena. He threw Goldust into the ring, but Goldust kicked him as he reentered the ring. He threw him into the ringpost. Balor went down and clutched his arm. [c]
Back from the break, Goldust dominated for a few minutes. Balor made a comeback. Cole said Balor has become more vicious. He landed the Coup de Grace for the win.
WINNER: Balor in 7:00.
-Balor stood in the ring and suddenly the lights went down and a rendition of kids singing “He’s got the whole word in his hands!” played. Fans took out their phones.
-Graves plugged Emma & Nia Jax vs. Sasha Banks & Bayley. [c]
-The announcers threw to freeze-frames of the Women’s Fatal Five-Way match last night at No Mercy.
-They went to Bayley warming up backstage. Sasha walked in. Bayley asked if she got her text. Sasha said she got caught up in a lot of other stuff and couldn’t get back to her. Bayley said it’s every woman for herself out there, so she can’t be mad. Sasha said she came very close. Bayley said she wasn’t the only one. Sasha said she’s over it and they need to concentrate on teaming tonight. Bayley said she keeps replaying in her head the sound of her shoulder popping out of the socket. She said she just sees Nia Jax laughing at her, so she’s going to make Jax feel her pain. Sasha said, “Fine. Let’s go do it, then.”
-Angle was on his cell phone backstage. Enzo interrupted and said he’s trying to prepare for his celebration. Enzo said he’s sensing people are jealous, so he’ll need a no contact clause. He said if Neville or any of the other cruiserweights put their hands on him, they’re going to forfeit any chance at his title. Angle agreed and then said, “Enzo, one more thing. You’re annoying as hell. Annoying as hell!” Enzo just shrugged, then turned and left.
-Nia Jax made her ring entrance. [c]
-Graves plugged Akira Tozawa vs. Tony Nese on 205 Live.
(Keller’s Analysis: Their plugs for 205 Live are so lazy. Do they think that helps to announce that match?)
Booker said it’s a matter of if, not when, Nia becomes Women’s Champion. Jax insisted Emma step to the ring apron and let her start the match. The announcers talked about how impressive Jax was at No Mercy. They cut to an early break. [c]
Banks got the hot-tag and worked over Emma with a flurry of offense. When Bayley dove toward Jax, Jax caught her but Bayley slipped free. Banks dove onto Jax next, and this time Jax went down. Bayley then shoved Jax hard into the ringpost. Jax went down. Emma surprised Sasha with a roll-up for a near fall. Near silence followed as Banks battled Emma. Banks landed a running knee. Bayley tagged in and hit a Bayley-to-Belly for the win.
WINNERS: Banks & Bayley in 8:00.
-They showed Enzo acting obnoxious backstage. Graves said he’s never been less excited in his life. [c]
-Enzo danced onto the stage to his music. They focused on one kid in the crowd jumping up and down excitedly. Booker said Enzo has a lot of star power. He said YouTube views for 205 Live have gone from 200,000 to over 1 million a week. Booker asked if Grave was invited to the celebration. Graves said no, he is trying to figure out how to leave.
entered the ring and said, “It’s all a dream, but the dream became a reality.” He said he woke up in his California King bed and saw “the most beautiful women he had ever seen in his life,” pointing at his new title belt. He said he started reflecting on his past couple months. He said he has faced scrutiny and he has eaten his fair share of humble pie, but they’re jealous, just like his former tag partner Big Cass. He said the last time he saw him, he was hobbling out of the arena. He said he was the one who was holding up Cass, not the other way around. He said the “You can’t wrestle!” chants were once said to the likes of John Cena, Batista, and The Rock, “just like your boy.” He said at the end of the day, he really did it. There was a drum role and then he revealed on an easel a framed “Gertified G” jersey. He said he also made “205 Live” relevant. As he continued to talk about his gift of gab, he was interrupted by music. He asked what that bad music is.
Out walked the rest of the Cruiserweight Division. He asked if they were a bunch of haters. He picked on Rich Swann first, saying he danced his way to title matches and then danced his way back to being a nobody. He told him to figure out the choreography. He took a dig at Cedric Alexander, “the man that charisma forgot.” He said regarding Gran Metalic, he likes him, but he has some nerve coming out there right now because with a gut like that, someone should bring out a scale because there’s no way he’s under 205. He took a dig at Drew Gulak being “Captain Underpants.” He asked if he could gall Jack Gallagher “Tea Cup.” As he told Noam Dar he’ll split his dome, out walked Neville to his music. He looked ghostly. He walked slowly and stared at the ground, then looked up at Enzo said he is fashionably late. Enzo said he looks terrible. He asked him where his crown is. He said it’s on the shoulder of a real man now. He made fun of Neville’s “satellite disks you call ears” for not hearing him, but he said the truth hurts.
Neville said the truth is brutal, and truth is that he’s such an unbearably toxic individual that he has alienated everybody he comes in contact with. Enzo said nobody’s making contact me with tonight. Neville said he was dumped at 205 Live’s doorstep like an unwanted slug because nobody else wants him. Neville said if it was up to him, he’d have left him out in the cold to rot, but the gentlemen behind him – the so-called nobodies – insisted he be given an opportunity. He asked if that’s how they repay him. Enzo said he repays them by bringing eyes to 205 Live and the makes them stars. Neville said he’s done nothing but make a joke out of his division and his championship. He said when he kicked him where the sun doesn’t shine, he made a joke out of him. He said on behalf of the entire cruiserweight division, he’s is there to end him. He dropped the mic and headed to the ring. Enzo tried to tell him to stop. He held up the clause that Angle agreed to that if he touches him, he can never get the belt back.
Enzo said this is the last hour of Raw and the main event, and in the nine months he held the Cruiserweight Title, “you never even sniffed this hour.” He said the reason he’s out there right now is he’s a star. He said if they add up all money they make on merchandise, it doesn’t touch one of his checks. He said he’ll see them tomorrow, but “get the hell out of my ring.” Neville attacked him anyway. He kicked him and then beat him up at ringside and threw him into the ringside barrier. When Enzo tried to ecsape up the ramp, the rest of the Cruisreweights forced him back to the ring. Neville gave him a Red Arrow to end the show.
Email your questions and comments about Raw tonight for the Wade Keller Pro Wrestlinig Podcast to: wadekellerpodcast@pwtorch.com.
The thing about Booker, though, is that real sports also have ex-players on color commentary who are genuinely terrible half the time but will also come out with the occasionally handy observation or laugh out loud funny line which keeps them employed. It makes the commentary feel a bit more spontaneous to have Booker saying whatever comes into his head and occasionally exasperating the guys who often sound like they are reading company talking points off cards.
They should have given Nia Jax the belt last night. WWE makes these scary monster heels and then has them job all the time in important matches. Same thing with Bray Wyatt. Good athleticism and great on the mic but loses almost every big match dince he joined the roster. How we supposed to believe he is the a contender with a win/loss record like that?
I can’t help but think they’re keeping the belt on Alexa so that it means more when Asuka goes over her and wins the belt (and I would bet that they will have Asuka win at least one, maybe two matches by DQ or countout over Alexa before finally going over for the belt in something like a Last Woman Standing, so they can tease the idea of Bliss winning through chairshots rather than wrestling skill). There’s no-one else on the roster who they could do that kind of chase storyline with and get the most out of Asuka before she has her Goldberg dominating run.
Then you can use Nia Jax as a credible contender trying to overcome Asuka.
They got away with giving Sasha a quick moment with a title win on PPV over Bliss even though they put the belt straight back on Bliss, but they can’t give all the women that, so Nia (and Bayley, and Emma) will just have to either wait a while or hope to end up on Smackdown after next year’s Mania….
One must give Enzo his due in that he was right about why the Cruiser weights were on the last segment of the show. He will make a great villain. I am in no way saying it is on the same grand scale, but there are those that say Wrestle Mania 1 succeeded because everyone wanted to see Roddy Pipper beat. Does that now happen with 205 Live and do we get more Cruiser weights on actual PPVs.
With the stipulation, this seems to be a clue that Neville has nothing left to do with 205, and is going to start killing people on the main roster. Fabulous work turning Enzo the rest of the way heel.
Yes, Wade… we the fans are so glad that Vince is finally getting behind Reigns since the fans have been supporting him from day one. Lol Or was that Daniel Bryan? I would love to see Asuka get a squash match against a B-level women’s wrestler, say Dana Brooke and have Dana win. Drop the undefeated crap right out of the gate and build Asuka fresh. I still think they demean the women’s roaster with the Asuka is coming, be afraid crap.
If Enzo puts more eyes on 205 Live then i am definitely not counted because starting this week i’m not watching. Enzo has X-Pac heat, so imagine X-pac having been given the world title and being the number 1 guy on Raw and that’s what 205 Live now is. Everything Neville said is correct and as a result i have no intention of watching that show as long as Enzo is pushed as the number 1 guy.