WWN lawyer Sam Heller issued the following statement to PWTorch regarding FloSports’s lawsuit against WWN…
“While we prefer not to litigate cases in the media, it is clear that FloSports is attempting to use the press to create leverage in this dispute by spreading false, defamatory and misleading statements about WWN. In reality, FloSports has wholly failed to honor its contractual obligation to promote WWN’s events, and has been unable to successfully integrate WWN into its mismanaged and failing subscription streaming platform. At no time has WWN provided incorrect, false or misleading information and this lawsuit is nothing more than a transparent effort by FloSports to avoid its responsibility to WWN, its talent and its fans. We are confident that the litigation will result favorably to WWN.”
You can read our original report on the lawsuit here: HERE
Radican’s Analysis: I’ve heard some really big figures thrown around in terms of what WWN told FloSports their monthly iPPV/VOD buyrates were. I tend to think if they were as high as some people are saying they would have never gone to FloSports in the first place. It’s simply math when you think about it and calculate the number of buys claimed by the price of the iPPVs/VODs.
FloSports and WWN have been unhappy with each other for some time and it is now becoming public. FloSports told me they hope to settle out of court and continue with the relationship, but I would not be surprised if an agreement is reached between WWN and FloSports to part ways in the near future.
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