Announcers: Vic Joseph and Nigel McGuinness
– Show begins with a preview of tonight’s main event. It will be a fatal 5-way elimination match and the winner faces Neville at No Mercy, for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship. The match will have Enzo Amore, Cedric Alexander, Tony Nese, The Brian Kendrick and Gran Metalik. All 5 men were given 20 second promos to show why they will win in video packages.
– Vic Joseph welcomes us to the show and also welcomes his new broadcast partner, Nigel McGuinness.
(1) TJP vs. Ariya Daivari
TJP enters first, showing fully fit and recovered from his previous knee injury. Footage is shown from last weeks episode where TJP and Daivari had their confrontation and TJP laid out the Iranian. Ariya Daivari is out next with a huge snarl on his face and stomping to the ring. Side screen comes in and Daivari tells us he is going to inflict more pain on TJP until he needs his crutches once again.
Before the action can begin, we are joined by Rich Swann, who makes his way to the ringside popcorn. Looking to get a front row ticket for this match. The bell sounds and Daivari rushes TJP in to the corner. Still furious from last week and beating down his opponent, Ariya starting as he means to go on. TJP uses his quickness to dodge Ariya and cross-body him over the top rope, skins the cat and then connects with a springboard dropkick from the inside second rope. Daivari is rolled back in a TJP gets a near-fall. The first ever cruiserweight champion continues to beat down Daivari until he moves out of the way from a dive to the corner and then boots TJP at the knee. TJP hung up on the second rope and suffers a hanging reverse DDT for a two count. Rich Swann watches on from his seated position atop the announce table. Ariya now works on the back of TJP with a backbreaker then in to a grounded hold with the knee into his back. The Filipino-American fight back with a backwards drop kick, followed up by some right hands and then a springboard forearm to Daivari. TJP kips up and unleashes a barrage on strikes on Ariya, followed by a suplex to a back suplex combo for another near fall. TJP attempts his gut-buster and then the detonation kick but both times countered, Daivari then catches him with a Harley Race like high knee. Near fall once again. Ariya now showing frustration and stomps down on TJP as he rolls to the outside. Daivari throws TJP back in but keeps on taking time to check on what Rich Swann is doing, this causes him to miss his frog-splash attempt. TJP capitalizes on this mistake and executes the detonation kick for the win.
– After the match, Swann enters the ring and challenges TJP to a match for next weeks 205 Live.
(Weir’s Analysis: Simply another match to build towards Swann and TJP AGAIN. Not a bad match to start the show with.)
– Vic Joseph takes us through the footage of last weeks intense and physical No Disqualification match between The Brian Kendrick and Jack Gallagher. Told us this is how he got his spot in the fatal 5-way tonight.
– Up next, Drew Gulak will face Akira Tozawa. News breaks that Rich Swann and TJP will indeed have their rubber match, next week.
(2) Drew Gulak vs. Akira Tozawa
Gulak enters first, accompanied by his returning megaphone. Gulak addresses the crowd and about his campaigning for his better 205 Live. Gulak tells the fans he has a power point presentation to plan his better 205 Live. He wants all competitors to not jump off the ropes. Tozawa’s music hits and spares us anymore of that.
Match begins with Drew grounding his opponent with a strong head lock, Akira breaks free with a hip toss and follows it up with a dropkick. Gulak backs up to the corner to gain his composure again, that doesn’t last long however as he is the recipient of yet another dropkick. Tozawa is in full control and takes down Gulak with a sunset flip, followed up by a huge PK. Akira attempts a senton but Drew rolls outside, again trying to create space between himself and his dominant opponent. Tozawa lands a baseball slide and attempts to drag Gulak in to the ring from the apron but Drew counters and throws Akira from the apron to the barricade. Gulak rolls Akira back in and now the momentum has, well and truly, shifted. Drew lands some boots down on to Tozawa and then locks in a chin lock from behind, Tozawa finds his way to the ropes to break the hold. As Akira gets back up, he suffers a stiff chop to the chest. Drew grounds Tozawa again with a modified Octopus lock on the canvas. The man from Titus Worldwide uses the energy of the crowd to fight to his feet and break free, Akira lands a huge straight right hand, a jumping Hurricanrana and then a boot to the outside. Tozawa goes flying to the outside with a head first suicide dive, rolls Gulak back in and gets a close near fall. Gulak attempts to fight back but is dumped on his head from the Saito suplex, another two count for Tozawa. The match comes to an end when Akira lands a whirlwind roundhouse kick and then the top rope senton for the win.
WINNER: Akira Tozawa
(Weir’s Analysis Gulak’s character is entertaining but seems to be the fall guy in most matches. Interesting to see where Tozawa goes now he is no longer in the title picture.)
– Dasha interview Enzo backstage, regardless of in-ring style, Enzo is 3-0 in cruiserweight matches right now. He claims to be working smarter and not harder like everyone else on the 205 Live roster. Neville interrupts the interview and tells Amore “205 Live is an arena for REAL competitors, SERIOUS athletes… You have no business even entertaining the idea of sharing the same ring as me.”
(3) Main Event – Fatal 5-Way – Tony Nese vs. The Brian Kendrick vs. Gran Metalik vs. Cedric Alexander vs. Enzo Amore
Tony Nese enters first and as always, shows off the premier physique. Cedric Alexander and The Brian Kendrick follow on. Gran Metalik is out next followed by Enzo Amore. The ever energetic New Jersey native gets a great reception and after his usual opening words, he is met with “how you doin” chants. Enzo tells all four opponents there is only one word to describe them and spelled it out for them.
The bell sounds and all four opponents address Amore after his insult prior to the match beginning. Amore is clever and rolls out of the ring, and lets the other 4 competitors go at it. Nese begins battle with Alexander, as they have done for weeks now, whilst Metalik rolls up Kendrick for a two count. Kendrick gets up but it beaten in to the corner by Gran Metalik. Kendrick is whipped to the other side of the ring into Nese in the corner. Alexander then boosts Metalik over his head and the Mexican sensation dropkicks both his opponents. Cedric and Metalik now lock up after a sporting fist bump beforehand. Notably at this moment, Enzo is in discussion with a young fan outside the ring, avoiding the action. Alexander and Metalik now go back and forth in transition holds, both men run the ropes jumping over each other and recovering from moves with flips back to their feet, they are getting the crowd going now. Metalik halts the back and forth by spinning on the ropes and hitting a front dropkick to Alexander. Gran Metalik looks in control but Tony Nese pulls him under the ropes by the feet and swing him in to the outside floor.
We now have Cedric and Nese in the ring, continuing this rivalry that has gone on for weeks. Much like TJP and Swann, these men want to outdo each other. As they stare down, Kendrick is climbing the apron to get back in but is hauled down by Enzo, face first onto the apron goes Brian. Alexander and Nese trade strikes in the ring now with some hard forearms back and forth, ending with a sharp back elbow by Cedric. Alexander attempts a clothesline but The Premier Athlete ducks, kips up and thrust kicks Cedric to the midsection instead. Tony follows this up with more hard strikes, a knee and high kick combo look to have Cedric rocked but he ducks another forearm and takes down Nese with a backflip head scissors. Alexander follows up with an on point dropkick for a two count. At this stage Enzo has still not entered the action apart from dropping down Kendrick, he continues to walk around outside speaking with fans. Enzo tells the announcers he is “smarter than the average bear.”
Back to the ring and Cedric is lighting up the chest of Nese with some hard knife-edge chops. Alexander attempts a springboard move but is caught on the shoulders of Tony, he drops Alexander stomach first on to his knee but cannot get the pin as Cedric, smartly, rolls out of the ring. Nese looks like he is going to dive to the outside but Enzo attempts a cheeky roll up, Tony kicks out and it send Enzo in to a stiff forearm from Brian Kendrick, followed by a suplex to the outside. Amore is rolled back in and Nese pins him but only for the 2. Tony now grinds down Enzo with a strong side chin lock, he attempts to get out by pulling the beard of Nese but gets a leg drop to the face for his efforts. The Premier Athlete is now making Enzo pay by strongly whipping him into the corner and the executing a back breaker for another 2 count. The Brian Kendrick now has his turn and suplexes Amore, goes for the pin but out quickly at 2. Both men beat down Enzo with punches and boots to the abdomen, Amore finally fights back with a head scissors on Nese and big punches to Kendrick then back to Tony Nese. Enzo executes a flatliner to Kendrick and then a huge punt to the ribs of Nese. Enzo looks like he is preparing for a big swing but is halted by double superkicks from Nese and Kendrick. Both men stand tall but are shortly down again as Metalik and Alexander fly in with springboard clothesline and dropkick. The alliance between the two ends quickly as Cedric rushes Metalik but eats a superkick, runs the ropes and Alexander lands a spectacular Spanish Fly. Every man is down now and the crowd show their appreciation with “This is awesome!” chants around the arena.
Cedric Alexander is the first one to his feet and climbs to the top rope. He gets stopped and rocked by a stiff left hook from Tony Nese, who now climbs to the top too. Alexander tries to fight Tony off but Kendrick now joins in and both men attempt to super-plex Cedric. Metalik now climbs up behind them all and stand on the LED post, he sunset-flip power-bomb’s both Nese and Kendrick, whilst they super-plex Alexander. The crowd go wild for this action. Once again all five men are down inside, and outside the ring. Enzo Amore is finally back to his feet and he attempts a suicide dive on to Nese and Kendrick, he fails in his attempt as they catch him and slam him on to the announce table. Kendrick follows this up with a big boot to Smacktalker Skywalker, and Tony Nese continues the punishment with a knee to the head for good measure. Cameras cut to backstage where we can see the Cruiserweight Champion Neville, looking rather unamused with what he is witnessing. We come back to the action just as Nese and Kendrick throw Enzo over the announce table for good measure. Kendrick convinces Tony that they should work together, an alliance was formed…for all of 10 seconds, as Brian attacks Nese from behind. As he tried to pick him up, Vic Joseph screams “Incoming!” as Metalik flies over the top on to The Man With The Plan. Gran Metalik shouts for the fans approval but instead is met with a running back elbow by Tony Nese. For the first time since watching 205 Live, a chant of “205! 205!” rings around the arena, these guys are slowly but surely winning the fans over.
Nese rolls Metalik back in the ring now and carries him in to the corner, motioning for his finish but is caught from behind and receives a Lumbar Check from Alexander. Tony Nese is eliminated. Cedric now pulls Metalik away from the ropes and tries to eliminate him but only gets 2. Metalik gets up and attempts a handspring in to the ropes but is caught and now he suffer the Lumbar Check, Metalik is gone. As Cedric gets back to his feet, he is grabbed by Kendrick who hits Sliced Bread 1, 2, No! Alexander is still in this match, somehow. He is instantly placed in the Captains Hook from Brian now, again Alexander finds a way to survive and escapes. Cedric catches Brian and attempts yet another elimination but is taken down and placed in the Captains Hook, yet again. Unbelievably, Alexander escapes AGAIN, this time by getting to the bottom rope. What a performance this is from him tonight. Both men falls to the outside after the rope break, Brian rushes Cedric but is hoisted up to a version of a Lumbar Check but to the edge of the ring apron. Alexander rolls him back in and nails the real version for another elimination. In a shocking end to this match, and some would say a slightly sour end, Enzo Amore scours back in and rolls up Cedric, by the tights, to win the fatal 5-way match. Everyone is in shock, none more-so than Cedric Alexander.
WINNER: Enzo Amore
(Weir’s Analysis: What a match! This is why people should be watching 205 Live! These 4 men, and Enzo, put on a fantastic main event that would be excellent on any main roster show. I am really not backing this Enzo push in 205 Live and find it a bit insulting, but lets wait and see how he deals with the Neville Level.)
NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S REPORT: 8/29 WWE 205 LIVE REPORT: Detailed results and analysis of the show including Enzo’s debut in main event
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