-EVOLVE has announced the first big match for EVOLVE 92 on Sept. 22 in Detroit, Mich. EVOLVE Champion Zack Sabre Jr. will defend the title against Davey Richards. The lineup announced so far:
EVOLVE 92 in Detroit, Mich.: EVOLVE Champion Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Davey Richards, WWN Champion Matt Riddle & Keith Lee vs. Chris Dickinson & Jaka, and EVOLVE Tag Team Champions James Drake & Anthony Henry vs. The Troll Boyz (Ethan Page & ACH). Also signed for this event are Tracy Williams (w/Stokely Hathaway), FIP Champion Fred Yehi, Darby Allin, Austin Theory (w/Priscilla Kelly), and Jason Kincaid.
EVOLVE will be announcing matches for EVOLVE 93 on Sept. 23 in Chicago, Ill. soon. EVOLVE 92 and EVOLVE 92 will air on FloSlam.tv.
You can catch up with what went down at EVOLVE 91 in the video below
– EVOLVE is holding a WWN Seminar/Tryout on Sept. 22 in Livonia, Mich. with guest trainer Norman Smiley from NXT. Applications for the seminar/tryout can be find on the seminar/tryout page at wwnlive.com. EVOLVE has announced that at least one wrestler from this seminar/tryout will be booked for the EVOLVE event that same evening. The event will feature a lecture from WWN VP of Talent Relations Gabe Sapolsky on how to get booked with insight on what he’s learned recently from NXT.
-Style Battle S1:E7 will take place on Sept. 17 in Port Richey, Fla. The first four participants announced are Ethan Case, A.R. Fox, Matt Palmer, and Leon Ruff. This event will air live on FloSlam.tv.
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