AUGUST 24, 2017
-Izzy helps fans pass out red solo cups to everyone in line to support Street Profits, but WWE Security (who had informed me prior to the show the cups would not be allowed in) made the fans collect the cups because, sure enough, they are not permitted. WWE’s Street Profits-branded cups do not appear to be on sale in the merch truck.
-Izzy informs me she saw Asuka “just walking around,” maybe filming an arrival video, and she “may or may not have seen” Mae Young Classic competitor Jazzy Gabert earlier. Jazzy posted an Instagram of herself on a plane two days ago. Full Sail will explode if Jazzy comes out tonight.
-Most of the buzz is about Adam Cole. Fans are adding “baybay” to the end of their sentences.
-Fans are sporting the usual mix of WWE/NXT tees and other promotions’ tees (primarily NJPW and Progress from what I’m seeing)
-People are saving photos of red cups to their phones to hold up for Street Profits. “Red Cup Mania” chants are happening. Security personnel are chuckling amongst themselves.
-Izzy is leading general admission in “Baybay!” chants
-During last month’s Mae Young Classic tapings, a tag match in which Jazzy Gabert & Kay Lee Ray & Tessa Blanchard defeated Santana Garrett & Sarah Logan & Marti Belle was filmed with NXT announcers and logos. I am unsure when this will air.
Dark match (seemingly)
(1) Jazzy Gabert defeated Leah Knox via submission. Big ovation for Jazzy, but I honestly expected it to be bigger after her reception at the Mae. Big highlight of the night, though.
-Takeover video package
-Parking lot: Killian Dane, Alexander Wolf, and security have been attacked but the attackers have disappeared. William Regal is livid.
-Drew McIntyre enters in a suit to “You Deserve It” chants. He says everything in his career has led to this moment. He says he’s ready to defend and puts the whole locker room on notice. He invites any challenger. Roderick Strong appears and, after a brief, respectful verbal exchange, it would appear the match will soon be on.
(2) Peyton Royce (wBillie Kaye) defeated Ruby Riot via pinfall with help from Billie Kay. Peyton tore out some of Ruby’s hair throwing her out of the ring.
(3) Heavy Machinery basically squashes unnamed tag team via pinfall.
(4) Roderick Strong pinned Bobby Roode. “Thank You, Bobby!” chants though no indication has been made this is definitely his final NXT match. He said on WWE’s website that he wants the NXT Title back. Strong immediately showing a vicious streak, getting heat from the crowd. Strong pins Roode in an aggressive match. Roode more or less playing sympathetic babyface. Strong blew him a kiss before delivering second finisher in a row. Match of the night.
-McIntyre comes out to address Strong but gets attacked by Adam Cole, Kyle O’Reilly, ands Bobby Fish. Regal sends security out. Cole & Co. make easy work of them, leave, and are shown departing Full Sail.
(1) Andrade Cien Almas (w/Selena Diaz) defeated Cezar Bononi via pinfall. Selena remained backstage bell to bell.
-Aleister Black enters in a suit to cut what I believe is his first NXT promo. Crowd tries desperately to heckle him despite having gone nuts for his entrance. He discussed his 15 year path to NXT and calls out McIntyre. Instead of McIntyre, Velveteen Dream appears. Dream plays up old school Goldust-style homophobia (works like, well, a dream on the wild crowd). Black tolerates before kicking the mic out of Dream’s hands. Dream taunts kissing Black but backs off and leaves before things get worse.
(2) Johnny Gargano beat Riddick Moss (w/Tino Sabbatelli). Johnny is beat down most of match, wins in babyface comeback after taking out Tino.
-Three male wrestlers were led to ring without entrances.
-No DQ Hideo vs. Kassius announced
(3) Lars Sullivan beat three jobbers. The jobbers set up to tag in but Lars asks for a no-tag format. Lars decimates the wily opposition in short order and goes for more after the bell. No Way Jose interrupts the beatdown, cuts a quick respectful but direct promo to challenge Lars and gets in a few good strikes before Lars turns it around and leaves Jose lying.
(4) Sonya Deville defeated Zeda via submission
(5) Kassius Ohno defeated Hideo Itami via pinfall in a no DQ match following a low blow to Itami. A chair and the entrance ramp used in a few various spots.
-Chants of “Street Profits” before the first match. The crowd has wanted to see them all night!
(1) Ruby Royce & Nikki Cross beat Peyton Royce & Billie Kaye. Cross refused to get in the ring, leaving Ruby alone at first. Cross eventually tagged in and cleaned house. This presentation was confusing to many fans live so I may have misinterpreted the format. At first it appeared Ruby had no partner and it had become a handicap match. Ruby pins Billie for the win.
(2) The Street Profits defeated The Ealy Brothers. The crowd holds up phones with the red cup pictures for Profits due to earlier mini-fiasco when red cups were not allowed in. Chants of “Red Cup Mania” and Profits celebrate in raucous crowd
(3) Pete Dunne defeated Wolfgang via pinfall to retain the UK Title in a match fans of the UK division will eat up
-Adam Cole, Kyle O’Reilly & Bobby Fish surround Pete Dunne after the match and let him set down his title before the brawl ensues. Wolfgang comes in for the save but Dunne leaves him to get beaten down. Dunne teases a change of heart, but only returns to the ring to reclaim his belt. Referees swarm to shoo Cole & Co., and Tyler Bate and Trent Seven emerge to help Wolfgang to his feet.
-Fans are now adding “baybay” after the “sweet” some of them like to shout after two-counts.
(1) Johnny Gargano defeated Tino Sabbatelli (w/Riddick Moss) via submission. No interference attempted by Moss. Tino is obviously gifted and draws some of the most heat of the night from the crowd.
-Announcement: Tyler Bate &Trent Seven will wrestle Kyle O’Reilly & Bobby Fish on this episode.
(2) Bianca BelAir defeated Lacey Evans via pinfall
(3) Lars Sullivan defeated No Way Jose via pinfall. Convincing victory. Lars stands over Jose and looks at his own hands, seemingly considering the destructive power he possesses. He’s drawing considerable heat; I’m personally impressed with him.
(4) Kyle O’Reilly & Bobby Fish (wAdam Cole) defeated Tyler Bate & Trent Seven via pinfall. Extremely athletic match. Bate taken out at ringside by a devastating superkick from Cole.
-McIntyre appears and runs the heels out of the ring. He lays down his title, drops to his knees and raises his arms as if to invite Cole to a match. As he taunts Cole & Co., the male members of Sanity appear behind the heels. When the heels turn, a very quick brawl sends them fleeing. McIntyre’s music plays us out.
-An Asuka video package aired. Then William Regal is in the ring, introduces Asuka. Regal and Asuka announce they have begun negotiations with both main brand GMs, and it is a bittersweet moment because they have mutually agreed this means Asuka will relinquish her title. Asuka expresses how much she loves NXT, how she’s grown here and how it will always be with her… then reaffirms that, indeed, no one is ready for Asuka. The NXT roster – women first – take the stage to honor Asuka. Ember emerges and takes the ring to tease a handshake, then goes in for a hug. Triple H appears to present Asuka with roses, embraces her, kisses her forehead, then raises her hand. He then lets her soak up the adulation alone and awaits her for one final arm-raise atop the ramp to end the night. It’s unclear when this segment will air, but Triple H announced Asuka as a 523-day champion so if anyone else feels like doing math…
NOW CHECK OUT THE LATEST NXT TV REPORT: NXT TV REPORT 8/23: Asuka talks about win over Moon, Royce vs. Logan, Bate & Seven vs. Dunn & Wolfgang
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