RADICAN UNBOXES – June 2017 “Stables” themed WWE Slam Crate (w/Coupon Code & Video)

By Sean Radican, PWTorch Columnist

WWE & Loot Crate - August 2016


The latest monthly unboxing video features an unboxing of the June 2017  WWE Slam Crate. The WWE Slam Crate is powered by Loot Crate. The box costs 29.99 plus shipping and handling. Loot Crate promises that each crate will contain a total of 4-6 items totaling a value worth at least $60 or more. You can save money on each crate by committing to a long-term subscription of three or six months.

Each month has a theme that ties the items in the crate together. The theme for the June 2017 WWE Slam Crate is Stables. The WWE Slam Crates are shipped to deliver between the first and tenth of each odd month, so there are a total of six boxes released each year.

WWE Slam Crate usually features a good mix of collectibles and in my view you get way more than  $30 worth each month. The various WWE Championship pins have become very popular amongst collectors due to their high quality and detail. Of course with the stables theme, WWE included the WCW World Championship spray painted with the NWO logo.

In addition to the championship pins, Loot Crate has done a nice job of mixing up the items each month. Of course, there’s always a Slam Crate exclusive shirt and for this crate the Sasha Banks shirt had a nice simple design on the front. Wrestling shirts tend to either have big designs or logos on the front and are very busy, so it’s nice to see a simpler design that looks good when you wear.WWE Slam Crate Contents June 2017

Another thing that WWE has done a nice job with are the collectible figures. The Triple H figure is similar to the Steve Austin figure that was in the last Slam Crate in terms of design and presentation. Triple H comes complete with a ring stand to set him up on. I prefer the design and details of these figures to the Jada Metals figures that featured The Rock and John Cena included in the December and February crates respectively. The Odd Sox included in the box are really cool looking and feature a Bray Wyatt print that covers the entirety of each sock. Odd Sox are rather expensive for socks, so this was not only a nice addition to the crate, but it also adds value, as the Wyatt Odd Sox are exclusive to the crate.

And now on to the WWE Slam Crate Unboxing Video!

Overall, if you’re a WWE fan, you’re going to want to get this crate. As you will see in the unboxing video, there were other fun items included in the box as well that I didn’t discuss in the article. Loot Crate is definitely doing a good job of mixing up the collectibles included in each box while keeping the core items. Fans know they’re going to get an exclusive shirt and pin each month, which is a good start. It’s also nice that Loot Crate continues to mix up the other items in the box from month to month so it never feels stale.

You can purchase a subscription to WWE Slam Crate by visiting HERE or by visiting The theme for the next crate is Extremes. Loot Crate has already announced. If you want a sneak peak on some of the items that will be in the Extremes WWE Slam Crate, visit the Loot Crate website. The deadline to order the next WWE Slam Crate is Aug. 15 at 9 p.m. PT.

Attention: Get $3 off your first WWE Slam Crate by entering the code PWTORCH at checkout. This code works with all crates offered by Loot Crate.

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