AUGUST 11, 1997
(Note: The quarter hour rating is denoted at the start of each quarter marker.)
[Q1: 2.6]
The show opened with footage of Bret Hart winning the WWF Title and celebrating among his fans in Canada later that week. Highlights aired of Shawn Michaels turning heel the week before. Jim Ross narrated, saying Sgt. Slaughter saved the day last week. They went to a live shot of Michaels in the back telling the camera to get out… The opening montage aired…
Vince McMahon opened the show as the camera panned the crowd full of signs. Ross then interviewed Michaels in mid-ring. Michaels came to the ring playing to the crowd in the exact same way he had in recent weeks before his “heel turn” last week. The women shrieked, and there were probably fewer boos from men as a result of his interview last week. He told the fans whether they’re with him or against him it’s okay with him, as long as everybody took a side. Michaels continued to rip into McMahon. McMahon said, “Let’s not get personal. That’s why I’m not doing the interview.” Fans chanted, “Shawn is gay, Shawn is gay.” He turned to the fans and said, “Why don’t you ask your sister and your mother how gay Shawn Michaels is?” He followed with a hip thrust.
He said the WWF has put Michaels on the official WWF hit list. They showed a close-up of McMahon smiling uncomfortably and shaking his head. Michaels told Sgt. Slaughter that nobody steals his spotlight. “I want it all,” he said. Slaughter then began walking to the ring as fans continued the “Shawn is gay” chant. Michaels got in Slaughter’s face. Sarge he said he’s not in the WWF for the spotlight, but instead to make decisions for the betterment of the WWF. Michaels wiped off his face after Slaughter sprayed him with saliva during his speech. Michaels said nobody talks to him like that. Michaels said he feels his life is in danger and thus he needs a big insurance policy. He said later that night he would reveal his insurance policy. Michaels was very good in his role… Clips aired of fans outside the arena earlier that night talking about Michaels, both pro and con…
[Q2: 2.6]
(1) Road Warrior Hawk (w/Animal) beat Henry Godwinn (w/Phinneous Godwinn) in a Country Whippin’ Match at 3:48. Owen Hart & British Bulldog provided color commentary. They talked about the “Fatal Four Way” match at Ground Zero. McMahon said Dude Love & Steve Austin would be there to defend the tag titles. In the end, Animal and Phinneous got involved and Animal sent Henry over the top rope for the win…
(2) Scott Putski defeated Tony Williams. Just as the match was about to begin, Goldust and Marlena’s music began and they sat at ringside for commentary. Williams is a former “New Kid” tag team partner with Brian Christopher in the USWA. Putski gave Williams an overhead suplex and Williams took the entire brunt of the move on his head which was scary coming just eight days after the Austin injury. The announcers basically ignored the match. They went to a split screen and showed the latest “movie” by Goldust and Marlena. It was black and white hidden camera footage of Pillman in the locker room fretting over having to change into his dress. Ross called it an invasion of privacy. They showed Pillman taking off his shirt, pants, and shoes and putting on his dress. Ross said, “That’s the first time we’ve seen Brian Pillman in his underwear. That’s pretty exciting.” McMahon said, “Not for most fans.” Lawler said Goldust and Marlena were going to get sued for the hidden camera stunt. Pillman began throwing chairs around the locker room and tried to rip apart the dress. McMahon apologized to Putski and Williams for ignoring their match. Slaughter came to ringside and ordered Goldust and Marlena to the back…
[Q3: 2.5]
Undertaker said he would be watching later to see Michaels’s surprise. He said the only insurance Michaels would need at Ground Zero would be burial insurance…
(3) Flash Funk beat Brian Pillman (wearing a dress) at 3:25. Ross brought up that Lawler would be facing Tommy Dreamer at ECW Hardcore Heaven. Ross also mentioned that Sabu would be on the PPV. Slaughter appeared on an inset screen and announced that later Owen & Bulldog would have to face Patriot and a partner of his choosing, but he wouldn’t reveal who that partner would be. The music of Goldust and Marlena played. They came out and looked up at the TitanTron. Footage began to air of Pillman changing into the dress. That gave Flash Funk a chance to small package a distracted Pillman for the win. Ross said Pillman is close to snapping…
[Q4: 2.6]
McMahon said Austin is out of action with a career-threatening neck injury. They showed three angles on the piledriver, Owen bragging about what he did the day after, and Austin interfering in the Dude Love vs. Owen match on last week’s Raw… McMahon interviewed Dude Love in mid-ring. Dude said Austin was home nursing his injury but would be back soon kicking ass. He promo’d his match later. Michaels responded from the locker room…
[Q5: 3.3]
(4) Patriot & (mystery partner) Ken Shamrock defeated Owen Hart & British Bulldog when Patriot pinned Bulldog at 11:18. Before the match Owen dedicated the match to his brother Bret in the back. A fan in the third row raw on the camera side of the ring was dressed as Sting and carried a black baseball bat. A fan held up an orange sign to the left of the camera that said, “Read the Torch.” (Clearly an intelligent, informed fan! The sign was mysteriously missing after the commercial break.) At 3:30 Bret stepped onto the rampway as they cut to a commercial. Shamrock hot-tagged Patriot at 9:10. He dropped both Owen and Bulldog to the mat and showed really good fire afterward. Bret began walking down the rampway. Slaughter ran out and ordered Bret to back up. Owen slid a chair into the ring, then went after Shamrock at ringside. The ref jumped out of the ring to restore order. Meanwhile Bulldog went for the chair, but Patriot instead slammed Bulldog onto the chair and scored the pin…
[Q6: 3.3]
Ross plugged the WWF 900 line as the source for the real story on Ahmed being kicked out of the WWF and Austin’s condition… A feature aired on the reception Bret received upon returning to Toronto Pearson International Airport last week with the WWF Title. They showed interviews with fans awaiting Bret’s arrival. In case anyone was confused (apparently since Slaughter was recently in the AWF), Bret said, “It’s not the American Wrestling Federation. It’s the World Wrestling Federation.” He said he wears the WWF belt for the fans around the world, not the U.S. fans… They showed Michaels backstage talking to his “insurance policy.” They showed Rick Rude from behind. Michaels freaked out when he noticed the camera and pushed it away… McMahon interviewed Patriot from the locker room. As he talked about wanting to prove himself, Bret attacked him. WWF officials stepped in to break up the fight…
[Q7: 3.2]
(5) Faarooq beat Chainz at 3:03. McMahon said Ahmed was absent because he reinjured his knee. Ross said Ahmed may never be 100 percent again. He also hinted that the NOD were looking to recruit another member. The ref went down. Chainz covered Faarooq, but there was no ref to make the count. Rocky Maivia then returned to Raw and ran to the ring to check on the ref. Rocky then gave Chainz a chokeslam and then directed the referee to make the three count. Rocky gave the NOD salute and left the ring with Faarooq… The camera entered the NOD locker room. Faarooq ordered the camera out of the room and slammed the door. Chainz and the DOA charged toward the locker room and tried to kick down the door as WWF officials stepped in…
Sable came to the ring to be guest ring announcer. As the camera zoomed in on her breasts, Lawler said, “You’ll notice since she arrived in the WWF she’s gotten a lot bigger.” He then paused, and said, “Bigger in popularity than Marc Mero.” Patriot then stormed out, upset over being attacked earlier, and challenged Bret Hart to defend his title right then and there in Biloxi. Bret came out with the Canadian flag. They began fighting each other, although no bell rang and no official was in the ring. Owen, Bulldog, and Pillman then charged the ring and began beating on Patriot. They rubbed the Canadian flag in Patriot’s face. What could be more humiliating?! Slaughter and several other WWF officials ran out to restore order… Mankind said the lump in Michaels’s throat will be his liver…
[Q8: 3.6]
(6) Shawn Michaels (w/Rick Rude) defeated Mankind at 11:00. Michaels came to the ring without Rude. Mankind brought a big trash can to the ring with him and threw it into the ring. Michaels attacked Mankind as he entered the ring. Michaels put the trash can over Mankind’s head. They used that as a segue into mentioning briefly the ECW PPV again. Outside the ring, Michaels backdropped Mankind into Lawler. Michaels then dove over the announcers table onto Mankind with an elbow. Mankind applied the Mandible Claw, but Michaels escaped and rammed Mankind into the steel stairs and then back suplexed him onto the announcers table. Hunter and Chyna walked down the rampway as they cut to a commercial. At 9:30 Rude made his way down the rampway. Rude grabbed a chair and nailed Mankind in the head as Chyna distracted the ref. Michaels then gave Mankind chin music for the win. Undertaker came out. On the TitanTron screen Paul Bearer warned Undertaker that Cain is coming soon… [WK]
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