MCMAHON’S GFW IMPACT REPORT 7/20: ECIII vs. Edwards vs. Drake vs. Moose, LAX/El Patron Fallout



July 20, 2017
Taped from Orlando, Fla. (Universal Studios)
Aired on Pop TV

Announcers: Josh Mathews & Jeremy Borash with The Pope

Immediately following tonight’s Impact Wrestling, tune in to the PWTorch Livecast. Mike McMahon and Andrew Soucek will discuss tonight’s show with callers. Listen at and call the show at 515-605-9345

— The Impact signature aired.

— Dos Caras and Alberto El Patron’s brother were shown arriving at the Impact Zone. Jeremy Borash said they were given the ultimatum from LAX to convince El Patron to join, “or else.”

— A video package aired on the LAX/El Patron storyline over the last two weeks.

— The Impact opened aired.

— Jeremy Borash welcomed us to the show while live shots of the crowd inside the Impact Zone aired. Josh Mathews said the Super X Cup would continue to kickoff this show.

(1) SAMMY GUEVARA vs. DRAGO — Super X Cup first round 

Prior to the match opening, they aired about a 30-second video package on each wrestler talking about why it was a big deal for them to win this tournament. In the package, Guevara gave his backstory and said he’s the biggest unknown in the tournament, which he thought was a plus. Drago’s package was in Spanish with a translator. He said he was from another world and he wanted to win the X Cup to prove how powerful he was.

Guevara tried for a pump kick but Drago took him down with a leg sweep. Guevara hit a shooting star press on Drago off the top rope, to the outside. About one minute later, Guevara hit a 630 splash for a two count. Drago came back with a running DDT, taking off Guevara’s head, and then scoring the pinfall.

WINNER: Drago in 4:00.

Drago will face Dezmond Xavier next week in the semifinals.

McMahon’s Analysis: The video packages before these matches are incredibly well done. For the new wrestlers, it’s giving the audience backstory and letting people know who they are. At the same time, everyone is giving their reason why winning the Super X Cup is important to them. Two weeks ago, I questioned why they would bring back a tournament that no one remembered and no one really cared about. But, these packages are making the tournament feel very important. It doesn’t take much, but this is a really great example of how storylines that are very sport-driven really resonate. This tournament isn’t about someone needing to get married for a green card. This tournament is filled with athletic wrestlers, doing athletic things, and all trying to win the tournament in order to advance their career and earn an X Division Championship opportunity. It’s been really good.

This match in particular was strong, despite only getting four minutes of TV time. It did follow a formula that works sometimes, but I think can be problematic if done too often. Guevara was the one getting most of the offense before Drago scored the pin. This has become GFW’s version of WWE 50-50 booking. When you boil it down, I prefer GFW’s 50-50 booking to WWE’s, in that they are at least somewhat consistent in results when it comes to who they’re pushing, and they aren’t as concerned with someone “getting their win back.” But this formula seems to be very consistent and it’s making match results predictable. Whoever is getting beat up for most of the match, they more often than not end up catching their opponent quick for a win.


— Back from the break, a video package aired on GFW talent visiting a children’s camp for children who are suffering from illness. The camp was Camp Boggy Creek. GFW wrestlers were shown interacting with the kids and also wrestling exhibition matches. Karen Jarrett narrated the video, and she gave out information on where to learn more about the camp.


Nova charged right at the bell but Sienna was quickly in control. Sienna was smirking as she hit Nova with a wheel barrel suplex. Sienna went for a delayed vertical suplex but Nova fought back with a knee. Sienna then hit Nova with an AK47 for the pin.

WINNER: Sienna in 2:00.

Sienna asked for a microphone and said she did what she said she was going to do. Sienna said Rosemary was too busy writing emo poetry, and Sienna was the one putting in work. Sienna said one other person never believed in her. Sienna asked, “Mrs. Jarrett” if she believed in her now? Sienna demanded that Karen come down and give her the respect she deserves.

Karen walked to the ring and asked Sienna what she wanted? Sienna said it was too late for congratulations. She wanted to see Karen get on her knees and tell her she’s the most dominant Knockouts Champion who has ever existed. Karen asked why she would do that? Sienna said because it was true, and also because she told her to do it.

Sienna and Karen went face-to-face but Allie ran in and attacked Sienna with a kendo stick. Laurel Van Ness ran down and attacked Allie and Sienna and LVN double-teamed Allie. Rosemary ran down and tackled LVN and speared Sienna. LVN hit Rosemary with a kendo stick. Sienna and LVN double-teamed Rosemary. Karen grabbed Sienna by the hair and Sienna was about to fight back, but Gail Kim hit the ring and cleared Sienna and LVN from the ring. Karen told Sienna that she would face Rosemary next week for the Unified Knockouts Championship. Karen said the best part is that it would be a last knockouts standing match.

McMahon’s Analysis: I could do without Karen Jarrett on television. Right or wrong, it seems too much like she’s trying to come across as a babyface Stephanie McMahon, and her narrating the charity video package only fits with that characteristic. I don’t find her to be a particularly strong character and you could have come up with an angle to accomplish next week’s title match without involving Karen.

That said, I liked how they had Sienna win a squash match before cutting her promo. That type of segment broke up the typical long-winded promo from (pick your wrestler) in the ring. I’ve wondered lately why GFW or WWE don’t use the post-match interview in the ring or on the ramp, as was done about 20 years ago. It’s also something UFC and Bellator use constantly (the winner of the fight getting a post-match interview). It’s a great opportunity to let the wrestlers talk without it having to be a 15-minute promo.

— The announce team was shown on camera. They reacted to the Knockouts Championship match next week and the Super X Cup match that opened the show. Borash threw to a video package on LAX, where they were in their clubhouse trying to convince El Hijo De Dos Caras to get El Patron to join LAX. They had him kidnapped, essentially, with a blindfold and his arms tied behidn his back. Konnan also said that LAX sent Crazzy Steve on a Mexican vacation.

McMahon’s Analysis: So, LAX committed a felony on TV, kidnapping someone and holding that person against their will. Also, I think Konnan admitted to murder on TV as well with the Crazzy Steve comment. I’m fine with the “LAX going after El Patron’s family” angle, but let’s keep it somewhat believable. I don’t think they needed to kidnap El Hijo Dos Caras (they could have approached him backstage).


— Back from the break, Jeremy Borash hyped the Swole Mates show, and the jacked up guys were shown sitting in the crowd again.

— Josh Mathews narrated a video package on El Hijo del Fantasma.

— Bruce Prichard was talking to Conrad Thompson on the phone when he came across Trevor Lee backstage. Prichard asked why Lee had the title. Lee said that he has a lot on his mind. Lee said he never got his rematch after the six-way match where Sonjay Dutt returned. Sonjay ran into the picture and demanded his belt back. Bruce then sent Sonjay away and thanked Lee for explaining why he stole the belt, and said it makes a lot of sense.

McMahon’s Analysis: Bruce Prichard is a heel? Right? I mean, he must be. The heel that stole the title was standing there, the rightful champion came into the picture demanding the title match, and Prichard sent away rightful owner of the belt. So, Bruce Prichard is a heel.


Borash said the match was contested under six-man lucha rules. Mathews explains that means no tags are necessary. When a partner leaves the ring, another partner can enter. The minis begin the match after Laredo Kid and Trevor Lee climb out of the ring. Laredo Kid hit a missile dropkick on Abraham and the heels all fall to the outside, leaving the babyfaces to celebrate in the ring.


Back from the break, Abraham hits Octagoncito with a forearm. Borash said Laurel Van Ness said yes to Grado, and they would go on a date later tonight. Borash said that broke on Borash wondered why Bruce Prichard didn’t make Lee give back the X Division Title. Pope said that Bruce is making a lot of questionable calls lately. Lee, wrestling with the X Division Title on, is wrestling Octagoncito. Borash said they just got word that Sonjay Dutt was banned from the Impact Zone, per Bruce Prichard. Octagoncito hit a flying head scissor and tagged in Laredo Kid. Demus was taken out by Octagoncito. All the heels were on the outside and all three babyfaces hit a triple dive. Laredo Kid spun out Demus and dove on top of Demus and Trevor Lee on the outside off the top roe. In the ring, Garza Jr. flipped Octagoncito off the top of his shoulders and onto Abraham for the win.

WINNER: Octagoncito, Laredo Kid & Garza Jr. in 11:00.

After the match, the babyfaces celebrated.

McMahon’s Analysis: Entertaining match, but with almost no storyline behind it, I felt like it was hard to invest. Trevor Lee is involved in an angle, but he’s really the only one who is at the moment, and he didn’t play a factor into the finish of the match at all. But, the match was fun to watch. GFW is relying heavily on their Mexican relationships on this show, and so far I would say it’s working. The show has a different feel this week with so much newer talent.

— A video from earlier this week was shown, where Joseph Park and Grado celebrated LVN saying yes to a date. LVN and Grado went on their date. Grado said she looked lovely and told her that he ate all the chocolate. Grado gave her coupons and LVN said she had champagne, all day. Grado and LVN were shown inside a restaurant. LVN was wearing her wedding dress and Grado was in full wrestling gear. They were sitting at a table but at very opposite ends. LVN teased Grado with the pepper. LVN burped. Grado said he might skip dinner, and he’s never said that.

— LAX was again in their clubhouse. Konnan said he sent Santana and Ortiz to get El Patron’s dad, Dos Caras. Konnan said that the “old man” was going to get it done. Konnan took a pair of pliers and said he might need to use them on Dos Caras.


— Back from the break, Santana and Ortiz bring in Dos Caras. Konnan tells Dos Caras he doesn’t care what happens to him. All he wants is that this week, he better make the right decision. Konnan said El Patron loves his family, so Dos Caras needs to convince him to join LAX. Konnan said there is a part of him that hopes he doesn’t tell Alberto, so that they can inflict punishment.


Low Ki charges Fantasma at the bell but Sydal soon lands a few leg kicks on Low Ki. Matt Sydal hits a shooting star press on Low Ki for the win.

WINNER: Matt Sydal in 14:00.

After the match, Sydal grabbed a mic and said the X Division is world class wrestling and he thanked his opponents and for the fans. Sydal said that match was for everyone in attendance. He said to trust themselves, and question authority. Sydal asked Bruce Prichard to come to the ring, and Borash said it looked like Sydal was going to follow up on asking for an X Division Title shot.

Bruce Prichard came out and said he liked Sydal. Bruce said he’s sick of people demanding things, but while Sydal is deserving of a championship match, so are a lot of other people. Lashley came out with music and he walked past Prichard and into the ring. Sydal talked to Prichard and told Sydal, “this does not concern you.” Lashley told Prichard that everyone wants to be No. 1 contender for the World Title, and everyone knows only Lashley is deserving of a title shot. Lashley said he walked through everyone and ever since his hiccup at Slammiversary, he hasn’t had a title shot. Sydal told Lashley that he asked for a title shot. Lashley said if he has to watch someone else get a title shot, he was going to destroy everything in GFW. Lashley demanded a title shot and then he speared Sydal. He said that was only a start, and told Prichard to “make it happen.”


— More highlights of Grado and LVN’s date were shown. Grado continued to be repulsed by LVN.

— Eli Drake and Chris Adonis made their entrance. Adonis walked by the Swole Mates and threw a cup of water on them. Freddie, one half of the Swole Mates, gets in the ring and clotheslines Adonis. The other Swole Mate then gets in the ring and Drake backs off.



All four men go at it to begin the match. Edwards hit a dive through the middle ropes onto Drake on the outside. ECIII and Moose collide in the middle of the ring and butt heads. Moose clotheslines ECIII over the top rope and Eli Drake gets clotheslined by Eddie Edwards. Moose kicks Eddie Edwards and throws him into the corner. Moose powerbombed Edwards over the top rope and to the outside. Edwards hits a hurricanrana off the top. Drake ends up stealing the pin on Edwards after ECIIi hit a One Percenter

WINNER: Eli Drake in 6:00.

After the match, Mathews talked about how Edwards and ECIII almost had the match won at various points.

— Backstage, McKenzie Mitchell was with the Swole Mates. They said that Adonis was jealous of their bodies. LAX interrupted and said they were about to give the camera an exclusive. Konnan approaches El Patron’s brother and father backstage and they said that they weren’t sure if El Patron was going to join LAX. Dos Caras flat out said no, and slapped Konnan. LAX got angry, but Konnan told them to chill. Then, he changed his mind and told LAX to attack. Konnan said that if El Patron didn’t come to the ring, LAX would do away with his father and brother, and El Patron would never see them again.


— Back from the break, LAX brought out Dos Caras and El Hijo de Dos Caras. They had them down on one knee in the ring. Konnan said that they weren’t going to handle this like they do it in the U.S. with lawyers. They were going to handle this with violence, like in the streets. Konnan said El Patron put his hands on his family, so El Patron was going to put his hands on El Patron’s. Konnan had Ortiz hold El Hijo de Dos Caras in a headlock and Diamante beat him with a kendo stick. Then, the rest of LAX joined in.

Konnan turned his attention to Dos Caras. Konnan said that the way you humiliate him is to take off his mask. Borash said Dos Caras has never been unmasked. As Konnan went to pull it off, El Patron came to the ring. El Patron told Konnan to leave his dad alone. El Patron told Konnan that he took this too far. Konnan told El Patron if he joined LAX, he would let his family go. El Patron told Konnan that the worst part of this is that they were brothers. El Patron said that he went through everything with Mysterio and Konnan. El Patron said Konnan gets in trouble because of his latin temper. El Patron said he gets it. El Patron told Konnan he knows how to get to him. El Patron said he bleeds and cries for his family. El Patron told Konnan to let his family go.

Konnan orders that the family be set free. El Patron apologized to the fans and told Konnan he was a man of his word. El Patron said that Konnan (he was calling him Carlos), wasn’t Carlos anymore. El Patron said that they’re nto friends anymore, but he is a man of his word. Konnan said he doesn’t need a friend, he needs a soldier. Konnan handed El Patron an LAX shirt and told him to put it on. El Patron wanted Konnan’s word that if he puts on the shirt, the stuff with his family ends tonight. After a delay, El Patron put on the shirt and reluctantly shook Konnan’s hand. El Patron then clotheslined Ortiz and grabbed a kendo stick to beat up Homicide. After clearing the ring, El Patron was alone with Konnan. Ortiz and Santana ran back in the ring, allowing Konnan to get away while they took a kendo stick beating.

The show ended with El Patron ripping off the LAX shirt.


3 Comments on MCMAHON’S GFW IMPACT REPORT 7/20: ECIII vs. Edwards vs. Drake vs. Moose, LAX/El Patron Fallout

  1. Fantastic show that was better than anything I saw on WWE tv this week. I agree with the crazy Steve statement being over the top, but the whole Mcmahon limo angle which was never explained and just dropped was more over the top. Yes, I remember why it was not explained, but even had they carried out that storyline it was way over the top and not believable at all.

    I like Karen Jarrett over Stephanie McMahon. Jarret actually seems like she might be enjoying what she is doing and might care a lot about the fans. I don’t get that vibe from any of the McMahons. They probably care just as much, but their online personas as pretty much screw the fans and I realize that is a way to generate heat from some of the fans, but it really is stupid to come out and belittle paying customers as often as they do.

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