NEW QUOTES: Prichard debunks Russo claims, Steiner tears into Hunter & Steph, Roma on difficulty being a Horseman, Glacier


The following are the latest news items stemming from quotes highlighted at our sister website,, which chronicles what wrestlers are saying on the record on a daily basis, including newsworthy quick quotes and longer detailed written recaps of wrestling-personality-hosted podcasts.

•Scott Steiner sure isn’t lobbying to land in the WWE Hall of Fame anytime soon, as he unleashed on Triple H and Stephanie McMahon once again in an interview with Ring Rust Radio. “As far as nowadays, I feel sorry for guys,” Steiner said. “Especially with what they do in the WWE. They are cookie cutters. You got 20 or 30 idiot writers with the two biggest idiots being Stephanie McMahon and Hunter McMahon. I say Hunter McMahon because I can’t tell which one is the bigger douche, her or him. I’ll give him her last name because he’s a man without a backbone.” Steiner also listed off a few more idiots in the business and talked about his return to Impact. Read the full story here: MORE: Scott Steiner names off a few “idiots” in the business, why he came back to Impact, Triple H not having a “backbone”

•The most recent episode of Something to Wrestle With featured an in-depth discussion of Vince Russo. Bruce Prichard was asked about Russo’s claim that the “look, name, and catchphrase of Hunter” came from him. Prichard’s response not only debunked that claim but shed some interesting light on how Vince McMahon initially saw Triple H: “He definitely did not come up with the look,” Prichard said. “I don’t know if he came up with ‘The Game’ or not, that might’ve been something that Russo wrote in promos at some point for Hunter, so that may be true. I do remember Corny (Jim Cornette) and Vince McMahon saying that Triple H would be a mid-card guy at best early on in his career. And Russo was a huge proponent of Triple H and I dare say that without Russo at the helm at the time, Hunter probably would not have gotten the breaks that he got at that time.” Prichard talked more about Russo and Hunter, as well as the reaction to The Curtain Call.

MORE: Bruce Prichard on Vince McMahon initially seeing Triple H as mid-card, a different perspective on the Curtain Call.

•On The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling podcast, Paul Roma recalled how the rest of the Four Horsemen reacted to his controversial inclusion into the group. “It was cool,” Roma said. “I got along with Arn really well, I tried to get along with Ric and it seemed like I did for awhile but it is hard to tell. Ole was kind of in that rough spot in between and would say coming out of the ring and it was; ‘We don’t do that, the Horseman don’t do that, the Horseman don’t sound like that.’ It was always something. But when I was with Arn it was never a problem. We traveled together and Arn would stay quiet and Ric ran the show and I get it because he’s the big deal. We just needed to gel. I tried but we needed to gel. Then Paul (Orndorff) came up to me and said was I okay with tagging with him and I said absolutely brother.” Roma also talked about if he has heat with Triple H and his work with Hercules and Jim Powers.

MORE: Paul Roma on if he has heat with Triple H, who put him in the Four Horsemen, why he doesn’t watch WWE

•In this era of ’90s nostalgia, Glacier has seen a resurgence of popularity on the independent scene. In an interview with Uproxx, he reflected back on his career and revealed why his debut took so long. “I remember the moment where me and Chris Kanyon realized that there had been a paradigm shift in the whole idea was, because we were supposed to go down to Bash at the Beach ’96 when Hogan turned heel. We were actually driving down, a group of us, and we were gonna stop off and visit in my hometown of Brunswick, Georgia, which is kinda halfway. And we got there, and we got a call to tell us not to come down. ‘Cause we were supposed to be down there for whatever, they were gonna do something. And we were like, ‘Okay. Well, what do we do?’ And they were like, ‘We don’t need you for the pay-per-view.’ We’re like, ‘Okay.’ So, of course, we just … I said, ‘Hey, why don’t we stay here, and I got some friends. We can watch the pay-per-view here. We’ll all just hang out and head back to Atlanta tomorrow. While we’re watching the pay-per-view, Kanyon and I are sitting on the same couch watching it, and as soon as Hogan turned heel — of course, it was monumental to anybody that saw it ’cause they were throwing stuff in the ring and everything — I remember it, he didn’t even look at me. He just said, looking at the camera, ‘Well, there goes our push.’” Glacier also talked about staying active in the business and what it’s like to still be recognized.

MORE: Glacier on the major wrestling event that derailed his debut, staying active in the business

There is much more available at, which just might be YOUR NEXT NEW FAVORITE WEBSITE to visit every day. New detailed written podcast recaps include:

-Cheap Heat on Raw’s rough week

-PWTorch Interview Thursday with Hurricane Helms

-X-Pac 1,2,360 with EC III

-Steve Austin – Unleashed! with Wade Keller

-Colt Cabana with Jeff Cobb

-Something to Wrestle With featuring an in-depth discussion on Hulk Hogan’s 1988


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