Raw Rating: Memorial Day rating down despite strong main events, how did it compare to last year? (w/Keller’s Analysis)

By Wade Keller , PWTorch editor

Raw Crowd (Photo credit Ben Tucker © PWTorch)


This week’s episode of WWE Monday Night Raw on WWE Network drew a 1.75 rating. The show aired on Memorial Day, but boasted two big main event matches announced a week ahead of time – Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins and Finn Balor vs. Bray Wyatt vs. Samoa Joe.

The rating is down from last week’s 1.88 rating and below the ten-week average of 2.12 headed into this week, which includes WrestleMania season.

The rating a year ago on Memorial Day drew a 2.19 rating, a drop of 14 percent.

The first hour drew 2.69 million viewers, the second hour 2.68 million, and the third hour 2.47 million. The first-t0-third hour drop-off was 221,000. The 2017 average is 233,000, so it was a bit below normal.

The five week average headed into Memorial Day last year was 2.27 and the Memorial Day Raw drew a 2.19 rating, so a drop of 0.08. It dropped 0.10 from the prior week rating of 2.19.

This five-week average headed into Memorial Day this year was 1.94, so the 1.75 rating this week is a drop-off of 0.19, steeper than last year’s. The rating last week was 1.88, so the drop-off was 0.13, also greater than last year’s drop-off.

Keller’s Analysis: Given the loaded line-up, its fair to say the Memorial Day episode of Raw performed worse than expected and disappointingly so.


1 Comment on Raw Rating: Memorial Day rating down despite strong main events, how did it compare to last year? (w/Keller’s Analysis)

  1. The scary part of the rating is Vince will now hotshot it by finding some excuse to rip Smackdown apart and move folks to Raw. But I put the blame on creative and under performing players. Get Alissa someone to play with, Bayley aint it. Get a Mens champ on air, not on the farm.

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