Roman Reigns is one of the most divisive and talked about WWE performers in history. The company makes desperate play after desperate play to make him their number one star – thus far to no avail. How do they do it? What do they do?
I’m Tom Colohue and this is the Monday Night Reigns-o-Meter.
Monday Night Reigns-o-Meter
As you might expect, this won’t be all too long.
Shrewd viewers may have noticed that Roman Reigns didn’t feature on this week’s episode of Monday Night Raw. As such, some of you might have expected the Monday Night Reigns-o-Meter to fall by the wayside too, but no, sir. I’m Tom Colohue, dammit, and I can write about anything, including writing about Roman Reigns when there is no Roman Reigns.
You can’t get rid of me that easily. You’ll never be rid of me because I am the authority on the Roman Reigns push. Except for all of the people involved in the push, and, you know, actual experts, but enough about them! I am here for you. I will be here, on time every week, giving you that hot dose of Roman Reigns action that you all need.
Oh, quick thing, there’ll be no Reigns-o-meter next week because I’m in Venice and I won’t be able to watch wrestling until I get back on Thursday. Short of something amazing, I don’t see it.
The things I do for you guys, eh? Always here for you, always giving you what you want, never missing a beat. That’s how much I care!
Let’s begin, shall we?
You see there is something to talk about today. It’s something that involves Roman Reigns. It’s Braun Strowman’s babyface push. Now, you might be seeing a heel push, but let me just dispute that on a couple of points right here.
1. Strowman came out first, to a big cheer.
2. Strowman left spaces in his promo for the crowd to cheer, as did Kurt Angle (so you know those pauses were scripted).
3. Strowman showed all the classic Attitude Era attitude that people love.
4. Strowman’s beating of Kalisto was a throwback to Kevin Nash throwing Rey Mysterio into a production truck back in the WCW heyday.
5. He did a dropkick, a kick up and broke the god damn ring.
Nobody is going to boo a man who can tip an ambulance and make a ring explode. Nobody. You’re essentially booking Lesnar mark 2 here.
And this is the thing, you see. Lesnar. Personally, I’m expect Strowman to defeat a wounded Roman Reigns, thus getting his heat back, delaying Roman Reigns in his quest to take on Lesnar (supposedly for an entire year) and completing his brief baby face run. Yes, brief. You see, Lesnar is supposed to be a heel right now. Goldberg’s big babyface run was supposed to result in people turning on Lesnar. The opposite happened, so Lesnar is now just over the line of face.
Put Lesnar against Reigns right now and Brock gets cheers. Put Strowman against Roman right now and Strowman gets cheers. Has Brock tipped an ambulance recently? Did he break the ring by superplexing Big Show?
I meant recently.
Right now, Braun Strowman is cool. He’s in. He’s it. He’s over. Line him up against Lesnar, and Braun is the good guy, especially after pinning Reigns at Payback. That means that Lesnar is the bad guy.
Now, obviously we don’t expect Strowman to beat Lesnar. The whole point is to get Roman over, not Strowman. Lesnar vs. Strowman could be a great match, and after the match Bray Wyatt could easily recruit Strowman again as his enforcer in some way that takes him out of the Reigns-Lesnar storyline again.
Expect Lesnar to take on face after face after face, including all members of The Shield, in order to try to convince fans that booing Lesnar is more important than booing Reigns. It’s all about Reigns.
Short, sweet, to the point. Let’s look at that ref fly again, shall we? All together now.
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