TALKING POINTS FROM TALKING SMACK 4/4: Renee talks about Superstars Shakeup, Tye Dillinger has been waiting a long time for this, Naomi on again

By Tom Colohue, PWTorch Specialist


Talking Smack has quickly become must see TV. That is very high praise for a network special that promotes sitting down and talking over wrestling on a wrestling network. It’s smooth, easy viewing that appeals to those who want to know more about what really goes on without ever damaging the overall characters. Every episode gives us a few interesting things that it is definitely with knowing.

I’m Tom Colohue and this is Talking Points From Talking Smack.

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Talking Points From Talking Smack

1. Dark days are coming for Talking Smack

With the success of Talking Smack and the upcoming “Superstar Shake-Up” it seems like that Raw Talk will become a permanent fixture on the calendar. This is a good thing for the Superstars. Talking Smack is one of the major reasons that Smackdown Live is doing so well. People have been able to get over and advance storylines with limited involvement regardless of their position on the card. Mojo Rawley became a thing on Talking Smack and look at him now.

Unfortunately, Talking Smack is going to be stretched thin, and soon. Daniel Bryan is expecting a baby, and thus will not be available as often as he used to be. Renee Young is expected to host Raw Talk, despite Corey Graves being literally right there ready. Raw Talk and babies are going to hurt Talking Smack.

2. Naomi needs more

Naomi, the second two-time champion, appeared for the second week in a row on Talking Smack. Clearly, they’re going to give her a big push. This is probably the right thing. She has style, talent, and charisma. Character, though? She’s suffering the Bayley problem.

Naomi has a great entrance, and people have picked up her catchphrase. She looks unique in a very diverse division. She also seriously lacks personality right now. Over time, this will begin to punish her as people will fail to connect to someone when all we know about her is that she likes to dance and wrestle. She needs more.

3. Limited Tye time?

Tye Dillinger opened by talking about how long he waited for his opportunity. We hear that a lot – a lot – but Tye sounded more genuine that you’ll typically hear.

The problem is that he’s another person hitting one note right now. “I’ve been waiting a long time, here I am.” I’m left asking, now what? Maybe talk about the shake-up limited the possibilities, but Tye said absolutely nothing new. I’ve been waiting a long time. I’m here now. The fans are great.

Tye’s arrival, however, spells the end of something else. His finisher is exactly the same move as one that A.J. Styles uses and he’s never gotten a pin from it. I’m going to miss that because, you know, he does it better.

4. It‘s all about the shake-up

Nobody got a full interview devoted to themselves this time. Breaks between guests were devoted to talking about trades. It doesn’t sound like a draft but more minor trades, and I am very happy with this set-up. There are some very bad choices that could be made and we’re almost guaranteed to have at least one that does. Talking Smack gave a lot of attention to this.

Then Renee Young mentioned that she would be good on Raw. No. Do not do that. No.

5. The Usos are leading by example

Remember when the tag teams got nothing? Then the Usos won the belts and suddenly they were appearing often. Clearly, American Alpha weren’t trusted to keep things going.

The Usos missed having Daniel Bryan to play off today, but they made great use of having Shane McMahon there. They represent as fighting champions, perfect representatives, and more than anything they are drawing attention to their division brilliantly.

Is it possible to stay heel while being this positive? Smackdown has been building their division around The Usos, so they’re staying.

Oh, quick thing, did you see that face drop when he mentioned Bullet Club? Oh that face dropped and it didn’t recover.

NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S ARTICLE: TALKING POINTS FROM TALKING SMACK 3/28: A.J. Styles on minor detour, Naomi returns, Rene Young continues to shine


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