MARCH 30, 2016
The show began with Larry Legend as the host introducing the show. The commentators are Denver Colorado, Excalibur, and Emil Jay.
(1) Sami Callihan vs. KTB. They traded dives to start. There were beach balls at ringside and Callihan tried to throw one. At KTB. Thankfully he no-sold it. KTB took a beating on the outside, but eventually caught Sami with a big boot as he ran around the ring. They traded bicycle kick and KTB eventually hit a jackhammer for a near fall. They battled up top and Callihan eventually hit a liger bomb. KTB kicked out at the last second and Callihan went right to the stretch muffler. KTB eventually tapped out. This was a fun opener.
Winner: Sami Callihan
Star rating: (***)
Callihan got on the mic and put over KTB. He said KTB had been doing this for 10 years and tonight was his nice to shine. They shook hands and the fans changed for KTB. Kevin Gill joined the commentary booth.
(2) Braxton Sutter & Allie vs. Penelope Ford & Andy Williams. Allie cut a promo before the match. She said Andy was in a band and has friends in the wrestling business, so he thought he could bring his gross self into her ring. Andy asked for the mic and nailed Allie with a huge clothesline. Sutter returned the favor and wiped out Ford with a running kick. Williams and Sutter then went at it. Both teams brawled at ringside. A door was introduced into the equation. Williams eventually suplexed Sutton through the door, which was set up against the guardrail. The fans chanted this is spring break. LOL. This was pretty much just a brawl. Williams eventually caught Sutter with a choke slam. He then helped Williams hit an assisted moonsault on Sutter for the win.
Winners: Penelope Ford & Andy Williams
Star rating: (**) Tony Devito joined the commentary booth.
(3) GCW Champion Matt Tremont vs. Eddie Kingston in an Anything Goes Falls Count Anywhere match. The fans had noodles in the crowd and many were dressed in spring break attire. This is a pretty great visual for a spring break backdrop theme. Tremont cut a promo before the match. He said it was time for blood and violence. He said falls count anywhere as well. Tremont got a bunch of plunder from under the ring including another door! They brawled on the floor and Tremont came up bleeding after going into the ringpost. Tremont fired back and set up several boards and the door in the corners of the ring. Kingston ducked a charge from Tremont and tossed him into one of the doors. Kingston went after Tremont’s cut with a blade. Tremont fired back with a bamboo spike. Both men brawled all over the venue and the announcers couldn’t see what was going on. Kingston dominated the action and Tremont ended up blocking a spinning backlist. He then hit a DVD through one of the boards set up in the corner for the win. This wasn’t very good at all. The blood and brawling style feels really dated and ignorant in 2017.
Winner: Matt Tremont to retain the GCW Championship
Star rating: (DUD)
Bryce Remsburg came out to ref in board shorts and sun glasses. Up next is the Clusterf–k match. You can win by pin fall, submission, or death.
(4) Clusterf–k match. Out first was Flip Gordon. Out next was Facade. They did some flippy stuff until John Silver came out and went to town on them. Veda Scott was out next. Silver nailed Scott with a huge superkick after Facade has hit one that was really light. Bryan Idol was out next. Facade hit a crazy step up 450 to the floor to wipe out a pile of men. Holy crap! Out next was Crazy Boy. Jervis Cottonbelly was out next. He ran wild with tickle attacks on everyone. The Invisible Man was out next. This was kind of like when God appeared in WWE. He hit a low blow on Cottonbelly. The Invisible Man went to town on several wrestlers. At one point the crowd was cheering for the Invisible Man punches and booing Facade’s. Jimmy Lloyd was out next to the old N64 No Mercy music. Lloyd eliminated Gordon. Arik Cannon was out next. Cannon hit a stunner on Silver while he was drinking a beer to eliminate Silver. Glacier was out next to a big pop. He took his time stripping off all his gear. Glacier eliminated Crazy Boy with a big boot.
Dink was out next. Dink bit Veda’s butt and left the ring. It was announced that he had left the building. Ethan Page was out next with The Gatekeepers. He ducked a slap from Scott and eliminated her with a Rock bottom for the win. The Invisible Man entered the ring and went to town on Page. Page press slammed the Invisible Man over the top to the floor to wipe out a pile of men! He then finished him off with the Rock bottom. Facade hit a botched springboard code red on Cottonbelly for the elimination. Facade and Idol were eliminated. Glacier eliminated Cannon with a double karate chop. It was down to Page and Glacier. The announcers said that was all of the participants. The Mortal Kombat theme played and Page posed like he was a Mortal Kombat character. Glacier got distracted by The Gatekeepers and Page rolled him up for the win. Lloyd was still in the match and he flipped Page off. Lloyd hit an air raid crash for a near fall. Page and The Gatekeepers worked over Lloyd. The Gatekeepers tossed him through a door set up in the corner, but he kicked out. The Gatekeepers held up a door and Page tossed Lloyd through it. Lloyd ducked a dive from McMassive, who wiped out Page and Rumblecrunch. He then hit a strong zero variation on Page for the win. This was fun for what it was, but it dragged at times.
Winner: Jimmy Lloyd
(5) Keith Lee vs. Lio Rush. Rush went for a dive early, but Lee caught him. Rush tried to transition into a hurricanrana, but Lee blocked it and hit a huge pop-up apron bomb. Lee is a much bigger man than Lio Rush. Rush fired back and tried to go for a head scissors, but Lee blocked it and tossed him like a fly to the mat. Lee talked some trash to Rush. Rush hit a big forearm and Lee smiled before tossing Rush into the turnbuckles. Rush went to the floor and the fans chanted for Lee. They had an awkward exchange and Rush hit a big kick. Lee fired back and hit a one-handed press slam for a 2 count. They battled up top and Lee blocked a kick from Rush and nailed him with a big chop. Lee was playing to the crowd and Rush hit a kick to Lee’s head. He then hit a DVD and a frog splash, but Lee did the Big Show kick out at 1! Wow! The fans chanted this is spring break. Lee got caught with a kick and he ended up running into the ref. Lee hit the spirit bomb a short time later> The fans chanted for Earl Hebner to come down, but Remsburg recovered and made the 2 count. They battled up top again a short time later. Rush went for a sunset bomb, but Lee blocked it and nailed Rush with a punch. Lee played to the crowd and Rush slid under him and hit a powerbomb for a 2 count. Lee got the upper hand and dragged Rush up top with him. He went for an avalanche spirit bomb, but Rush countered it into a hurricanrana. He hit a big frog splash. He went up top and hit a second frog splash. Rush went up top and hit a huge frog splash for the third time for the win. This didn’t seem to be the best match these two are capable of, but it was good while it lasted. This was a fun match while it lasted. Lee was dominant, but his cocky attitude cost him in the end.
Winner: Lio Rush
Star rating: (***1/2)
Joey Janela came out for his match against Marty Jannety wearing a HBK hat. The fans chanted thank you Joey once he got into the ring.
(6) Joey Janela vs. Marty Jannetty. They had a pose off on the turnbuckles and the crowd favored Jannetty. Janela hit a cheap shot when Jannetty offered a handshake. The fans booed as Janela worked over Jannetty. Janela got a running start around the ring and nailed Jannetty with a running pump kick. Jannetty countered and both men began slamming each other into the ringpost. Jannetty finally went down to the floor. Janela worked over Jannetty’s leg with a chair. Janela set up for sweet chin music, but Jannetty dragged the ref in the way. The fans began chanting for Earl Hebner once again. Janela applied a sharp shooter. Another ref ran down to the ring. It wasn’t Hebner and Janela decked him. He put the sharpshooter on again and another ref ran down, but Janela hit him with a tombstone. Another ref ran down and Janela punched him. Another ref ran back to the ring. Janela let go of the sharpshooter again and hit a piledriver on the official on top of another official. Remsburg was in on commentary and he teased going down to the ring. Earl Hebner then ran down to the ring and the fans went nuts. Janela told Hebner to ring the bell and he wouldn’t do it. Janela shoved the ref and they went at it. Hebner bounced off the ropes and took Janela out. Janela then decked Janela with a big shot and flicked him off. Virgil came down to the ring wearing a mask and began working over Janela. Jannetty came to Janela’s aid and took off his mask. Jannetty ended up hitting a Canadian destroyer on Janela for a 2 count. Holy s—t! The crowd was littered with officials. Janela fired back and hit a splash on Jannety for a near fall. Chuck Taylor came into the commentary booth. John Thorne of AIW was also in the booth. Janela went back after the leg. Jannetty fired back and they went back and forth. Jannetty ended up in the chair. Janela went up top and missed a flip dive. He crashed through the chair and Jannetty hit the rocker dropper onto the chair. Hebner made the count, but Jannetty kicked out at the very last second. The fans started a fight forever chant as they exchanged blows. Janela hit a superkick out of nowhere for the win.
Winner: Joey Janela
Star rating: (****) This was amazing from start to finish. What a fun match this was playing on the Montreal Screwjob and Joey Janela getting his dream match.
Janela got on the mic after the match and thanked the fans for coming to his spring break. He then put over Jannetty, who got a big round of applause. Janela said the show started off as a go fund me. He said he got $30 and spent it on beer and cigarettes. He said look at what I created! He said he’s a bad bad boy. Jannety got on the mic and put over Janela in a wordy promo.
Matt Riddle was out first for the main event. Dan Severn was out next. He came down to the ring with several men holding his various titles. Severn got on the mic and said he had heard Riddle was going to kick his ass. He said, “Well, here I am!” His seconds then raised all of his titles.
(7) Matt Riddle (w/David Starr) vs. Dan Severn. They went back and forth on the mat during the early going and rolled into the ropes. Severn took Riddle down and got a knee bar, but Riddle managed to get to the ropes. Severn hit several throws on Riddle and he rolled to the outside. Both men began exchanging chops. Severn drove Riddle into the ropes and hit another big throw. He followed up with a gut wrench suplex. Riddle went for a cross-arm breaker, but Severn blocked it. Riddle took Severn down and hit some elbows. He went for the arm bar again, but Severn managed to roll into the ropes. They went back and forth. Severn ducked a punch and hit a German. Riddle got right up. They went back and forth and Severn hit a release German. Riddle got right up and hit a big knee and a German with a bridge for a 2 count. Severn hit several knees to Riddle’s back. He got a dragon sleeper with the legs hooked. Riddle finally floated over Severn and began hitting some BIG elbows. He then got the bromission on Severn, who tapped out! This was a fun MMA-style main event.
Winner: Matt Riddle
Star rating: (***1/2)
Riddle got on the mic and said he hopes to one day be half the man Severn is. Riddle thanked Severn for working with him. They shook hands and the fans chanted Beast for Severn. Severn left and Riddle asked if the fans enjoyed the shows. Riddle said they didn’t call anything and they just beat the s—t out of each other. He thanked the fans for coming out.
Overall score: (7.0) – This was the wrestling party that Joey Janela promised in his fun social media campaign to promote this very unique show. The undercard dragged a little, but everything was in line with the theme of the show. I wasn’t a fan of the Tremont-Kingston match, but everything else was at least fun to watch for what it was.
The last three matches on this card were great. I really enjoyed Janela vs. Jannetty a ton and the way they put the match together was a blast to watch unfold. Lee-Rush and Riddle-Severn were fun in their own right as well. This is definitely worth checking out on FloSlam.tv!
You can watch this show and many other WrestleMania weekend events from WWN at FloSlam.tv. The best part of the FloSlam.tv subscription this year is that you get all of the big WrestleMania weekend events from EVOLVE and more with a subscription.
Email Sean at PWTorchSean@Gmail.com
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