MARCH 30, 2017
Attendance: Roughly 400 (based on an estimate at the door)
Matt Striker introduced the panel for the Q&A – Ric Flair, Sting, Jim Ross.
•Jim Ross gave an emotional introduction. This is his first public appearance since the death of his wife last week (struck by another car on the road). He got emotional and wiped away tears, talked about how he always says nobody’s guaranteed tomorrow, and then said, “This isn’t a wake. I’m just glad to be here with you.” He settled in, and then Sting came out and hugged him. Ric Flair followed. The introduction video is next, followed by bullet point highlights of the full session.
•Ric said he’s out of the Podcast business Because he couldn’t be objective
•Regarding the Black Scorpion, Ross said how he and Schiavone were told by Ole Anderson, WCW booker at the time, to work the angle. I thought: “Who? What? Why?” Flair said it was supposed to be Al Perez, but he wouldn’t job to Sting. Sting said it was a great build to… I’m not sure… so go back to Flair. LOL.
•J.R. talked about Coach Stoops from Oklahoma, saying he stopped by to visit last week. The OU team is his family.
•Sting says he was going to win prior to the Great American Bash, but it was pushed back due to injury
•Sting says he came from the black & white era, and now it’s grey, but grey seems to be working today. J.R. said we live in a society with Heros & Villians. He said these great TV characters should be the same. Fans trying to get involved has changed it, but grey has become the dominant color.
•Regarding the last Nitro, Sting recounts being in a #2 company then to #1 but when WWE taking over again was surreal.
•Regarding the most overused segments on WWE, Ross said he has no patience for the long promos. He said they feel non-organic. He said they should shorten up the dialogue and move on.
•Regarding keys to success to being a WWE wrestler, Sting said that you have to have your game face on 24/7 and have a commitment to your work on your physique and with the public. Flair said, “I was Ric Flair and never stopped being Ric Flair.” He said with Sting, it’s being comfortable with yourself. Ross said the key is being reliable and a good human being. He said in the case of Sting, he was also a great athlete.
•Ross said today it’s more import to fly and get their spots versus selling. Reality is so poignant. He suggested wrestlers apply the holds its illogical and unmotivating to watch.
•Flair chimed in, saying thirty guys are ducking clotheslines on a show, but nobody ducked Stan Hansen’s clothesline.
•They all talked up Kurt Angle. Flair compared him to Jack Brisco. Sting said much like Shawn Michaels, Angle raised the level and “was the machine.”
•Ross talked about a South Dakota skirmish with Brock Lesnar.
•Ross said Rick Rude was “a man’s man.” Sting said he was a true heel and underrated. Flair thought he was really good, but had demons that conflicted with his work. He said he was “a great talent.”
•Flair and Sting headed to WWE Axxess, while Ross stuck around to answer more questions.
Editor’s Note: If you attend any special event in Orlando this weekend and can send us a report, like the one above, or any interesting notes about the fan experience at any event, we’d love to hear about it: kellerwade@gmail.com
NOW CHECK OUT THIS PREVIOUS UPDATE: NEWS ITEMS: WM33 set includes a giant roller coaster, Dillinger aspires to be main eventer, Eva Marie update
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