Jim Ross’s wife, Jan, was knocked off her Vespa scooter yesterday and suffered serious head injuries, including a fractured skull. She is in critical condition in ICU. “I will fully admit that there has been no experience in my life that could have prepared me for this life changing week. To see one’s life partner and love of one’s life being kept alive via life support equipment is tragically heartbreaking,” he wrote on his Blog today. “This update has been written through many tears and shaky hands but please know that your support and love for Jan, and me, is both comforting and appreciated.”
He added that wearing a helmet would have likely reduced the severity of her head injuries. He wrote that she “was struck from behind by an automobile driven by a 17 year old young man. Jan suffered a catastrophic brain injury including multiple skull fractures. My little Angel was unfortunately not wearing a helmet which arguably would have prevented the extreme nature of her injuries.”
He shared memories of his life with her, including how involved she was with WWE wrestlers during his days as V.P. of Talent Relations. Read his full blog entry HERE.
Keller’s Analysis: This is so sad, and so scary. Life can be taken away so quickly, but hopefully Jan is able to make a recovery. So many fans are reaching out with words of support for Jim, and it has to be comforting that so many people feel a connection to Jim and his wife and are expressing such this week. I, along with everyone I’m sure, have Jan in our thoughts and send our support.
UPDATE: Jim Ross posted on Twitter that his wife died earlier tonight. Our heart breaks for him and their family and friends.
Thoughts and prayers to the Ross family. Appreciate the time you have with your loved ones cause you never know when it will be the last time you see them.
Thoughts and prayers go out to Jim Ross and his family.
I keep thinking though this could spur a lawsuit depending on the nature of the accident, could the 17 year old or his family be acing criminal charges.
One might think so.