Interview Highlights: Reby Sky talks about the Hardys departure from Impact Wrestling, what went wrong with contract talks

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor

Matt & Jeff Hardy (photo credit Wade Keller)


Reby Sky talked with SiriusXM’s Busted Open program with host Dave LaGreca to address the Hardys-Impact Wrestling falling out. You can listen to the full interview HERE.

The following are key paraphrased highlights, supplied by Busted Open:

  • The rumors are true, we will NOT be resigning with IMPACT Wrestling.
  • Up until a few days ago, we didn’t know if we were resigning. We didn’t get the contracts until five days before our current deal ran out.
  • TNA was the perfect situation for our family, we travel together, and we have a limited schedule.
  • I don’t feel there is ever a situation for guys like Matt and Jeff where they should be chasing after their employer for their new contract, led us to believe that they didn’t think we were important.
  • It got to the point where it was coming down to the wire and it was almost like we were being bullied into signing the contracts.
  • That locker room is amazing. 2016 was a really hard year for them, but everyone busted their asses. They didn’t care about the rumors.
  • Say what you will about Dixie Carter, but at least she knew how to talk to people.
  • It’s too late to salvage this, it’s the 11th hour. The deals expire at midnight tonight.
  • Matt is in love with his BROKEN universe. He’s not giving that up any time soon, I can confirm that. It’s his baby.
  • After the interview, Reby contacted Dave LaGreca to add this, which Dave borught on the air: They want to do right by the fans, the company and the tag titles by giving up the titles on TV, but Anthem denied it.

Busted Open can be heard weekdays from 2p-4p Eastern Time only on SiriusXM Rush Channel 93 and any time on the SiriusXM App.



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