JANUARY 31, 2017
Show starts off with a video recap of Neville’s Cruiserweight Championship win Royal Rumble on Sunday. Corey Graves announces that Rich Swann is unable to compete tonight so Jack Gallagher will take his place in a tag match with Cedric Alexander against Neville & Noam Dar
(1) Tony Nese vs. Lince Dorado
Nese starts off cocky against Dorado with a takedown then gains advantage with athleticism including a maistrol cradle and a hurricanrana. He also hits a crossbody and a “lightning quick” headscissor takedown. Nese starts a brawler offense and slows the pace down. Lince goes for a top rope move but Nese hits him with a fierce palm strike and gut-buster that’s only good for two. The two go back to the ground game until Dorado turns a flurry of clotheslines and hits a springboard stunner for a two count. Dorado goes for a top rope maneuver but Nese blocks it by grabbing his mask which quickly lead to a Running Nese for the win
WINNER: Tony Nese via pinfall at 6:00.
POST MATCH: Nese starts attacking Dorado and delivers a nasty German Suplex into the bottom turnbuckle. T.J. Perkins runs to the ring and hits Nese with a Detonation Kick. Nese escapes and the two stare each other down.
MATCH ANALYSIS: Good opener. Dorado and Nese were both crisp in their delivery, particularly Dorado, who showcased a smooth springboard stunner.
They cut to highlights of last night’s Raw of the Neville/Swann altercation. We then see Tom Phillips backstage with Rich Swann, who has a walking boot on. He says he’s not sure of a clear diagnosis but he’ll be rooting for Gallagher and Alexander tonight. Neville enters and shoves Swann to the ground.
Highlight package of Gran Metalik.
(2) Akira Tozawa vs. Aaron Solo.
The Brian Kendrick is on commentary. Akira starts off with grappling until Tozawa starts with kicking and striking. He tries firing up the crowd and then hits a suicide dive onto Solo in the outside. Quickly after, he hits a snap german suplex for the win.
WINNER: Akira Tozawa via pinfall at 3:00
POST MATCH INTERVIEW: Austin Aries interviews Tozawa in the ring, taking digs at him for his potential lack of English, which Tozawa replies with Japanese. He walks up to the entryway doing some weird yelling.
MATCH ANALYSIS: Honestly, nothing too much to write home about here. Tozawa’s quick, but he really did nothing to stand out from the rest of the pack.
Noam Dar and Alicia Fox approach Neville to get on the same page with him for their tag match tonight. Neville doesn’t want too much of it and says he doesn’t care for Dar to be his partner – just follow his lead and leave Alicia Fox backstage. Dar looks like he’s going to oblige.
(3) Neville & Noam Dar vs. Cedric Alexander & Jack Gallagher
Neville and Gallagher start the match off. A small “Jack” chant starts off and Neville pushes Gallagher into the corner. The two reset and Neville gets a headlock takeover onto Jack, in which he cleverly rolls out of. The two scuffle into the ropes and Neville begins working the left arm of Gallagher. Gallagher rolls out of it and starts working the left arm of Neville. Neville escapes and Dar tags himself in, which gets him a death stare. Gallagher tags in Alexander who starts working the left arm of Dar. Alexander shows off his athleticism with a headscissors and dropkick. Gallagher tags back in and roughs up Dar until Dar grabs him by the mustache in the corner which gives Neville the chance to hit him from the outside and tag back in. He takes command in the ring, eventually hitting a forearm in the corner for a two count. Neville goes for a top rope dropkick and hits it on Gallagher for two. Neville stares down Alexander and then gets an unexpected tag from Dar. Dar starts on the offensive for awhile before tagging in Neville, who continues picking Gallagher apart with heelish moves. Dar again tags himself in and Gallagher rolls him up for a two count. Gallagher then hits his patented headbutt and falls on top of Dar for a near three, but Neville breaks it up. Both struggle to their feet and Gallagher give Dar a back body drop. Dar goes to tag in Neville who jumps off the apron and walks to the back. He tells Dar that he “had his chance”. Alexander gets the tag, eventually hitting Dar with a Lumbar Check for the three count.
WINNER: Jack Gallagher & Cedric Alexander via pinfall at 13:00
MATCH ANALYSIS: Not a bad main event, a little too much “arm working,” but a story was told with Neville and Dar, and that’s always good to see. Gallagher was over with the remaining crowd in attendance
FINAL THOUGHTS: “205 Live” is starting to show a bit of age, but it’s still engaging and short enough to keep interest. Austin Aries presence cannot go understated, and Neville’s new “King of The Cruiserweights” is getting taken a little too literally, and it’s sort of taking some shine off his heelish persona.
NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S REPORT: 1/24 WWE “205 Live” Review: Neville vs. Alexander, Perkins vs. Nese, Kendrick vs. Bradshaw, with Aries on commentary
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