DECEMBER 13, 2016
“End of the line…PLEASE”
James Ellsworth has come a long way. He got murdered by Braun Strowman, murdered by AJ Styles, murdered by Braun again at Survivor Series, and then ate a Dirty Deeds from the Lunatic Fringe. Yet the guy keeps on coming. He’s like a cockroach without a chin (do those exist?) that won’t die. Not only that, but tonight he has a chance to defeat AJ Styles for the 4th time, (it was hard just to type that) and if he does, he will hold the WWE’s most prominent prize: The Heavyweight championship. The odds could be in his favor since AJ is still banged up from his brutal TLC match, but the Phenomenal one seems ready and focused to shut the door on the Chinless Wonder once and for all. Will it be a straight up one on one match, or will the former champ Dean Ambrose interfere yet again?
Last week Ambrose could have put his losing streak behind him and reclaim the Intercontinental Championship in a match versus the Miz. However, our good friend James Ellsworth (please go away) showed up to try and win back his alliance with Dean, but instead became the sole reason that Dean lost. I’m sure revenge is on our Ambro’s mind but even if he gets it where does that leave him? Hopefully he continues to pursue Miz, who seems nearly unstoppable with Maryse in his corner. Since he won the title at the Raw after Mania these are the challengers that Miz has defeated: Cesaro, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, Dolph Ziggler, not to mention the dynamic duo (sarcasm) of Darren Young and Bob Backlund. If Dean isn’t the next challenger keep an eye on Baron Corbin who has been on the winning end of his last three feuds, and is certainly ready to put an End of Days to someone’s title streak.
Poor Becky. Her interview right after her loss at TLC is a testament to what an incredible underdog she is. Table matches are hard to win because it takes away the champion’s advantage, plus Alexa’s tiny body probably wouldn’t have broken a table anyway. Since the loss though Lynch has a newly formed FIIIRRRE (imagine the way she says it) and is ready to take back her belt from the Wicked Witch of the Awesome Alexa Bliss. Alexa isn’t very willing to give her a rematch right away, and instead continues to mock Becky with her bratty attitude and vicious glare. Eventually these two will fight again, and when that happens, we all win.
I don’t think I’ve ever been more excited about the Wyatts. The addition of Randy Orton has not only sparked life back into the Eater of Worlds gimmick, but has given Randy the opportunity to take a different approach to his old heelish Viper ways. Randy himself has admitted how much he enjoys working with Bray and Harper (and why shouldn’t he they’ve deserved gold for so long) and the three will now use the Free-Bird to their advantage when defending their newly won tag team titles. With Rhyno and Slater now out of the picture the Wyatt family looks poised to run rampant over the tag-team division. If only there were two Alphas in singlets who could eventually challenge them. OH WAIT…THERE THEY ARE! American Alpha has been slow played into getting towards the top, but as long as they continue to win matches and get over with the crowd, there inevitable stardom will be a joy to witness.
“Every kiss begins with Betrayal”
Nikki Bella came back with a target on her back. Carmella was the first to go after the Fearless one, but came up short thanks to an entire fire extinguisher and Nikki’s new finisher, the TKO (so much better for her neck then the rack-attack). Afterwards Carmella threw another thorn into Nikki’s side and revealed that it was Natalya who attacked her at Survivor Series. Intriguing. So far Natty has protected herself and revealed nothing, but it should be interesting to see where this goes. Nikki could use one more feud before she enters back into the title scene, and if this is it I won’t be unhappy.
“What now?”
My eyes are still red from the tears I shed after Rhyno & Heath ended their partnership on Talking Smack. Literally one RKO and everthing was ruined. Thanks Orton.
Kalisto couldn’t defeat the Lone Wolf on multiple occasions. Hopefully a trade is worked out and he can really shine in the Cruiserweight division. Or maybe team him up with Neville and let them feud? Or give EITHER of them SOMETHING to do? We’ll see.
NOW CHECK OUT YESTERDAY’S “RAW PRIMER”: What to expect tonight based on what happened last week with New Day, Jericho, Seth, Owens, Reigns, Strowman, Charlotte
(Follow Joey @RamJam89.)
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