VIP AUDIO 11/25 – WKH – Ask the Editor: Could Lesnar borrow Romero’s knee KO of Weidman to beat Goldberg in rematch? Why do wrestlers watch ref count? Who should win between Cena and Undertaker if they wrestled at WM33? More (18 min)

November 26, 2016

SHOW SUMMARY: In this edition of the Wade Keller Hotline, PWTorch editor Wade Keller answers VIP members email questions including these topics: Could Lesnar borrow Romero’s knee KO of Weidman to beat Goldberg in rematch? Did Bubba […]

VIP NEWSLETTER – PRO WRESTLING TORCH #1485 (November 23, 2016) – Keller’s reports on NXT Takeover, Survivor Series, Raw, plus Staff Roundtable, Parks on Raw vs. SD matches

November 24, 2016

PWTorch Newsletter #1485 Cover-dated November 23, 2016 LINK: 1485TorchNewsletter –LIST OF ALL LATEST NEWSLETTERS SUMMARY: This week’s newsletter is packed with Big Event coverage including Keller’s NXT Takeover Toronto report, Keller’s WWE Survivor Series report, and Keller’s Raw report, all […]

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