11/27 Progress Wrestling Chapter 39 “The Graps of Wrath”: New Champion crowned after seven-man elimination main event, Riddle, Ospreay, Dunne, Scurll, Havoc


Progress Wrestling Chapter 39: The Graps of Wrath
November 27, 2016
Camden, London at Electric Ballroom
Report by David Green, PWTorch correspondent

This show was the first since Mark Haskins vacated the title. In each men’s match, the winner(s) would advance to a seven-man elimination match to crown a new champion.

(1) FSU (Mark Andrews & Eddie Dennis) vs. The South Pacific Power Trip (TK Cooper & Travis).

This was a high energy opener which started with FSU foiling the SPPT’s attempt at a jumpstart and saw Eddie Dennis launch their opposition’s valet Dahlia Black on top of the Trip on the floor with a powerbomb. After around ten minutes, the Trip scored the win after Dahlia low blowed Dennis and the team hit an combination DDT.

Winners: The South Pacific Power Trip to advance to the main event and become number 1 contenders to the tag titles.

(2) Pastor William Eaver (w/Sebastian) vs. Joe Coffey.

Sebastian kept “encouraging” the Pastor at ringside throughout and interfering wherever possible, with Eavor taking advantage seemingly unwillingly. A Coffey Boston Crab, which he used to defeat Kurt Angle last weekend for ICW, had the same result with the Pastor tapping out, but Sebastian distracted the referee. A roll up from the Pastor was aided by grabbing the trunks for the pinfall. After the match, Sebastian got on the mic and congratulated Eavor on his win and stated that he was taking the place of the Pastor in the main event. Due to the threat hanging over the Eavor, he relinquished his win to Seb.

Winner: Pastor William Eavor, but Sebastian advances to the main event.

(3) Progress Tag Team Championship match: British Strong Style (Pete Dunne & Trent Seven) [c] vs. The London Riots (James Davis & Rob Lynch).

This was a rematch from Chapter 36 and the first match back for Lynch, who wore a protective mask to help his facial injury in September. This match was excellent. One of the best title defences in Progress history. Some fantastic exchanges from all combatants and hard hitting moments, including a spot where all four men took turns at missing a chop and hitting the ring post. Lynch performed a stunning Spiral Tap style move which, even though it missed, took everyone’s breath away! The champions retained after removing Lynch’s mask and grabbing at his still injured eye, before hitting the pump kick piledriver.

Winners: British Strong Style to retain the Tag Team Championships and advance to the main event.

(4) Matt Riddle made his Progress debut to take on Will Ospreay, who came into this match making an unexpected return but with no wins in Progress the whole year.

Riddle attacked Ospreay during the introductions and kept control for a long portion of the match. When Ospreay made his comeback, the back and forth between these two was awesome. Riddle took Ospreay down with a jumping tombstone/power slam and locked in the Bromission to get the tap out. Ospreay begrudgingly shook Riddle’s hand after the match.

Winner: Matt Riddle to advance to the main event.

(5) Jimmy Havoc vs Marty Scurll for the final spot in the main event.

These fierce rivals started up with a familiar looking pickup into the corner, a shove and then a Havoc spear. The entire audience at different times realised that they were mimicking the entire Lesnar/Goldberg match! After another spear, Havoc hit the Acid Rainmaker instead of a jackhammer and got a two count. The crowd indulged Jimmy with a Goldberg style “Haaaavoc” chant. The match itself was full of shenanigans and great action, including many throws into walls and seats. After the referee was knocked down, Scurll brought an umbrella into the ring but Havoc seized it and hit himself with it! With Havoc throwing the umbrella to Scurll, the referee came around to see Scurll with the umbrella and promptly disqualified Scurll!

Winner: Jimmy Havoc by DQ to advance to the main event.

(6) Nixon Newell vs. Katey Harvey in a first round match of the Natural Progression Series.

The debut of Harvey was welcomed by the audience by chants related to her one-sleeved attire. This was a decent match that saw Nixon advance hitting her Shining Wizard for the pinfall.

Winner: Nixon Newell to advance in the NPS.

(7) T.K. Cooper vs. Travis Banks vs Sebastian vs. Pete Dunne vs. Trent Seven vs Matt Riddle vs. Jimmy Havoc for the Progress Championship.

Havoc was attacked by Scurll during his entrance and seemingly taken out of the match. The crowd got hugely behind Riddle, with a parody singing of Spandau Ballet’s “Gold” but with “Bro” inserted into the appropriate part. Sebastian tried to corral his fellow heels into teaming up on Riddle, but they all left the ring to leave him to a Riddle knee strike. This was a great main event. TK Cooper was first eliminated by a Riddle Fisherman’s Buster. Sebastian was out next after interference by crowd favourite Jack Sexsmith, before Havoc returned and took Seb out with a Rainmaker. Travis Banks was eliminated by a Trent top rope piledriver. Riddle was eliminated by the tag champs’ pump kick piledriver. Havoc was left alone with the tag champs but was able to outmanoeuvre them and eliminated Trent with another Rainmaker. The final between Dunne and Havoc was full of interference from Seven, after referee Chris Roberts was knocked down. The tag champs hit their finisher again, with second ref Paz running to the ring to count the fall, but Havoc kicked out. After a rainmaker, Seven pulled Paz out of the ring to stop the count and threw him into the audience chairs! British Strong Style stalked Havoc until a returning Tyler Bate hit the ring to oppose his rivals. However Bate turned and hit Havoc, signalling his allegiance with British Strong Style. Dunne hit Drop Dead and the referee made the three count.

Winner and NEW Progress Wrestling Champion: The Bruiserweight, Pete Dunne.

FINAL THOUGHTS: A dramatic end to what was a very special show. The stable of British Strong Style has made a big impact on the latter end of the year owning both the main singles and tag titles… Progress Wrestling’s next show will be in Sheffield in December with the headlining match of Will Ospreay vs Adam Cole. The next show in Camden will be on December 30th and is a mystery show, with no matches announced beforehand… This show should be on by next weekend and is definitely worth a watch. By then, when is Progress not worth a watch?

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