MCMAHON’S IMPACT WRESTLING REVIEW 11/10: Eli Drake challenges Eddie Edwards for the TNA World Hvt. Title


NOVEMBER 10, 2016

ANNOUNCERS: Josh Mathews, “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero.


– Impact opened with highlights of last week’s main event, where Eddie Edwards retained the TNA World Title over Lashley.

– Mathews welcomes us to the show, showing highlights of Eli Drake and hyping tonight’s main event where Drake challenges Eddie Edwards for the TNA Title. Also, there will be a four-man tournament to crown a new No. 1 contender for the TNA Title.

– In-arena: Edwards enters the arena with the TNA Title. The crowd chants “Eddie! Eddie!” as he takes the microphone.

Edwards said he has had a lot of great support in his career, but there has also been a lot of negativity in his career. He said he had a lot of doubters with people who said he would never be the world champion.

Edwards challenged Lashley to keep winning and become No. 1 contender again, because he wasn’t hiding from anyone. That brought out Eli Drake.

“Let me talk to ya,” he said. “I gave you seven days to lick your wounds and get yourself in shape.”

Drake said tonight Edwards will feel like he got run over by a train.

“I’m going to bet right now that Lashley is back there thanking his lucky stars that he doesn’t have to look into the eyes of Eli Drake,” he said.

Drake said that he would lighten Edwards’ load and take that title off his shoulder. Drake said he would leave tonight the champion.

Out came ECIII, who approached the ring with a mic in hand. Mathews reminds us that he has had issues with Drake.

“The fact is, Eli, I commend you,” ECIII said. “I commend you for finally nutting up and cashing in Bound for Gold tonight. Fact is, whether you win or Eddie retains, there must be a new No. 1 contender.”

ECIII said he would choke the life out of anyone to get back what he wants.

“Looking you dead in the eyes,” ECIII said, “you’re not ready to be champion. The fact is, Eli, I’m betting on Eddie Edwards tonight.”

Drake said that’s ECIII’s problem, he’s dumb enough to bet against Drake.

Mike Bennett then joined the party.

Bennett asked ECIII if he’d bet the house on Drake? Bennett reminded ECIII the last time he bet the house, and his streak, he lost to Bennett.

“The way I see it, you want to hop on the road to be world champion but there’s a detour and a road block,” Bennett said.

Bennett told ECIII that he’s that road block.

“I am going to win and save this company once and for all,” Bennett said.

“Dummy, yeah,” Drake replied. “There are dummies everywhere. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.”

Drake called ECIII the No. 1 dummy and then Bennett took a cheap shot on ECIII. Drake starts choking out Edwards while Bennett stomps ECIII in the corner.

Moose’s music played and he ran to the ring to chase off the heels. Mathews said that Moose will face Bennett after the break. [c]

(McMahon’s Analysis: Is this TNA’s thing now? The formula doesn’t seem to be changing when they open the show with a promo segment that features, what feels like, half the locker room. I’m also not sure what this segment accomplished. Nothing was moved forward. They’re having a four-man tournament, and Drake is challenging Edwards. This was just a lot of talking with nothing really happening other than everyone promising to win the World Title.)

(1) MOOSE vs. MIKE BENNETT – No. 1 Contender Series

Early in the match, after Maria interfered in the match, Earl Hebner had her ejected.

Bennett begins attacking Moose’s left foot and ankle, as Mathews said it was to keep Moose off his feet. Mathews called Bennett one of the hardest men to pin in Impact Wrestling.

Moose back up and he throws chops but Bennett soon was back in control again, working over Moose’s ankle.

Bennett tried to suplex Moose but he couldn’t get him up. Instead, Bennett delivered a side kick to Moose’s leg.

Bennett charged Moose but Moose ducked and hit a headbutt. Bennett charged again and Moose hit a pop-up powerbomb. Moose grabbed Bennett for a Game Changer but Bennett ducked. Bennett hit a piledriver for a two count.

Mathews said that Bennett is scrambling now. Moose hits a series of jabs. Moose tried for a Game Changer but Bennett counters into a cutter. Moose blocked at first, but Bennett eventually hit the cutter for a two count.

Bennett dropkicks Moose’s leg off the apron to the outside. Bennett dives but Moose catches him and throws him to the steps. Moose charged Bennett but missed and Bennett rolled back in the ring just before the referee hit a 10 count.

WINNER: Mike Bennett via count-out.

(McMahon’s Analysis: Well, they protected Moose with the count-out finish but it certainly feels like there’s been some wind taken out of his sails recently. There was a period where it felt like they were going to build to a really big Moose-Lashley match, but Moose is losing some steam. They protected him here with the finish, which tells me they still have some big plans for him, but he doesn’t feel like a dominant big man right now.)

After the match, Mathews praised Bennett for knowing his surroundings.

– Mathews shows highlights of last week, where the DCC fought the Hardys, and how Matt Hardy now has amnesia.

– Backstage: Al Snow said he’s back and stronger than ever. Snow said he’s back after the worst injury of his career. [c]

– Back from the break, Mathews is hawking a bunch of DVDs. Drake vs. Edwards is then hyped for later tonight.

– Jeff Hardy is shown riding a dirt bike around Cameron, N.C. He pulls up to Matt Hardy’s house and rings the bell. Reby answers with Maxel and Jeff asked how Matt was. Reby said he’s different. Everything is different.

She brings him to see Matt. he’s with Senor Benjamin, who is watching Matt do some home improvement. Matt is wearing a sweater with a polo shirt underneath. Reby said that Matt is building another dining room. Senor Benjamin tells Matt to raise the wood up higher.

Benjamin looks shocked when Reby walks in with Jeff. Matt said he is building a new dining room, and it will be marvelous. Matt said his memory escapes him, and he doesn’t know who Jeff is.

Jeff tries to trigger Matt’s memory. He does an impression of Matt Hardy and Matt asked if Jeff was crazy? Matt asked if he was talking about wrestling on TV? Because that is violent and he’s not a violent man. Matt said he is an engineer.

Jeff shot Senor Benjamin a look as the segment closed.

– In-arena: The Tribunal is in the ring to “make a statement” that the world will take notice on.

The Tribunal introduced Al Snow, and they told the crowd to stand up and welcome back Coach AL Snow.

Snow walks to the ring. Mathews said we haven’t seen him since he was hurt by the Hardys.

“It is so good to be back!” Snow yelled.

He thanked the crowd for a warm welcome (they were booing). As Snow thanked them for going after the Hardys, Baraka said that it wasn’t for him. Baraka said that they never needed Snow. Snow seemed upset by that, and said they wouldn’t have been there if not for him.

Dax said that Snow is hanging onto their coattails. Baraka when attacked Snow from behind. Mahabali Shera walked to the ring, slowly, as The Tribunal were putting the boots to Snow. The Tribunal demanded that Shera leave before they tried to attack him. Dax chokeslams Shera and Baraka kicks Shera’s shoulder.

The Tribunal then double team Shera, kicking him with a low blow before their music plays and they celebrate.

(McMahon’s Analysis: The execution here was a little weird, but it’s still good to see TNA trying to give the undercard a story rather than just throwing together random matches as filler. I’m a fan of how TNA isn’t afraid to give undercard talent like The Tribunal a chance to cut a promo in front of the live crowd.)

– Up next: ECIII vs. Abyss as part of the No. 1 contender series. [c]

– Backstage, Jessie Godderz is waiting for Aron Rex to arrive. He said he’s able to dictate what happens in a fight, and this isn’t about his title, it’s about “kicking his ass.”

(2) ABYSS vs. ETHAN CARTER III – No. 1 Contender Series

The match begins with ECIII circling Abyss but Abyss attacks and tries to overpower ECIII.

Abyss hits a huge splash in the corner. ECIII rolls to the outside and Abyss gives chase, chopping ECIII against the railing.

ECIII charges Abyss on the outside and Abyss hits a chokeslam on the apron. Back in the ring, ECIII tries making a comeback but Abyss cuts him off with another splash.

Abyss hits an elbow and mocks ECIII’s arm wave.

ECIII hits a series of clotheslines and a splash to get back in control of the action before hitting a missile dropkick off the second rope. Abyss blocked a One Percenter and countered into a chokeslam for a two count.

Abyss goes to the outside to grab a chair. The referee warns him he would be DQ’s. Abyss misses with a chairshot and ECIII locks in a rear-naked choke, forcing Abyss to tap.

WINNER: ECIII via submission in 7:00.

After the match, ECIII doesn’t celebrate, and briskly walks to the back.

– Backstage: Gail Kim is going to make an announcement tonight.

– Back from the break, a video airs hyping Drake vs. Edwards.

[HOUR 2]

– Back at the Hardy compound, Reby is about to play some music in an effort to trigger Matt’s energy. Matt has made a lobster soup, but Jeff tells him to save it for later.

Reby, Jeff and Senor Benjamin begin singing Jeff’s obsolete theme. Matt looks weirded out in the corner. They want him to sing his line, but Matt looks confused at them. Matt tells begins to sing Alanis Morrisette’s “Ironic.” Matt asks “Debby” if he can trust Jeff? Reby corrects him that her name is Reby.

Matt asks “Brother Hero” which car is his? Jeff said he has a dirt bike, but Matt doesn’t look excited to hear that.

– In-arena: Jeremy Borash is in the ring. He said for 15 years he’s been “JB, the announcer” and tonight he’s out there as a friend. He said 11 years ago, he met TNA Hall of Famer Gail Kim. Borash said he’s best friends with Gail’s husband and they traveled the world together.

Borash said he was asked, personally, to conduct an interview and be brought out Gail Kim.

Borash looks giddy in the ring. He said Gail is there tonight as a Hall of Famer and six-time champion. He gave Gail the mic and she thanked him for being a great friend.

Gail said all she ever hoped for was to be Knockouts Champion and maybe inspire others. Gail then brought out Jade.

Gail said it’s no secret, and she said Jade was important to the future of the division. Gail, through tears, says she sees herself 10 years ago in Jade today. Gail said she believes in Jade. Gail said Jade is the future of the division and she’s the future of women’s wrestling. Gail said that’s why it was important to have her out there.

Gail said that she has been thinking about something for a while, and it’s hard for her to say it.

Just as she was about to say something, Decay comes to the ring, including Rosemary.

Rosemary enters the ring and spits mist in Gail’s eyes and then takes out Jade. Abyss attacked Borash as Rosemary locked Gail in a guillotine choke while Steve keeps Jade tied up in the corner.

Rosemary then goes back after Jade and attacks her with forearms. Abyss brings a trashcan into the ring. Rosemary goes up top and hits a coast-to-coast on Jade with the trashcan. [c]

(3) TREVOR LEE vs. ROCKSTAR SPUD vs. D.J. Z – No. 1 Contender Series

Spud bails as the match starts, leaving Lee and D.J. Z to start the match. D.J. Z runs after Spud and Lee punts him in the head from the apron.

Lee and Spud go back and forth with who is going to pin D.J. Z and while they argue on the outside, D.J. Z flips over the top rope.

Mathews points out that D.J. Z is wrestling with a broken wrist.

D.J. Z tosses Spud after taking out Lee with am arm drag. Lee tosses Spud into the corner. Lee then grabs D.J. Z and throws him across the ring to the opposite corner.

Spud hits a splash for a two count after Lee breaks it up. D.J. Z counters a suplex. D.J. Z hits a back elbow on Lee. Spud hits a low blow on D.J. Z. Lee hits Spud with a knee and lands a fisherman’s buster for the win.

WINNER: Trevor Lee in 4:00.

(McMahon’s Analysis: It wouldn’t be an X-Division match without more than one person involved. This was a good way to get Lee into the match without D.J. Z getting hurt.)

– Backstage: Aiden O’Shea tells Robbie E and Grado they have a match tonight, with each other as a team. O’Shea said that they have a handicap match with Lashley. Grado said, “well, we can try?” as Robbie E walks off.

(McMahons’s Analysis: I could be wrong, but this didn’t look like any backstage set at the Impact Zone. I almost wonder if they taped this in order to get a Corgan segment out of the show. Total speculation, but it was lit weird and even the sound was different. Could be wrong, but if he were on camera, it would make sense for them to try to get him out of the show. That said, O’Shea referencing him, even as “the boss” is keeping him on the show. People know who he’s talking about.)

– Backstage, Brandi comes up to Allie and said she would be a cute couple with Braxton Sutter. Brandi said that she needs some help. Allie said she would really like to help Brandi, but Maria pays her bills and she works for her. Brandi tells Allie to stand up for herself. Allie said she was sorry, and walked away.


Grado starts first for his team. He tries to take down Lashley, who just stands there. Grado runs and tags in Robbie E.

Lashley lifts up Robbie E for a vertical suplex. Grado runs in and Lashley shoves him off, while holding up Robbie E. The announcers don’t really play up how impressive that strength is.

Grado gets tagged in and goes up top, hitting an ax handle on Lashley. Robbie E hits a flying clothesline for a half count? Lashley popped back up. Robbie holds Lashley as Grado throws jabs. Robbie and Grado hit a double suplex on Lashley.

Lashley tosses Robbie to the outside. Grado pokes Lashley in the eyes. Lashley hits a spinebuster. Robbie gets back in the ring and Lashley hits a spear for the win.

WINNER: Lashley in 4:00.

(McMahon’s Analysis: I didn’t like how much Lashley was selling in this match. Robbie E and Grado, no offense, are comedy characters and lower mid-card on the show. Lashley shouldn’t be selling for these guys. His “monster” feel has already taken some hits losing to a smaller wrestler like Edwards, twice. That’s OK. Not saying he shoudn’t lose to Edwards. But selling to Grado and Robbie E? That’s a bit much.)

– Aron Rex is arriving in a car with the Grand Championship. Rex is polishing the belt as he makes eyes on Godderz, saying he “had too much creatine.” [c]

(McMahon’s Analysis: Scratch what I said earlier about the O’Shea segment being taped somewhere else to get Corgan off the show. From the shots of Rex and Godderz in the trailer, it looked like that’s where the O’Shea segment was shot. Never mind.)

– Back from the break, Rex approaches Godderz wearing a “puffy shirt,” if you’re a Seinfeld fan. Godderz said this isn’t about the title, and he attacks Rex. They’re fighting and Rex runs into an office trailer. The camera tries shooting through the window. Godderz smashes Rex’s face up against the glass. Godderz asks Rex where his knuckles are now? Rex rakes Godderz’s eyes and then runs to the car, screaming for the driver to go.

– Back at the Hardy compound, Matt gets on the bike with Jeff and looks terrified. Jeff is driving Matt around a lake and we see the dilapidated boat. Jeff tells Matt to talk to the boat. Matt thinks Jeff is crazy. Matt asked if he thinks he’s magical?

Matt said it’s hard to describe what’s in his head. Jeff tells Matt to get in the water and see what happens. Matt takes off his shoes. He said he’s not going in the water because it’s cold. Jef then threw Matt into the water. Matt said Jeff was being rude.

Jeff said fine, he didn’t need Matt. Matt said fighting was barbaric and Jeff had anger issues.

(5) EDDIE EDWARDS [c] vs. ELI DRAKE – TNA World Hvt. Title match

Mathews points out the 20-pound weight advantage for Drake.

After a lockup to start the match, Edwards has control of Drake with a side headlock but Drake quickly escapes and hits an elbow, allowing him to put the boots to Edwards.

Drake throws Edwards onto the corner of the ring, in what looked like a really dangerous move as Edwards’ back bent around the corner. Hopefully it just looked bad, and wasn’t actually bad.

Later, Edwards hits a top-rope superplex. Pope notes that both Edwards and Drake feel pain after that move. Edwards chops Drake and then throws him to the outside. Drake catches himself and does the Shawn Michaels pullup back into the ring, only for Edwards to clothesline him back to the outside.

Edwards runs and dives through the ropes ropes at Drake, taking him out and launching himself into the front row.

Back in the ring at the 8:00 mark of the match, Drake hits Blunt Force Trauma for a two count and Drake looks stunned.

Drake yells at Edwards to stay down and then he goes to the outside, climbing the turnbuckle. Pope says this is desperation. Drake misses off the top and Edwards hits a Boston Knee Party for the win.

WINNER: Eddie Edwards retains via pin in 10:00.

After the match, the DCC’s graphic takes over and they’re in the ring surrounding Edwards. They begin take him out with a 3-on-1 attack. One of the DCC members grabs the World Title and drapes it across Edwards.

DCC reveal themselves as someone we don’t know, Bram and James Storm. The show then fades and goes off the air.


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