NOVEMBER 2, 2016
[Q1] Charly Caruso starts off the episode with an update on the Dusty Rhodes Classic standings.
Previously recorded at an NT Live is Roderick Strong and Austin Aries facing TM61. Aries is in street clothes, and the announcers question Aries’ health. Aries has a mic. He says that he can tell that the crowd is disappointed that he is not dressed to wrestle. He has a “broken eyehole” and takes off his sunglasses to reveal the fairly gruesome injury. He proposes that since Aries and Strong woud beat TM61 anyways, TM61 should forfeit the match, which is better than Strong beating them both. William Regal hits the ramp to sort things out. He says that Aries cannot compete tonight, but he can compete next week. Dusty Rhodes was a legend for his toughness, and proposes that there be a singles match between Strong and a member of TM61 to go on to the next round of the tournament. They all agree.
1. SHANE THORNE vs. RODERICK STRONG – Dusty Rhodes Classic Tag Team Tournament Match
Thorneand Strong start with holds, jockeying for control. Thorne tries to use his athletic skill but gets a knee to the face. Leaping knee knocks Strong down. Standing moonsault from Thorne nets a two count. Aries distracts Thorne heading up top so Strong can knock him down.
[ Break ]
Strong is arrogantly kicking Thorne after the break. Thorn gets a boot up in the corner but can’t capitalize. Dropkick hits Strong in the mouth. Double count but they get off the mat to drop bombs. Uppercuts drive Strong to the corner. Strong catches a charge from Thorne and hits a back breaker. Strong wants a superplex but Thorne fights him off and hits a double stomp off the top for a nearfall. Knees to Thorn, slam for two.
[Q2] Strong lands a series of forearms but Thorne with a clothesline then a Falcon Arrow for two. Sitout powerbomb, but Aries distracts the ref, letting Strong nail a kick for a close two count. Miller challenges Aries but Strong kicks him through the ropes, letting Thorne suddenly win the match with an inside cradle.
Winner: Shane Thorne in 8:07. Decent enough match. TM61 needed the win and credibility much more than Aries and Strong, especially since TM61 is an etablished team.
#DIY comes out for their team match. The Revival comes out, and Scott Dawson is on crutches. He has a mic and says that he has a severe knee injury, and makes it sound serious. If he was a “normal jaemoake of the street” he’d be crippled like #DIY. But since he is such a strong Southern boy, he just needs some rest and Advil. But he won’t do that, he’s going to compete. The doctor begged him not to, so he is following doctor’s orders and withdraw from the tournament. Wilder says that #DIY shouldn’t be angry, since they just got a golden ticket to the next round, and won’t have to be embarassed by them. #DIY look disappointed.
Backstage interview with Cedrix Alexander. Andrade Alams aught him that he needs to be vicious to survive, and want to thank Almas personally in the ring.
Strange little vignette promissing “the return” though not sure of what.
Backstage, #DIY gets interviewed about The Revival, they say they aren’t surprised by The Revival pulling out. Ciampa vows to become NXT Tag Team Champions.
2. RICH SWANN & NO WAY JOSE vs. THE AUTHORS OF PAIN (AKUM and RAZZAR w/Paul Ellering) – Dusty Rhodes Classic Tag Team Tournament Match
[Q3] Akum immediately backs Jose to the corner. Jose can’t get traction, but is able to send Akum though the ropes. Shouder block knocks Jose to the ground schoolboy for one. first cover ever on The Authors of Pain? Swann gets a tag, and a head scissors takes Akum down, Razzar tags in. Swann tags Razzar and knows he made a mistake. Swann jumps into a bear hug, slides down, but can’t get Razzar down. Dropkick sends Razzar to the ropes, the Razzar throws himself through the ropes. wann jumps onto the Authors of Pain, gets caught, Jose knocks the pile down. Ellering gives intructions to his team. Swann gets tossed into the corner and looks like he is out of it. Ellering reches through the ropes to give an assit behind the ref’s back, cover for a two count. Razzar is stunned, Akum tags, but Swann finally breaks free to tag Jose. Jose knocks Aum down three times with clothelines, and fights off an illegal entrance from Razzar, Swann keeps Razaar out. TKO from Jose for a nearfall, nice power on display there. Action between Swann and Razzar distracts Jose, but he catches Akum with fists. Blind tag lets The Authors of Pain nail the Last Chapter for the win.
Winners: The Authors of Pain in 7:15. I liked Swann and Jose, both looked great against their larger opponents, but The Authors of Pain were mostly a snoozefest.
Video package reminding us who Mickie James is and why it is important that she is coming to NXT.
3. T.J. PERKINS & KOTA IBUSHI vs. SANITY (SAWYER FULTON & ALEXANDER WOLF w/Eric Young and Nikki Cross) – Dusty Rhodes Classic Tag Team Tournament Match
[Q4] Wolf and Ibushi start the match. Wolf wrangles Ibushi down with a side headlock. Ibushi tries to get out but Wolf delivers a fist. Ibushi suddenly unloads rapid strikes and a dropkick to take Wolf down. Ibushi telegraphs a back drop, but Perkins tags in. Wolf want a Samoa Drop, Perkins slides down, low crobody, cover for one, kneebar but Wolf tags Fulton. Perkis wants the kneebar but Wolf tags in, then Ibushi is in. Double tea sends Wolf flying.
[ Break ]
Fulton is being double teamed after the break. Rapid tags isolate Fulton. Wolf tries to interfere and gets sent outside too. Triangle moonsault from Ibushi creams Wolf outside the ring, but Fulton catches a plancha from Perkins. Belly flops from Fulton pick up two. Fulton throws Perkins onto Wolf’s knees. The crowd tries to rally Perkins out of a hold. Teamwork from Sanity doesn’t get the win. Bearhug wears Perkins down. Perkins dumps Fulton into Wolf’s knees when they try to repeat their team move. Ibushi gets the tag, standing moonsault but Sulton breaks it up. Huge missle dropkick clears Fulton. Golden Star Powerbimb, but Eric Young and Nikki Cross distracts the ref and Fulton gets a cheap shot on the ring. Team move from Sanity ends the match.
Winners: Sanity in 9:45. OK match. The work from Perkins and Ibushi was a lot more interesting than Sanity’s, and I really disliked seeing another match tonight having a similar distraction moment.
FINAL THOUGHTS: Really uninterested in seeing Sanity face TM61 or #DIY against The Authors of Pain. The tournament suddenly got a lot less interesting.
NOW CATCH UP ON LAST WEEK’S REPORT: JAMES’S NXT TV REVIEW 10/26: Kota Ibushi & T.J. Perkins vs. Lince Dorado & Mustada Ali, plus Asuka, Tye, DIY
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