OCTOBER 30, 2016
-Michael Cole, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton introduced the show.
1 – ROMAN REIGNS vs. RUSEV (w/Lana) – Hell in a Cell match
Lana introduced Rusev. They went to some other announce teams as part of the Network coverage worldwide. Then Reigns came out. The bell rang 10 minutes into the PPV telecast. Reigns took it to Rusev with punches to start. I know, surprising. Rusev punched back. They fought at ringside a minute into the match. They took turns blocking each other trying to ram their heads into the cage, then returned to the ring. Roman took Rusev down with two clotheslines, but Rusev fired back with kicks.
Reigns swing kicked Rusev at ringside hard into the side of the cage. Rusev raked Reigns’s eyes to take control at ringside. He tried to whip him into the ringside steps, but Reigns reversed him. Rusev shoved Reigns head-first into the ringpost and then shoved his face against the cage. Rusev posted Reigns again and threw him into the ringpost for a two count. Rusev whipped Reigns hard into the corner turnbuckles and then scored a two count. Rusev splashed him in the corner once, but missed on a second attempt when Reigns moved. Rusev hip tossed Reigns, but missed with a diving headbutt. Both were slow to get up.
Rusev came back and shoved Reigns head-first into the Cell. Rusev pulled a Kendo Stick out from under the ring, but Reigns took it from him. The crowd booed as he walked over to bash Rusev across the back with it. When Reigns methodically returned to the ring with the stick in hand, Rusev stood up and kicked the middle rope to nail Reigns in the crotch. Then he locked Reigns’s arms in the ropes. Ridiculously, the middle rope was pink. He bashed Reigns over and over and over, then broke the stick, over his leg and roared. This is where Reigns’s vest that includes thick coverage of his back and chest works against these shots seeming effective. Cole said Rusev could be closing in on his third U.S. Championship, but as Rusev gloated, Reigns exploded out of the ropes and clotheslined Rusev. Both were slow to get up at 15:00.
Reigns hit a Superman punch for a near fall. When Reigns took forever to forecast his spear, Rusev caught him with a kick, then he shoved Reigns into the ringside steps which were propped on the top rope in the corner. That was good for a near fall. Reigns couldn’t believe the kickout. Rusev applied the Accolade, but Rusev powered out. He kicked Reigns seconds later. Reigns rolled to the floor. Reigns pulled a chain out from under the ring. Reigns punched Rusev before he could use it against him. Back in the ring Rusev took over and swung the chain over and over across Reigns’s back as he was facedown on the mat. A “Let’s Go Rusev / Rusev sucks!” chant broke out. Rusev shoved the steel steps base into the ring. Reigns rammed Reigns’s head into the steps and then kicked him again in the head for another two count.
Rusev put Reigns on top of the steps and then stood over him with chain in hand. He applied an Accolade on the steps and used the chain across Reigns’s mouth to pull back on him. Cole said Reigns has to tap. “What else can he do?” Cole said. He said perhaps he’ll pass out instead. Graves said Reigns should swallow his pride before Rusev make him swallow the chain. Reigns powered out and actually stood with Rusev on his shoulders and gave Rusev a Samoan Drop onto the steps. Both were slow to get up once again. Byron said, “There is something in the spirit of Roman Reigns driving him to do whatever it takes to survive.” That sounds like a line Vince McMahon fed him word for word. Reigns then speared Rusev off of the steps and scored the pin.
WINNER: Reigns in 24:30. (***1/4)
(Keller’s Analysis: Good match. Methodical, but brutal, and well paced for its place on the card. Roman’s over reliance on punches and clotheslines continues to be a drawback in any of his matches.)
-They showed the lit up skyline of Boston, Mass.
-They went to the announcers on the stage. They commented on a video package on the Kevin Owens-Seth Rollins feud.
-Phillips interviewed Owens backstage who picked on Phillips’s question, then talked about much he has weakened Seth Rollins leading into this match. He said: “The last time he powerbombed someone on the apron like that, his name was John Cena and it took him weeks to come back, yet Seth wants to play the big hero tonight and disregard doctor’s advice and still get in the Hell in a Cell with me – why? So he can become WWE Universal Champion and finally prove to everybody that he’s The Man. Well, that’s just not going to happen. What I do to Seth in the Cell is going to make that war that Rusev and Roman put each other through – as brutal as it was – seem like a cake walk.” He said when he’s done with Seth he won’t be able to call himself The Man because he’ll barely look like one. He said unlike what Phillips said about Seth, he won’t be “a winner” to anyone’s eyes. He said when he beats Seth, he will be The Man. He got right in Phillips’s face.
-They showed more announcers from the WWE Network’s international coverage. Graves asked Byron if there was any way he could go join the Russian announce team.
Bayley won with a Bayley-to-Belly. Back and forth match, but basically a showcase for Bayley as it should have been.
WINNER: Bayley at 6:28. (*)
-A commercial aired for WWE 2K17.
-Backstage Mick Foley chatted with Stephanie McMahon. Foley said if the first HIAC match is any indication, this could be one of the great WWE events in history. They talked about Survivor Series and agreed they’d annihilate Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan’s roster in three traditional Survivor Series tag team matches. Foley said everyone is buzzing about Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar, too. In walked Chris Jericho who talked about a strategy for forming Team Raw to battle whatever Smackdown comes up with. Jericho seethed that Dean Ambrose still owes him $15,000. Foley asked if he has a point. Jericho complained that Foley interrupted him, so he threatened to put him on The List. Foley said he’s already on his list. Jericho said in several languages he was going to put him on The List again. Jericho said Stephanie’s first choice for Team Raw should be him and then her second choice should be Owens. Steph made note of the order. Foley said they’d take it under advisement. Foley said he should concentrate on whether his best friend will make it out of Hell in a Cell in one piece first.
-Cole hyped that “Raw Talk” debuts on right after HIAC featuring Renee Young, Booker T, Lita, and Jerry Lawler with guests Bayley and Roman Reigns.
Enzo told Luke Gallows he might be big, but he’s been with women bigger than him. “Big girls don’t cry, but they surely need some lovin’, too,” said Big Cass. Cass told Gallows that from now on he is the Big Gal and Karl Anderson is “Andy” from now on. Enzo said his confidence is “on a trillion right now.” He said he’s like Time 2 Roman font, “as generic as it gets.” He said his hind end is built like a Nathan’s French Fry Fork. Cass said they don’t mind getting their hands dirty and “flipping you the Larry Bird.” The crowd oohed that one. A few more Boston references got cheers from the crowd. Then this just went on and on some more. Graves said, “Thank God that’s over!”
Anderson and Gallows came out next. Cole snuck in a plug for Hulu. The match finally began. Cass and Enzo beat up Anderson in the opening minute. Graves said Gallows and Anderson said they’ve been embarrassed that they haven’t lived up to the hype since arriving in WWE, but it changes tonight. Cole said they can “hit the reset button” if they win tonight. Cole talked about their success in Japan. Enzo trash talked Gallows to draw him into the ring, then they knocked Anderson and Gallow to the floor. Cass pressed Enzo over his head and threw him into the heel duo at ringside. A minute later Gallows clotheslined Enzo at ringside and took over offense.
A couple minutes later Cass got a hot tag and took it to both heels with a flurry of offense. Cass gave Anderson a big boot to knock him off the ring apron. Then he gave Gallows a bodyslam and an Empire Elbow. Gallows ducked a big boot attempt by Cass. Enzo tagged himself in and went after Anderson, but Gallows came up behind him. Enzo hit Gallows with a barrage of punches to the body and dropped Gallows to his knees, but Gallows came back with a kick and then tagged Anderson in. They gave Enzo the Magic Killer for the win. Cole said, “Anderson & Gallows make a statement.” Graves said, “The fun and games is over. It’s all about being mean and making green.”
WINNERS: Anderson & Gallows at 6:40. (*3/4)
(Keller’s Analysis: Short, but good match for what it was. Pretty rapid-fire pacing. The commentary and the finish both indicated they’ve decided to try to heat him Anderson & Gallows.)
-They aired a video package on the Owens-Rollins feud.
(4) KEVIN OWENS vs. SETH ROLLINS – WWE Universal Title match in a Hell in a Cell
Owens walked toward the cage during his entrance, turned to walk away, then turned back and entered the Cell. The announcers talked about how long he’s anticipated being in a Cell and it appeared he got nervous about it briefly. When Seth came out, Graves said he’s seen him around today and it’s clear his back is not okay. Cole said a World Title has been defended 16 times in the Cell, but only four times has there been a world title change.
As soon as the bell rang, Owens left the ring right away to look for a weapon under the ring. Seth went after him and aggressively got in some offense at ringside. He threw Owens back into the ring and continued the attack. Seth yelled, “I’m the man around here!” Owens came back with some chops, but Seth went back on offense with a blockbuster for a two count. Seth pulled a table out of the ring and set it up on the floor. Owens recovered and then took over with a reverse whip, sending Seth hard into the corner back-first. The announcers played up Seth’s bad back. Owens then landed a senton splash. Owens ripped protective Kinesis tape off Seth’s back. Graves said it’s “like getting flesh ripped right off the bone.” That’s a bit much.
Owens methodically kicked away at Seth’s back, then gloated to the crowd. Back in the ring, Seth tried to fight out of the corner, but Owens countered by tossing Seth like a missile through the ropes and into the side of the cage. Owens stood in the ring with his arms extended. He bowed to the crowd Larry Zbyszko-style. Owens landed a cannonball splash at ringside. Some fans at ringside chanted “Holy sh—!” After more of a beating at ringside, Cole said it’s Owens’ version of the Boston Massacre. Cole said the back injury has to be excruciating for Seth. He went for a Pop-up Powerbomb, but Seth avoided it and went for a Pedigree. Owens escaped. Seth kicked Owens in the face. Owens kicked Seth. Seth hit an enzuigiri. Owens fired back with a clothesline. Both men went down. Cole exclaimed, “What a sequence!” The audience applauded. As they replayed the sequence, Owens rolled to the floor to catch his breath. Seth was still face down and out on the mat. Owens pulled out another table and then seemed to be plotting what to do with it. He propped it up with the legs extended against the fence up at an angle. Seth rested up enough to give Owens a suplex on the ring apron to break up Owens’ plans. The crowd chanted “This is awesome!”
Seth pounded his chest and ran inside the ring and dove through the ropes with a dive against Owens and the cage. He did a second spear shoulder-first through the ropes. Then he quickly with a real sense of urgency shoved Owens into the ring and climbed to the top rope. Owens disappeared at ringside, but when Seth went after him, Owens produced a fire extinguisher and jabbed him with it. Owens then sprayed the fire extinguisher, and it caught the referee in the eyes. Byron said he hopes it was an accident. Graves said he’s not used to using one. The ref was let out of the cage to have his eyes checked. Jericho ran into the cell and locked himself inside. There were some cheers for Jericho coming out. Owens walked over and looked at Jericho. Jericho showed Owens that he has the key to the padlock. Owens kissed him on the cheek, then went after Seth. Graves said whatever happens to Seth from now on is legal. Seth knocked Jericho off the ring apron. Owens surprised Seth with a cradle suplex for a near fall. The crowd began a “Stupid idiot!” chant. Set climbed to the top to meet Owens. They knocked each other down. Seth hit Owens with a springboard flying knee. Seth set up a Pedigree, but Jericho interfered. Seth gave Jericho the Pedigree instead. Owens kicked Seth on the side of his head, but Seth came back with an enzuigiri. Seth went for a powerbomb, but he could barely lift Owens. Seth did, though, and he threw Owens over the top rope onto the table that was propped against the cage, and Owens crashed through that one and then the table set up underneath it on the floor. Owens was out. Cole said the Garden was coming unglued.
Seth rolled Owens into the ring seconds later. He climbed to the top rope and landed a frog splash. The ref began the count, but Jericho yanked the ref out of the ring by his foot at two. Graves said, “It pays to have your best friend locked in the Cell with you.” Jericho picked up the fire extinguisher, but Seth went after him at ringside with a kick and punches. Seth yelled at Jericho, “Do you understand who you are messing with?” He beat up Jericho in the pile of broken table parts. Seth lifted Jericho and tossed him powerbomb style into the side of the cage.
Back in the ring, Owens recovered and hit a superkick and then a Pop-up Powerbomb for a believable near fall. Both were slow to get up. Owens got up first and hit Seth with a barrage of headbutts and punches. Jericho got up and joined Owens in the ring in beating down Seth. Owens bashed Seth across his back with a chair several times. Cole said Owens was “taking advantage” of the no-DQ rule in a Cell match. Seth popped up and took the chair and bashed both Owens and Jericho. Owens, though, surprised Seth with a DDT onto the chair. Owens set up two chairs and powerbombed Seth onto them for the win.
WINNER: Owens at 23:15. (****1/4)
(Keller’s Analysis: Very impressive HIAC match. I really liked the pace and the chances taken and the big moves executed. Everything served a purpose and, within the realm of the Cell environment, they sold big moves and didn’t just get up as if nothing happened to do another big spot. Once Jericho came out, it seemed to mean Owens would win, but there had to be some viewers thinking Jericho might turn on Owens or there’d be a misunderstanding or miscue between them leading to Seth getting a win. Based on selling Seth’s back injury all show leading up to and during the match, Seth losing felt very very likely.)
-After the match, as Seth’s music was playing and Owens headed to the stage, Jericho went back over to Seth and gave him a Code Breaker. If you were looking for a babyface turn from Jericho soon, that seemed to indicate it’s not imminent. Then they played Jericho’s music.
-They went to the panel who discussed the show so far. Lita touted that Hell in a Cell was the no. 1 trend all night.
(5) T.J. PERKINS vs. BRIAN KENDRICK – Cruiserweight Title match
Kendrick swatted away a Perkins dropkick in the initial exchange. They circled each other and then battled in a test of a strength. They went into a sequence of wrestling exchanges ending with a Kendrick two count from a sunset flip. Kendrick ended up unwrapping Perkins’ wrist tape and tying him to the bottom rope to gain a brief advantage before the ref untied him. Kendrick controlled the action for a few minutes until Perkins took Kendrick down with a neckbreaker. Perkins did a slingshot twisting body block onto Kendrick at ringside. Perkins in the ring gave Kendrick a series of two suplexes, then climbed to the top rope. Kendrick caught him mid-flight with a dropkick for a two count. Perkins continued on offense until Kendrick took Perkins down with a cradle suplex into a bridge for a two count. Kendrick followed with a Captain’s Hook. Perkins reached toward the bottom rope, but Kendrick pivoted Perkins away. Perkins leaned back to get a leverage two count on Kendrick to force Kendrick to release the hold. Perkins applied a knee-bar mid-ring. Kendrick grabbed the bottom rope to force the break. When Kendrick went for Sliced Bread #2, Kendrick blocked it. Kendrick indicated he suffered a knee injury. The ref intervened and backed Perkins away. Perkins looked on, seeming suspicious, but then worried for him. When Perkins came in to check on Kendrick, Kendrick surprised him with a headbutt and then applied the Captain’s Hook for the tapout win. Kendrick celebrated, but still hobbled as Graves said Kendrick fooled everybody including Perkins. Kendrick selling his knee seemed to indicate he wasn’t faking it, but just recovered enough to sneak in the opportunistic headbutt, but the commentary indicated otherwise.
WINNER: Kendrick at 10:30 to capture the Cruiserweight Title. (**1/2)
(Keller’s Analysis: Good match. The part of the finish I didn’t like is that the referee stepped in because someone was hurt. What made Kendrick more hurt than all of the other times a wrestler was selling being hurt during the previous matches? is there a rule that if someone has a hurt knee, the match has to stop, but not, say, an injured back from being tossed through two tables? Perkins came off looking more gullible than Kendrick seemed devious and clever, but it was a mix. This was designed to be a match to bring the crowd down, but the wrestling itself was solid and well-paced for the most part.)
-They went to the announcers. Cole said if you’re watching this event on cable, what are you waiting for? Saxton plugged WWE Network and hyped the NXT Takeover special featuring Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Samoa Joe the night before Survivor Series. Graves hyped Survivor Series, too, saying it’s the one night a year that Raw and Smackdown battle against each other in the ring. They pitched the free month.
-They went backstage to Cesaro and Sheamus who ended up getting into an argument over who is more giving or more cheap in their travels together. They cut away mid-argument.
-Graves plugged the theme song for HIAC. Then Cole plugged “Raw Talk,” saying Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho will now be on also.
(6) THE NEW DAY (Big E & Xavier Woods w/Kofi Kingston) vs. SHEAMUS & CESARO – Raw Tag Team Championship match
Before the match, The New Day said they were hoping Cesaro and Sheamus would tear each other apart before this match. Sheamus took it to Xavier at the start. Cesaro hit him with an uppercut for an early two count. Sheamus settled into a chinlock on Xavier mid-ring. Cesaro tagged in and continued to work over Xavier. Xavier caught him with a boot as he charged, then got a hot-tag on Big E just as Cesaro tagged Sheamus back in. Big E gave Sheamus two belly-to-belly suplexes. Sheamus kneed Big E, but Big E came right back with a third belly-to-belly. He then gyrated mid-ring and hit a running splash. He began clapping as the crowd chanted “New… Day Rocks!” Xavier did a running flip dive onto Cesaro at ringside. Big E caught Sheamus doing a Brogue Kick and turned it into the powerbomb.
A couple minutes later, Xavier walked the top rope and landed a flying elbowdrop onto Cesaro. Cesaro came back with a barrage of European uppercuts. he signaled for the Cesaro Swing and then gave it to Xavier. He gave him five swings and then applied the sharpshooter. Big E entered and gave Cesaro an overhead suplex into the corner, but he wasn’t the legal man. He dragged Xavier to his corner, then made the legal tag. He lifted Cesaro onto his shoulders, and Xavier climbed to the top rope. Sheamus ran in and knocked Xavier down. Sheamus then went for a Brogue Kick on Big E, but he his Cesaro instead. Big E then prompted clotheslined Cesaro over the top rope to the floor. Xavier crawled over to Cesaro and made the cover. Sheamus made the save. Sheamus threw Xavier out of the ring. Kofi went to check on his teammates. Sheamus climbed to the top rope and dove onto New Day. They were all slow to get up. Sheamus shoved Cesaro into the ring where he put Xavier in a Sharpshooter near the bottom rope. Meanwhile at ringside, Sheamus yanked Big out of the ring before he could make the save. Sheamus hit Big E with the trombone. Kofi hit Sheamus with the S.O.S. The ref saw what was happening and called for the bell just as Xavier was tapping out. Cesaro celebrated like he won.
WINNERS: Cesaro & Sheamus via DQ at 11:30 so New Day retained the WWE Tag Team Titles. (**)
(Keller’s Analysis: Bad finish. The ref’s actions didn’t make any sense. The activity at ringside wasn’t interfering with what was happening in the ring, and it’s totally inconsistent for a ref to prioritize what’s going on at ringside if it’s not affecting the submission hold in the ring. I don’t get it. The match itself was what you’d expect – pretty good.)
-A video feature aired hyping the Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg match at Survivor Series. It included a sit-down interview with Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman talking about the match. Lesnar: “I don’t give a (bleep) about his kids or his wife. Why the (bleep) would I care about his people or his family.” Lesnar said he’s going to take Goldberg to Suplex City, give him an F5, “and I go home and he doesn’t.” He called Goldberg’s challenge a death sentence and warned his kids and wife not to watch. “Please don’t watch.” Why didn’t Minneapolis fans get comments from Lesnar last Monday instead of the debacle they were treated to.
-Saxton plugged that Goldberg will be on Raw on Monday.
(7) SASHA BANKS vs. CHARLOTTE – Hell in a Cell match for the Women’s Title
Charlotte came out on a platform held in the air by four men who might have been Dalton Castle’s Boys. Sasha came out in a Cadillac Escalade and she exited through the moon roof.
As the cage lowered around them after ring introductions, Charlotte prematurely attacked Banks and threw her out of the ring. They stopped the lowering of the Cell before it set on top of Sasha. Charlotte then threw Sasha onto the announce table. Sasha reverse whipped Charlotte over the ringside barrier into the crowd. Sasha went after her in the crowd. Sasha eventually threw Charlotte back to the ringside area. Sasha yanked the monitors off the ringside table, but Charlotte shoved her onto the table and then climbed the side of the cage. Sasha climbed, too, and shoved Charlotte off the side. Charlotte then got up and put Sasha on her shoulders and powerbombed her onto the table. The table didn’t break and Sasha slid off the top and landed on the back of her neck. It could have been worse, but it was the first move of the match that didn’t go as expected. The refs backed Charlotte off to check on Sasha. Sasha struggled to get back onto her feet as Charlotte gloated.
They played this out fully as a teaser the match was over. Charlotte entered the ring through the cage door and called for her title. Sasha cried as EMTs came out and insisted on putting her in a neck brace and a stretcher. As the ring announcer grimly announced Charlotte as the new champion because Sasha couldn’t go on, Sasha rolled off the gurney and ran into the ring. She took it to Charlotte as the officials locked the cage door. Charlotte tried to get out, but Sasha stayed aggressive. Charlotte, though, yanked Sasha into the ringpost to cut off Sasha’s adrenaline rush. Charlotte then catapulted Sasha into the side of the cage. Sasha landed on the back of her head and neck again. The crowd chanted “Let’s Go Sasha!” Charlotte went to work on Sasha in the ring.
Sasha escaped a Charlotte slam and turned it into a Bank Statement attempt. Charlotte lifted Sasha and dropped her over the top rope onto the ring apron. Sasha tumbled to the floor. Charlotte pulled a chair out from under the ring. When she tried to get into the ring, Sasha gave Charlotte a slidekick, sending her into the wall of the Cell. Then she dove through the ropes with a body block against the cage. Both were slow to get up once again. In the ring, Charlotte chopped away at Sasha and said, “You will respect me!” Charlotte stood on the second rope and extended her arms arrogantly. Sasha recovered and knocked Charlotte down. She went at her with a barrage of punches and then a drop toe hold sending Charlotte face-first into the chair. Sasha rammed Charlotte’s face into the chair over and over several times. When Sasha charged at Charlotte, Charlotte picked her up and dropped her back-first over the chair.
At ringside when Charlotte launched Sasha over her shoulders, Sasha held onto the side of the cage “like Spiderman,” said Cole. Sasha then leaped off and turned mid-air and double knee tackled Charlotte. Sasha threw Charlotte into the Cell at ringside a couple times. Then she charged with two knees, driving Charlotte back-first against the cage. And again. Back in the ring the crowd chanted “Eddie! Eddie!” as Sasha suplexed Charlotte a few times. Cole said Eddie was looking down with a smile at this match-up. Sasha landed a top rope frog splash for a near fall. Sasha applied a Bank Statement, but Charlotte slid out of the ring.
Banks put Charlotte on the second rope in the corner and then picked up a chair. She placed the chair under Charlotte, and then did a double knee drive onto the chair for a two count. Charlotte pulled Sasha through the ropes by her hair and shoved her face-first over the edge of the ring steps. Charlotte looked nauseous and held her belly, then she threw Sasha into the ring. Charlotte pulled a table out from under the ring and set it up. Charlotte then set up Sasha for a superplex off the top rope onto the table at ringside. Graves asked if the risk was worth the reward and said the two women were going to destroy each other. Sasha blocked it, then kicked Charlotte off the ring apron. Charlotte tumbled off the ring apron andante the table. It was a little clumsy and awkward looking. Not sure if that’s why some fans booed. In any case, Sasha went after Charlotte at ringside, picking her up and throwing her into the ring. Sasha made the cover, but Charlotte kicked out at 15:00.
Sasha slid another table into the ring. Charlotte shoved the table right back at her and crushed her against the cage wall. Charlotte set the table up inside the ring. Sasha got up and reentered the ring as Charlotte waved her in. Sasha rammed Charlotte face-first into the table, but Charlotte came back with a big boot. Charlotte went for a Figure-Eight. She got the figure-four on first. Sasha yelled in pain. She grabbed the chair and used it hit Charlotte just as Charlotte bridged into the Figure-Eight. She hit her a few more times on the leg to break up the hold.
When they stood up, Charlotte gave Sasha a forearm and then yelled, “Respect me!” Sasha came back with an elbow. She went for a Bank Statement next, but Charlotte blocked it and turned it into a backbreaker. She did two more and scored a two count. Charlotte put Sasha on the table. She yelled, “You will bow down to me.” She slapped her chest, then climbed to the top rope. Sasha knocked Charlotte off balance as she set up a moonsault. Sasha moved the table to the other side of the ring and propped it on the second rope at an angle. She lifted Charlotte onto his shoulders. Graves said her back won’t hold up, and it didn’t hold up. She fell. Charlotte threw Sasha onto the table rag-doll style. Charlotte threw her onto it again and Sasha rolled off. Charlotte then hit Natural Selection for the clean win. Graves: “The queen has regained her throne!”
WINNER: Charlotte in 18:00 to capture the WWE Women’s Title. (***3/4)
(Keller’s Analysis: The crowd reacted to the finish like they weren’t expecting that to be it. I congratulate the women for putting on a very good Hell in a Cell match without going as overboard as I expected with bit spots from high places on the Cell. Not that they didn’t take risks, but I felt they were cclculated and each was treated as a big deal with some serious selling. The teaser at the beginning was well done and probably had some skeptics believing that Sasha was too hurt to continue. Charlotte winning with her finisher helps get her finisher over which was worth it compared to doing some sort of big spot, even though I think the fans expected some sort of bigger spot.)
You really don’t get New Day being disqualified when the man not involved in the match attacked one who was? Seriously? Have you seen wrestling before?
The point is why in the hell would the ref turn away from a situation in the ring that was pertinent and not affect by the chaos outside the ring? Stuff happens all the time with people at ringside, and usually the ref just boots that person not involved in the match to the back and bans him or her from ringside. Calling for an immediate DQ is an overreaction and clearly just a way to get out of a corner they booked themselves into.
I agree. It would kind of make sense if the ref was facing the side with Sheamus and Kingston but he literally had to turn around to see the Trouble in Paradise. In addition, you had Sheamus use the trombone prior to it so a heel tactic that gets counteracted with another heel tactic and gives the challenging team a DQ win over New Day for the second time in 3 PPVs. I understand why Keller would question the booking of that finish.
but I felt they were cclculated
Should be
but I felt they were calculated
WWE’s lack of rules and rationality continues to take the viewer out of the “reality” of the match. Things would be better if they took more time to focus on things making sense. The first time was the Sheamus DQ. The second time (and maybe I am wrong about the rules) was during the Sasha/Charlotte match. They were about to announce that Charlotte was the new champion right before Sasha jumped off of the stretcher, even though there was not an official match? So this means that in order to win a belt, you just need to jump your opponent before the match, do whatever you want to stop them from being able to wrestle…you can even do it in front of everyone…and you will be announced as the new champion? If thats the case, why does any heel wrestle in the match? Just bring a chair down to the ring, beat your opponent with it pre-match and when they can’t start the match you win the belt! When did that become the rule?
Totally agree with the comments above about the inconsistent rules…I was thinking the same thing about the women’s championship changing hands. Even the announcers seemed to realize how ridiculous that sounded and tried to walk it back a little bit by saying that someone else would have to be crowned champion if Sasha couldn’t defend it.
My bigger issue is with the PPV as a whole. None of the three HIAC matches wasn’t good for what it was, but I didn’t come away feeling the cell was necessary for any of them. These are basically no-DQ matches held inside cells. I rolled my eyes every time someone went looking under the ring for a weapon. Aren’t you surrounded by a twenty-foot, diabolical, sinister, life-altering weapon?
I understand this is a different world, but if the most violent thing to happen in a cell involves tables or a Kendo stick, then the cell isn’t necessary. We had one instance of outside interference and none of the cell actually being a key part of any of the three matches. Perhaps it’s time to retire the gimmick.
I think the WWE should quit doing cage matches all together. The whole point of a cage match is to use the cage to torture & make your opponents bleed. If WWE isn’t allowing blood, then having cage matches is rather pointless. I know that some say blading is barbaric, but ask Randy Orton if he’d rather bladed instead of having Brock Lesnar cave his skull in trying it hardway. Even Jim Cornette said Orton was better off blading & said the main reason they started blading was to prevent injuries like Orton suffered. Either let them bleed in The Cell or retire it.