OCTOBER 17, 2016
ANNOUNCERS: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton
-Michael Cole introduced the show and called Goldberg “the most dominant superstar in WCW history” and “the most intense and intimidating man to ever step foot in WWE.” He said he appears on Raw for the first time in 12 years, live tonight. Corey Graves hyped Lita’s interviews with Sasha Banks and Charlotte coming, too.
-Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho walked out to Owens’ music. Jericho lagged a good 20 feet behind. Owens told the fans to be quiet because he had something important to say. He said Mick Foley has a vendetta against him. As the crowd chanted for Foley, Jericho said, “Quiet, quiet, quiet” over and over nearly two dozen times. Jericho talked about how dangerous the Hell in a Cell is, not that it’s not some sort of reward, and so Foley putting Owens in it proves he’s a stupid idiot. Owens said he has more brain cells left than Foley, and he will make sure he walks out with as many as he walks in with. He said the news won’t be as good for Seth Rollins. He said years from now, people will be talking about what he did to Seth.
Jericho said he should have been in that match with him “because it’s obvious I can beat Seth Rollins.” He listed the big names he defeated, such Shawn Michaels to Rey Mysterio to “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and The Rock on the same night. “Bet ya’ forgot about that, didn’t ya?” he said. He said he also beat The Undertaker to win the World Title. “So if I can beat all of them, you know I sure as hell can beat Seth Rollins.” He said the reason he didn’t beat him last week was due to bad officiating from the referee. Owens agreed and can’t believe he still has a job. They agreed he’s going to be on Jericho’s List.
Owens said at HIAC, Seth will be having a swan song because he’s already replaced him as The Man and in two weeks, he is going to retire him. Out walked Seth Rollins to his music. Seth made fun of Jericho’s scarf, mustache, and “sparkle crotch.” The crowd liked that and chanted “Sparkle Crotch.” Jericho said, “I am not Sparkle Crotch!” He told Seth he’s on The List because he said that. Seth said he should put his friendship with Kevin Owens on “The List.” He said Owens wasn’t there for him last week or the week before. Owens said Seth is not a very good person, and that’s why he doesn’t have friends. Owens said that he and Jericho talked through that issue and decided one of them needed to remain strong.
Jericho told Seth he can beat him anytime, anyplace. Seth said Denver is a good place and now is a good time. He walked toward the ring and offered a rematch. Seth asked if Owens is going to stay at ringside as the “world’s ugliest cheerleader” and watch him get Pedigree’d. Jericho turned to Owens and told him to leave. Owens was offended, then asked if he’s sure. Jericho told Owens to stop saying he’s leaving him to protect the team. He said he gets what’s going on, but he is still is his best friend. He said he’ll have his back no matter what, but he needs to remind Seth and all of the stupid idiots that he’s Chris Jericho. Owens told him to beat Seth on his own, and he’ll be there in spirit.
(Keller’s Analysis: More of the same with these three, but it’s entertaining television. Jericho continues to flash glimpses of turning against Owens once he tires of playing back-up singer to his lead. I liked Jericho saying that the HIAC isn’t a reward and is actually dangerous, a nice contrast to last week’s framing of the women being in the HIAC match. The biggest negative to this segment was how it seemed Seth was framed by Jericho as less of a star than the big names he beat in the past. That doesn’t help today’s drawing power when viewers are given the impression the really big stars are mostly part of the previous era.) [c]
The announcers talked about how Owens had never been in a HIAC match before. When Seth went for a Pedigree at 4:00, Jericho backdropped him over the top rope and then springboard dropkicked him off the apron to the floor. They cut to a break. [c]
Jericho controlled offense for several minutes after the break. When Jericho set up a Pedigree, Seth escaped and hit Jericho with a leaping knee to the forehead and then a Falcon Arrow for a two count. Seth climbed to the top rope. Owens’ music played and he walked out with the title belt over his shoulder. Seth leaped onto Jericho at ringside and then threw him into the ring. Seth then hit a springboard flying knee to the head followed by a Pedigree set-up. When Owens moved toward the ring, Seth paused. Jericho escaped and applied the Walls of Jericho mid-ring. Owens stood at ringside and pounded the ring apron with encouragement. Seth crawled to the bottom rope. Owens pulled the middle rope away from Seth. The ref discovered that and scolded Owens. He made Jericho break the hold. Graves said the damage was already done to Seth. Jericho stood and yelled at the ref. Seth went for a Pedigree, but Jericho escaped and then hit Seth with a enzuigiri. He set up a Code Breaker, but Seth blocked it and hit the Pedigree for the win. Owens turned and walked to the back, looking concerned with what he just watched happen.
WINNER: Rollins in 15:00.
-Cole threw to a video package on Goldberg. A video package aired of Goldberg’s debut 19 years ago on Monday Nitro on Sept. 22, 1997. He beat Hugh Morrus. Cole said he’d go on to win 173 consecutive matches and tonight he returns to address Paul Heyman’s challenge on behalf of Brock Lesnar.
(Keller’s Analysis: They’re doing a good basic job catching people up or reminding them of Goldberg’s history. It’s always fun to see early Nitro footage on Raw, even after all of these years. I liked that Tony Schiavone sounded surprised when Goldberg won, getting across that when that bell rang, as far as anyone knew, Hugh Morris was scheduled to win a squash match against a muscular plain green rookie jobber.)
-Graves plugged the Lita interview with Charlotte. [c]
-Graves thanked Airbourne for “Breakin’ Outta Hell,” the official theme song of Hell in a Cell.
-They showed John Hickenlooper, the governor of Colorado. He got booed a bit as he played to the crowd and pretended to pose.
-They went on camera to the announcers 41 minutes into the show. Saxton threw to the interview Lita conducted with Charlotte earlier. Lita listed Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Mick Foley, and Triple H. “These are the legends associated with Hell in a Cell,” Lita said. “And in two weeks, Charlotte Flair and Sasha Banks are going to be sitting alongside those bona fide legends. How do you prepare for a match like this?” Charlotte said she is a winner and she has always prepared for moments like this. She said no other female’s name was Charlotte Flair, and that’s why she’s the first. When Lita brought up Forbes saying she’s the best women wrestler in WWE history, Charlotte said she’d subtract the word “female.” She’d say she’s the greatest Superstar, period. She said she has won 12 straight pay-per-views because she’s durable and doesn’t whine about being hurt. She said she is always 100 percent. She said she wants everyone to know she is The Woman. Lita asked if it bothers her that the WWE Universe is against her and for Sasha, and that the match is in Boston, Sasha’s hometown. Charlotte said she was born for this and it’s in her blood. She said Sasha needs the Universe to try to make for the fact that she isn’t a Flair and she might not be 100 percent. She said against she’s won 12 straight PPVs and she is the best. “I will be the three-time woman’s champion. Nothing will stop me,” she said.
(Keller’s Analysis: Really good interview. Charlotte doesn’t break her stare and barely blinks. She exudes a believable confidence. It really stands out on the roster, and it really works in terms of elevating the Women’s Division.)
-Graves said Lita’s interview with Banks is coming up later.
-Goldust came out to his entrance music. [c]
-Backstage, the Shining Stars and Titus O’Neal bet Goldust, R-Truth, and Mark Henry that if they beat them, they have to buy their watches. Truth jumped at the chance.
WINNERS: Goldust & Truth & Henry when Henry powerslammed and pinned Titus in 4:00.
-They showed New Day walking backstage with a “420” sign signifying how many days they’ve held the tag team titles. Yes, they just happen to be in Colorado, where marijuana is legal. Graves said, “420 in Denver.” [c]
-Backstage Jericho was upset with Owens for coming to the ring. Owens said Seth is trying to divide them. Jericho almost called Owens a stupid idiot. He said, “Stu…” Owens asked what he was about to say. He said he can’t put him on his list like the stupid idiots. As they yelled at each other, Stephanie McMahon screeched, “What is going on here?” She brought up that they have to be on the same page because she needs her two best generals on the same page and stronger and smarter than everybody else at Survivor Series. “Okay?” she asked. Jericho calmed down and nodded. He said softly to Owens, “I told you not to come down.” Owens said, “I was trying to help.”
-Cesaro and Sheamus came out to the ring first. Then New Day danced onto the stage to their music. Big E said Sheamus “must be a mile high if he thinks he’s going to beat me.” He called Cesaro his “court appointed tag team partner.” Cesaro was enthralled with being on Facebook Live, getting back at him for last week, holding up his phone and only half paying attention. Xavier Woods said the two people running for President of the United States would make for a closer knit tag team than those two. Kofi said Sheamus is a steaming pile of hot human garbage. Sheamus didn’t like that. Big E said Sheamus was too busy putzing around on Facebook Live to even help his partner, which is why you can’t say Sheamus without saying “Shame, Shame, Shame, Shame.” The crowd joined in. Sheamus protested. Kofi said they’re probably not even friends with each other on Facebook. Xavier said they’ll show them “why for the last four-twenty days we have legally been your WWE World Tag Team Champions.” I think it was Byron who uttered, “I’m hungry.”
(3) SHEAMUS (w/Cesaro) vs. BIG E. (w/Xavier, Kofi Kingston)
A few minutes in, Big E splashed Sheamus on the edge of the ring apron. Xavier and Big E celebrated together with Big E at ringside. Cesaro came over to film Sheamus and him together on Facebook Live. Big E gave Sheamus a rolling senton on the floor. They cut to a break. [c]
Back from the break, Sheamus lifted his knees on a running splash by Big E and scored a two count. He followed with an Irish Curse backbreaker for another two count. Cesaro wandered into the “Cesaro Section” of the crowd at ringside. Sheamus had Big E down, but when he saw Cesaro, he went to complain to him. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he said. Cesaro told his phone, “See what I have to deal with?” Sheamus yanked Cesaro’s phone away and the crowd booed. Sheamus told Cesaro he could have the phone back if he filmed him doing the best Brogue kick ever. Instead, Big E recovered and surprised Sheamus with a splash in the corner and a schoolboy for the three count.
WINNER: Sheamus in 10:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: Another distraction finish, this time leading to the babyface winning.)
-Cole threw to July 6, 1998 featuring Goldberg vs. Hollywood Hogan at the Georgia Dome. Goldberg pinned him with the Jackhammer. Pyro blasted and Goldberg celebrated with the WCW World Title. Mike Tenay said after less than ten months in the sport, he was on top of the world.
(Keller’s Analysis: That match was one of the most political and ill-advised power-plays by Hogan that contributed to the demise of WCW, as it cost WCW big money giving that away on four days’ notice on Nitro, all because Hogan knew ticket sales were great before he was even announced for the show, and he wanted to “get credit” for the huge crowd in the dome in front of the Time-Warner executives who’d either be there or be aware of it because it was in Atlanta where they were headquartered. A terrible business decision that was one of Hogan’s most selfish moves of that era.) [c]
-They showed a clip from the Raw pre-show where Bo Dallas said he still Bo-lieves in Bo even if no one else does. Curtis Axel said he believes in him, too, which is why he went to Foley and asked for a match with Bo vs. Neville this week.
(4) BO DALLAS (w/Curtis Axel) vs. NEVILLE
In the end, after some flashy moves by Neville, Bo swept his legs and Neville landed hard on the ring apron hard. Bo then gave Neville his inverted neckbreaker finisher.
WINNER: Bo Dallas.
-After the match, as Axel celebrated and said he always believed in him, Bo attacked him and knocked him off the top rope to the floor. Saxton was befuddled, although that’s largely his natural state anyway. Bo rammed Axel back-first into the ring apron, then hard into the ringside barrier a couple of times. Cole wondered, “Where did this come from?”
(Keller’s Analysis: Coming to a house show near you, an opening match between Bo and Axel.) [c]
Bayley dominated most of the first few minutes. When Saxton said he was a fan of Bayley, Graves said he doesn’t understand her because he’s not eight years old. Saxton said not everyone is jaded like him. Graves said he doesn’t sit around watching cartoons all day. Saxton said she embraces her childhood and innocence. “So you’re telling me Bayley is the Ken Bone of WWE?” Graves said. Dana took over with a right blow to the head. She threw Bayley into the turnbuckles hard, then kicked her in the head. She settled into a chinlock. A minute later she rammed her into the ringpost and scored the three count. Everyone seemed shocked.
WINNER: Brooke at 4:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: It seemed that Brooke was supposed to use the ropes for leverage during that pin, but was out of position and ended up with a clean win. Oops. The announcers put her over as having won fair and square, owning the finish.)
-They went to the announcers who interviewed Paul Heyman on satellite. He said Goldberg ought to listen to him because things seem to be spinning out of control. He said his challenge was rhetorical. He said Goldberg isn’t going to fly to Denver just to say no. “He is going to appear live tonight obviously to say yes,” he said. He said he wants Goldberg to think about why Brock Lesnar didn’t challenge him icon to icon, eyeball to eyeball. “It’s because Brock Lesnar doesn’t even think about you anymore,” he said. He said “it’s just a fantasy, Bill.” He said he should show up later and respectfully say no. He said if he says yes, he’s going to “piss Brock Lesnar off.” He said it already pisses him off 12 years ago and he thinks he can do it again. He said the WWE Universe obviously believes he can do it again because they chant his stupid name. “Hey Denver, I can hear everything you’re saying, and that’s going to piss Brock Lesnar off, too,” he said. He warned him a final time that if he pisses off Lesnar, he’ll be beaten, victimized, and conquered. He said he’ll be embarrassed, humbled, and humiliated by the ass kicking top box office attraction he fantasizes that he can still beat.
(Keller’s Analysis: Whatever ambiguity I felt was there last week when Heyman challenged Goldberg is gone now. It’s clear Goldberg is being positioned as the babyface and Lesnar and Heyman as the heels after that promo.) [c]
-Saxton interviewed three jobbers in the ring who said there is no single man who can beat the three of them because they’re from Denver and they’re used to the altitude. “Famous last words,” said Cole.
Strowman fended off one of them when he attempted a Karate Kid kick, then shoved the other two toward the ropes. One flipped over the top rope and landed on the face of the other. Then he launched the original guy onto both others at ringside the way Kevin Nash threw Rey Mysterio like a dart. Strowman went to ringside and brought them back into the ring. He actually threw a dropkick to two of them. He was about 18 inches off the ground at his peak height. Strowman chased one of them around ringside and actually caught him. So much for the altitude advantage. He pinned two of them seconds later after powerslamming one and then dropping the other on top.
WINNER: Strowman in 2:30.
-Strowman yelled afterward that if Foley won’t give him the competition he wants, he’ll go back there and take matters into his own hands. Sami Zayn’s music played and he came out onto the stage. Sami entered the ring, looking both leery and determined. Strowman stared at Zayn, pretended he was going to turn to leave, but then shoved Sami hard. Sami flew to the floor. Strowman returned to the back. Sami got up. Graves said Sami doesn’t realize what he just got himself into.
-Cole hyped Rusev and Lana would be out next with a message for Roman Reigns. [c]
-Charly asked Sami backstage why he just picked a fight with Braun. Sami said he did it because nobody else will.
(Keller’s Analysis: Perfect promo. One line, to the point, and it defined his character.)
-Lana, with her hair down (like on “Total Bellas” last week when she didn’t even use her accent in a segment with Nikki Bella) stood mid-ring and introduced Rusev, “a true family man,” and said because he is her husband, “he is the only man who can have me.” Rusev then marched out. Rusev said in two weeks he has the opportunity to crush Reigns in a Hell in a Cell. Rusev said he knows Reigns likes to talk about his family all the time. “I know you have 700 Samoans sitting around the campfire dipping a turkey leg in mayonnaise and following every move that you do,” he said. He said they crack coconuts over their heads and it’s just stupid. “My family are civilized,” he said. He then threw to a video package on his family.
A slideshow aired, beginning with a picture of his mother. He said she is the strongest women he knows, much stronger than all American women. He said she is a two-time women’s rowing champion. He showed a black and white picture of three women rowing. Lana said she is gorgeous and beautiful. She said she loves her mother-in-law, the backbone of the family. “Don’t you dare boo my mother!” shouted Rusev. He said he didn’t realize the level of stupidity in Colorado. He then introduced his father, Papa Rusev. He was upset with more booing. He said everyone can now see where he got his looks. He said he was a wrestling champion after three years in the military. Another picture of him resembled Ken Bone. I thought a joke was coming, but instead Rusev shifted to a picture of his skinny brother tossing a pizza crust into the air.
Then they shifted to a family picture of Rusev, his mom, his dad, his brother, and the family dog with his grandma. He said his dog won multiple dog shows all over the world. Then he showed his cousin, who played football. Reigns interrupted.
(Keller’s Analysis: Okay, that’s just stacking the deck to where the crowd would have cheered anyone at that point. Hilary supporters would have cheered Trump, and vice-versa, at that point in the family slideshow.)
Reigns said when he talks about his family, he’s not talking about his bloodline, he’s talking about the Roman Empire. He said Rusev doesn’t look anything like his dad with the sweet sweet mustache, he looks more like the family dog. Rusev said, “You can disrespect my family all you wants, but you can’t disrespect me.” Reigns said at HIAC, it’s just them one-on-one. He said when he’s done with him, the only place he’ll call is 9-1-1. Lana stepped between Rusev and Reigns. Then she walked over to Reigns and slapped him. Rusev then kicked Reigns. At ringside, he threw him into the ringside barrier, then into the ringside steps. Rusev brought the base of the steps into the ring. Reigns recovered and fought back, but Rusev kicked him again. Then he threw him hard into the ringside steps. He stomped on Reigns while he was chest down on the steps. Then he applied the Accolade on the base of the steps.
-Cole threw to a March 31, 2003 clip of The Rock telling the fans to “kiss The People’s ass.” Then out came Goldberg. He said Rock is next. He tackled Rock hard to the mat. Cole said tonight he can add to his iconic legacy. Then Graves said Paul Heyman will be on ESPN SportsCenter on Wednesday night. [c]
-Another video aired hyping Emmalina with a photo shoot of her new sexy and less clumsy look. It said she is premiering soon. Graves said he has to start doing cardio to get his heart in shape for that premiere.
-As Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson came out, they showed them beating up Enzo and Cass last week on Raw. Then Enzo and Big Cass walked out. Enzo was wearing pink overalls. Enzo asked if they have a couple of haters in the ring. Cass said, “Hate it or love it, I do not care. You can take your opinion and shove it.” He said they’re chump change and Big Cass is coming to the ring to throw spirals at their domes like he’s John Elway.
(7) BIG CASS (w/Enzo) vs. KARL ANDERSON (w/Luke Gallows)
Cass was aggressive from the start. Saxton said this shows what happens when Big Cass wants retribution. At ringside Enzo took Gallows out of the picture with a running dive, accelerated by Cass. Back in the ring Cass cleanly pinned Anderson with his finisher. Graves said he was a little surprised in how quickly he won that one.
WINNER: Cass in 2:00.
-They went backstage to Tony Nese and Drew Gulak told Brian Kendrick if he keeps up his end of the bargain, they’ll keep theirs. T.J. Perkins walked in. Kendrick asked if he’s going to cheapshot him again like last week. Perkins asked Nese and Gulak what Kendrick promised them if they soften him up before their title match at HIAC. Perkins said at HIAC, it’s game over for him. Kendrick said Perkins thinks it’s all one big game. Kendrick said in this videogame, he’s on his last life and he’ll do whatever it takes to survive. In walked Cedrick Alexander and Rich Swann. Perkins said he has some allies and he’ll see him out there.
(Keller’s Analysis: For a couple hours there I was beginning to wonder if the Cruiserweight Division was still part of Raw.)
-Graves plugged Lita’s interview with Sasha next. [c]
-The announcers talked about the women making history at the HIAC PPV in two weeks as they enter the HIAC structure.
-Lita interviewed Banks in a sitdown interview from earlier in the day. Sasha said she’s ready. She said it’s huge. She recounted that they started together in NXT and now look at them. She said she knows they did this together and they’ve come a long way, but she’ll show Charlotte that she is the best. Sasha said the women’s revolution has come so far and it means so much that she’s part of history being in the HIAC. She said it’s almost unbelievable. Lita asked about her back. Sasha said she’s 100 percent and good to go. Lita asked about the structure lowering around the ring. “Is there any part of you that is afraid?” she asked. Banks said she doesn’t want to say it’s fear, because it’s not. She said she knows what she got herself into. She said she doesn’t want to say she’s afraid. She said she’s watching past HIAC matches on WWE Network and she knows what she’s in for. She said in two weeks she’ll make history.
-Back to the announcers live, Graves said if Banks isn’t careful, she’ll be the first woman to lose in HIAC. Saxton said they’ll see a side of Sasha they’ve never seen before. Cole talked about Goldberg being intimidating, intense, and devastating. He threw to a clip of Goldberg vs. Triple H. Ahh, Jim Ross: “This is what our business is all about. To see who is the best.” They showed Goldberg beating Triple H with the Jackhammer to win the World Hvt. Champion. [c]
Graves talked about how Cedric is ridiculously athletic with lighting-fast speed. Nese took over on Perkins. Perkins took over on Kendrick and applied a leg bar. Kendrick scurried out of the ring. They cut to a break. [c]
Lots of big spots by the babyface trio after the break. The heels took over. Kendrick applied the Captain’s Hook on Swann. Perkins tried to make the save, but Nese held onto his leg so he couldn’t make the save. Swann tapped out.
WINNERS: Kendrick & Gulak & Nese at 7:00.
-Stephanie apologized to Foley for answering Shane’s challenge without consulting him. Foley forgave her and said the moment was right. Steph gave Foley credit for thinking of three HIAC matches on one show. Steph asked what tricks he has up his sleeve for next Monday night. Foley suggested a Raw main event of Jericho vs. Owens vs. Rollins. Steph said she doesn’t like it, she loves it. “That is awesome!” she said. He offered a high-five and said they have a connection. Steph asked if it was like the Rock ‘n’ Sock Connection. They did a leaping high-five. Foley walked away. They cut away from Stephanie after less than a second of her doing her contemplative facial expression sequence. Is that an accident? Will someone get fired over it? Or is it a new policy?
-Cole talked about how Goldberg is available as a character only if you preorder WWE 2K17. They showed some simulated action between Goldberg and Lesnar. Cole said they’ll hear from him next live.
-A commercial aired for Bruno Sammartino on “Legends with JBL.” [c]
-Saxton announced New Day vs. Cesaro & Sheamus was just signed for Raw next week.
(Keller’s Analysis: Two matches announced for Raw next week? I like this. It’s free, it’s easy, and it’s a good idea and can help viewership.)
-Cole stood mid-ring and threw to a clip of Coach interviewing Goldberg on ESPN SportsCenter. The clip included Goldberg saying he might beat Lesnar again. Then Cole threw to a clip of Heyman last week on Raw issuing a challenge.
Goldberg walked out through the backstage area past a bunch of babyface wrestlers. New Day were cheering him on and Goldust got wide-eyed when he saw him. Goldberg walked to the ring and the crowd chanted his name over and over. Goldberg looked emotional and choked up. He bowed to the fans on each side of the arena and took a deep breath. Cole handed Goldberg the mic. He said it’s been 12 years and they haven’t forgotten him. He said he never thought he’d be in the ring again. He thanked them. He said what makes it so special is that his wife and son are there to see him live for the first time ever. You’d think they’d have met him in person before. He said he got the chance to travel all over the world lately promoting WWE 2K17. He said after 12 years, there’s a lot of things he misses about the business, “other than kicking ass,” is being a superhero for the kids all over the world. He said there’s not enough of that. The crowd started another loud “Goldberg” chant.
He said he’s created quite a drama in the mean time, and it’s made him wonder if he ought to keep it in the video game. “But then Brock Lesnar challenged me to a fight, but he didn’t have the balls to do it himself. He made Paul Heyman, his fat little stooge, do it for him,” he said. He said that got him thinking. “What would you do?” he asked. The crowd chanted “Yes! Yes! Yes!” He said he thought to himself maybe he has one more ass-kicking left in me. He said he thought to himself, maybe he has one badass spear left in him. He said he thought to himself, he has one last devastating Jackhammer in him. He said Brock Lesnar isn’t just next, he’s last. Goldberg left and slapped hands with fans and hugged them. They showed the governor chanting “Goldberg.” Goldberg lifted a kid onto his shoulders. Saxton said Goldberg is going to fight Brock Lesnar. Goldberg’s son then joined him at ringside. Goldberg lifted him and seemed to almost lose his balance before securing him on his shoulders. They showed Goldberg’s wife getting choked up filming it with her phone. Cole said it’s just in that Brock will be on Raw next week in Minneapolis to respond.
(Keller’s Analysis: Excellent promo from Goldberg. Real emotions really make a difference.)
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