Impact ratings post-Bound for Glory suffer steep decline despite World Title match

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor


TNA Impact Wrestling on Thursday night on Pop TV drew 305,000 viewers, down from 365,000, 377,000, and 366,000 the previous three weeks. This sharp dropoff comes for the first Impact after Bound for Glory, but also amidst rumors of TNA’s ownership situation being in flux. Impact went up against an NFL game featuring the San Francisco 49ers vs. Arizona Cardinals, many first-run cable shows, baseball playoffs, and perhaps most uniquely the hurricane coverage on cable networks.

Keller’s Analysis: This is a disappointing number for TNA as various partners maneuver to purchase the company. It is a bit of an aberration so next week’s number will be key to see whether this is part of TNA having lost some previously loyal viewers or just a one-time fluke.


5 Comments on Impact ratings post-Bound for Glory suffer steep decline despite World Title match

  1. Not surprised. With baseball playoffs now under way. And in the top 150 cable shows, at least 40% – 50% of the shows on that top 150 are made up of Hurricane Matthew coverage on Weather Channel. So, that definitely hurt TNA.

  2. It’s hard to stay interested when you don’t know at what point they will pull the plug on the show. None of it is addressed on television, and I understand there are things they can not discuss, I will keep watching as a fan out of loyalty, but many will turn it off or not come back until they know there will be more shows than just the next few until the new year. It gets tiresome hearing all the time that the company is having issues and they rarely seem to do a great job of PR to assure the fans of anything.

  3. to add to my previous post, it may be an entire show taped at the Hardy’s compound to “delete” and start the new brand name. And the next round of “TNA” tapings is scheduled for January 4-10th in Orlando.

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