Lucha Underground Report
October 5, 2016
Taped in Los Angeles, Calif.
Season 3 Episode #5 aired on El Rey Network
Follow me @DehnelTorch on Twitter
The show opened with a recaps of Dario’s Dial of Doom, Mil Muertes vs. Puma and Texano vs. Cage.
The Temple: Dario walked out to his Dial of Doom. He explained the rules again then spun the wheel. It landed on Prince Puma. Dario said that Puma will get another chance at the title tonight.
Announcers: Striker welcomed the audience to the show. He hyped the main event between Matanza and Puma. Vampiro then threw to the ring.
In ring: Santos introduced Ivelisse to the ring for the opening contest. Her opponent tonight is Mariposa.
1 – IVELISSE vs. MARIPOSA w/Marty Martinez
Mariposa took Ivelisse to the ground. Ivelisse hit and armdrag followed by a clothesline. Marty tripped up Ivelisse as she was gaining momentum. Mariposa began to work Ivelisse’s legs. Mariposa continued her domination. Ivelisse dodged a running attack then fought back with some shoulder blocks. Mariposa regained control and hit a few moves. Ivelisse countered a move by falling on Mariposa then hit a sunset flip for the win.
WINNER: Ivelisse at 6:15.
Post match: Mariposa and Ivelisse beat down Ivelisse in the ring.
Still to come: Texano vs. Cage
Dario’s office: Dario was on the phone and said Matanza won’t lose tonight. Mundo walks in and said he can’t believe Puma deserves a shot. Mundo demanded a title shot against Sexy Star. Dario then said he would make the match Jack Evans vs. Sexy Star for the Gift of the Gods title.
Vignette: A man said follow the white rabbit. Then the screen said they will be here soon.
In ring: Santos introduced Cage and Texano both of which were already in the ring.
2 – TEXANO vs. CAGE – Match Two of Best of 5 Series
Cage hit a flurry of clotheslines to start. Cage fell to the outside then Texano dove onto top of him. Texano drove cages head into the barricade and announce table then slammed him onto the floor. Texano brought Cage back into the ring. Cage fought back and hit a DDT. Texano stayed in it and hit a back elbow. Cage countered a suplex and almost got an inside cradle. Cage hit a power slam followed by a moonsault for a two count. Texano came back with a back breaker. Cage caught Texano in the corner and hit an Alabama Slam. Texano came back with a side kick. Cage suplexed Texano off the apron into the ring then hit the Lucha destroyer for the win.
WINNER: Cage at 6:25 to put him at 2-0 in the best of five series.
Still to come: Prince Puma vs. Matanza Cueto.
Backstage: Sami Callahan talked to Ivelisse in the back. He asked what happened to her. Ivelisse referred to him as Jeremiah and said that she got jumped. She said she wants to keep her personal life separate from work because it didn’t work woot with Son of Havoc. Sami said he would fight whoever did this but Ivelisse held him back. Ivelisse said she wants to go home and have drink. Same pulled out a flask and said why wait.
(JD’s Reax: So Sami is supposed to be the crappy boyfriend who doesn’t really care about Ivelisse. He’s a jerk.)
In ring: Santos introduced Prince Puma to the ring. Matanza came out afterwards with Dario.
3 – Lucha Underground Champion MATANZA CUETO w/Dario Cueto vs. PRINCE PUMA – Lucha Underground Championship Match
Puma came out with a big kick then Matanza fought back with a clothesline. Matanza fell to the outside then Puma kicked him on the apron and hit a shooting star press. Matanza came back and slammed Puma on the announce table. Puma then threw Matanza into the barricade. Matanza then caught Puma and tossed him into the guard rail. Matanza brought the action back to the ring and hit a belly to belly. Matanza continued to throw Puma around the ring. Puma came back with a bunch of kicks then hit the 630. Muertes ran in and hit a spear. The ref went to call for the DQ but Dario demanded the match continue. Muertes hit the Flatliner which allowed Matanza to hit the Wrath of the Gods for the win.
WINNER: Matanza at 12:45 to retain his title.
Post match: Dario and Matanza celebrated in the ring while Muertes and Catrina looked on.
Backstage: Killshot was working out when Joey Ryan walked in and tossed him a folder. Killshot opened the folder which had a burnt paper that said “You left me for dead.”
FINAL THOUGHTS: Well, as I predicted Marty would not be selling his injuries from the warfare match. Killshot didn’t either in his backstage promo. Do they honestly just think these wrestlers are in a video game and nothing effects them? Sigh.
I liked that they actually built to the main event instead of throwing out the title match right away. It’s too bad they gave away the finish in the recap. They reminded you of the Muertes and Puma feud so you knew that Muertes was going to interfere.
I’m happy they minimized the amount of Segments in Dario’s office. It made it mean a lot more when it happened.
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