Robert Roode says he is thrilled by his new entrance theme becoming such a big deal. “When your entrance song that you’re a part of goes no. 1 on the iTunes soundtrack charts it kind of surreal,” he told Sporting News in a new Q&A. “Obviously, the song fits the character, the character fits the song. It all has come together and, in a way, made my job a little easier.”
The entrance music was an instant hit at NXT Takeover. Roode said he was nervous about it, though. “Well, I’m petrified of heights to begin with and I didn’t really tell anybody that,” he said. “Obviously being up there and coming down was a little scary, but when you’re in that moment and you have the adrenaline going it was pretty incredible with everyone singing the song. Just the entire entrance of the music, the lighting, everything. It just evolved and came together that night and it was pretty special.”
He said TNA treated him well, but it lost its charm at the end. “I don’t really have a negative thing to say about that company,” he said. “I was treated extremely well there for 12 years and financially I was taken care of. Honestly, it was just time for me to go. I never really got into this industry for the money although it’s nice. I’ve been able to make a career and support my family for the last 12 years doing what I love to do. But that was just it. The last two years of that company, I didn’t love it any more. I started to lose my passion which was concerning to me. I didn’t like being away. I didn’t like performing.
“TNA became a place where it was just a television product and I got into this business to perform and be on the road. There was a time in that company where you could do that. You could go on the road and do live events. I’ve always been about learning. No matter how long I’ve been in the business or where I’ve been in a company, I’ve always wanted to continue to learn. During those times in TNA when we were on the road doing live events, I would always ride with guys like Bully Ray or Kurt Angle, Christian at the time. Guys like that and sit under the learning tree and learn from these guys.
“It got to a point those last two years there in TNA that we literally just went and did television and it wasn’t fun for me anymore. I had 12 great years and I just felt like at my age and at my stage in my career I wanted a different opportunity and that’s all I wanted. My first conversation with WWE was just that. I want opportunity and they’ve given me the opportunity and here I am today.”
He said so far WWE has been a great experience, and he’s content with wherever this chapter of his career takes him. “Wherever my career takes me, whether it be ‘moving up to the main roster’ or staying in NXT doing what I’m doing now, I’m quite content having my passion back for this business and doing what I love to do.”
Keller’s Analysis: You can’t help but root for Roode when reading this interview all the way through. He’s passionate about his career, but there doesn’t seem to be any ego or politics or head games at play. He’s content with what he’s accomplished and the money he’s made with a lighter schedule than he would have had working for WWE, but he’s also excited to be at a WrestleMania and welcomed with open arms, and also get to work in a new environment with some familiar faces such as Samoa Joe. The whole first part of the interview is how the Glorious gimmick took off more than they anticipated, and goes into the process of how the music was chosen. It’s interesting to get a look at that process and hear how Triple H is involved in those matters directly. Overall, he’s just a pro’s pro and everyone I’ve ever talked with just loves working with him in the ring and around him behind the scenes. I expect he’ll have a nice final chapter of his career and that song and entrance, along with his in-ring work, will land him a WrestleMania payday one of these next couple years.
A Wrestlemania payday? We still pretend like thats a thing since wrestlers dont get ppv bonuses any more?