9/17 WWE SD in Springfield, Mo. Results – Styles vs. Ambrose for WWE Title, Tag & Women’s Title matches, IC champ loses

AJ Styles Royal Rumble
A.J. Styles (photo credit Ben Tucker © PWTorch)


WWE Smackdown Live Show Results
September 17, 2016

Springfield, Mo. at JQH Arena
Report by Demetrius Jones, PWTorch reader

(1) Hype Bros (Zack Ryder & Mojo Rawley) beat The Ascension (Konnor & Viktor). Decent match. Ryder got most of the abuse in the match until Mojo came in for the hot tag. The Hype Bros. won with the Hype Ryder. Good way to start the show.

(2) Jason Jordan of American Alpha beat Aiden Englsh of the Vaudevillans (w/Simon Gotch at ringside). Basically a two-on-one match with Gotch sneaking shots in. Despite the double team and English working on Jordan’s arm, Jordan somehow got the pin.

(3) Baron Corbin beat Jack Swagger. Swagger got a big pop. Corbin exited the ring multiple times as Swagger tried to lock up. Swagger immediately went for the Patriotlock, but Baron got to the ropes. The match ended with Corbin hitting Swagger in the eye and getting a roll-up with the tights for the win.

(4) Smackdown tag champions Heath Slater & Rhyno beat The Usos and Breezango in a three-team match to retain the Smackdown Tag Titles. Pretty decent match. The crowd definitely loved Rhyno. Rhyno gored Tyler Breeze for the pin.

(5) Randy Orton beat Bray Wyatt (w/Eric Rowan at ringside). Hue pop for Randy Orton. Good back and forth match. Rowan tried to jump Orton, but got RKO’ed. Wyatt went for Sister Abigail, but Orton reserved it for the RKO to get the pin.

(6) Smackdown Women’s champion Becky Lynch & Naomi & Nikki Bella beat Natalya & Alexa Bliss & Carmella in a six-woman tag match. Lots of continuing the Bella-Carmella feud. Despite the dirty play, Becky Lynch put Nattie in the Dis-arm-her for the win.

(7) Apollo Crews beat IC champion The Miz (w/Maryse) in a non-title match. Crews sold his left leg after a failed move during the match. While the ref wasn’t looking, Maryse slapped Crews. After asking the crowd what happened, the ref made Maryse leave. Miz watched his wife leave, then walked into a spin-out powerbomb for Crews to win.

(8) WWE World Hvt. champion A.J. Styles beat Dean Ambrose to retain the WWE World Hvt. Title. Great back and forth match-up. Styles took the padding off the top turnbuckles. The ref saw it, but neglected to put it back. Styles ran Ambrose head-first into the exposed turnbuckle later in the match and hit the Styles Clash to remain champ.

Post-match: Styles tried the flying forearm, but Dean saw it and hit Styles with Dirty Deeds to send the crowd home happy.

Biggest Pop: Randy Orton, Dean Ambrose, and A.J. Styles
Biggest Heat: The Miz, Aiden English, and the Usos


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