By PWTorch Staff (Sean Radican & James Caldwell)
It’s been an interesting year for international star Will Ospreay, who started the year with a contract offer from TNA, signed an exclusive deal with New Japan, wrestled for PWG in the U.S., teased signing with WWNLive/EVOLVE, will be making his ROH debut on the U.K. tour in November, and is planning to take fewer independent dates in 2017, while keeping WWE on his radar.
The information we previously received was that Ospreay signed a deal with EVOLVE, as teased by Ospreay and Paul Heyman during Heyman’s one-man show in the U.K. in July. The information was that EVOLVE would take care of Ospreay’s U.S. work visa, which would indirectly prevent Ospreay from wrestling for ROH in the U.S.
However, Ospreay did not sign the EVOLVE deal. He noted in a recent interview that the unsigned contract is currently hanging on his wall. He also noted that New Japan would have to approve any other contracts or agreements.
Since New Japan has a working relationship with Ring of Honor, it’s unlikely that New Japan will approve Ospreay agreeing to a deal with EVOLVE – if Ospreay desired to sign that deal.
“On that note, it’s my decision whether I want to go or not, but I think people need to understand that New Japan work very closely with Ring of Honor, and if they would like me to sign any contract with any American company it would probably be for Ring of Honor,” Ospreay told The Tag Rope podcast.
“Ultimately, it is my decision what I want to do. But it’s a very selfish thing that I’m about to say, but I need to think about me. I don’t see my friends as much, and I don’t get to spend as much time in England, so I would really like to think about what I would like to do and what is best for me.”
Ospreay is getting his feet wet with ROH on their “Reach for the Sky” U.K. tour in November in his home country. That might lead to more ROH dates in 2017, even though Ospreay is looking to scale back on his schedule next year.
“In 2017 I’ve made it quite clear that I’m going to stop doing as many independent dates. Recently I’ve just had an idea, I don’t want it to be said now because I feel like someone might steal my idea, but it’s going to be coming up quite soon and it involves the trios division. That’s all I’m saying,” Ospreay told the Tag Rope.
“I feel like maybe I need some time out. Just to let my body heal a little bit, so I have not signed anything. I should leave it at that because I have had other offers come in and I’m just trying to swim in an ocean full of talent and stay relevant,” Ospreay said.
“The one thing I’ve always wanted to do is that I don’t want to leave. A lot of people have asked when I’m going to WWE, and I am interested, but I’m not interested right now. I’m so happy in England, it’s been an incredible journey and I want to keep it going, I want to help out, I want to do more things. On that note, the EVOLVE deal is unsigned right now but the contract is up on my wall.”
Another significant factor for his status going forward is Ospreay working through several injuries, including a nagging shoulder injury. Ospreay’s idea to wrestle more trios matches in 2017 is along the lines of a plan to tone down the number of bumps he takes. He’s especially learned from the New Japan stars, who wrestle a lot of multi-man matches in-between big shows, on how to take care of his body.
“The CHAOS faction has looked after me so well, and taught me wrong from right. I can see that somewhat now in my movement and how I move as a wrestler. I don’t even know if people notice it these days but I hardly ever go to the top rope. I’ve toned it down a little bit. I can still do it if I want to, but I save it now for the big moments. I’ve just learned to pick my moments. I guess that’s the thing I’ve learned most in Japan,” Ospreay told the Tag Rope.
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