8/3 WWE NXT TV Results – James’s Report on Hideo Itami’s TV return, Bobby Roode official debut, Takeover build-up


August 3, 2016
Taped at Full Sail University
Aired on WWE Network
Report by Justin James, PWTorch contributor

[Q1] Hideo Itami’s return starts NXT. Strong reaction for him. Sean Maluta is his opponent from the CWC.


Back and forth, until a running knee lift followed by a running knee to the face gives Itami the edge. Graves points out that Itami missed the recent rise of NXT’s popularity. More back and forth. Maluta with a Codebreaker off the ropes. Leaping headbutt gets two for Maluta. Itami hulks up in the face of Yes! kicks, then lets Maluta drop elbows in his face.

Dragonscrew leg whip from Itami, then a running big boot in the corner. Itami with rapid strikes, hesitation dropkick into the corner. Shotgun kick ends it.

WINNER: Hideo Itami in 3:50. Itami had a heelish moment in there, but he looked good. He has been missed and I look forward to seeing where he stands after time out.

Video showing American Alpha getting taken out by The Authors of Pain two weeks ago.

Andrea DeMarco asks The Revival if there is pressure on them after their victory over American Alpha. Dawson with a bizarre yet effective promo. TM61 interrupts saying that they’ve beaten the best around the world, and they challenge The Revival to a match. Wilder tells them to pound sand and get in line. Gargano and Ciampa interrupt, and say that they are the best and should be at the front of the line. Ciampa says it doesn’t matter because The Revival are too scared to do it. Dawson claims they promised TM61 a match, and told Ciampa and Gargano to sort it out with TM61. They bicker as The Revival leave.

Mojo Rawley makes his way to the ring to face Chris Atkins, already in the ring.


They… hype… Rawley’s Smackdown career. Immediate shoulder block from Rawley into a cover, then Samoa Joe rushes the ring and takes them both out.

WINNER: No contest in 0:24.

Joe gets a mic and tells William Regal that since Regal won’t consult with him on who he faces, he won’t consult with Joe on when he ruins the show. Joe starts talking about destroying Shinsuke Nakamura when Rawley takes him out.

[Q2] Rawley make the mistake of turning his back on Joe as he walks up the ramp. Joe gets him from behind and makes Rawley pass out on the ramp with the Coquina Clutch.

Bayley with a backstage interview. She says that she has changed since she lost the title, she is adapting, preparing more for matches, and she is ready for Asuka. Asuka enters. “Think you’re ready? Come watch?” Bayley seems to promise to be ringside.

The Revival are facing TM61 in the main event.

Bayley comes out in street clothes to join the booth. Aliyah has been volunteered as Asuka’s victim. Graves asks Bayley what has actually changed, and Bayley says to watch her re-match against Asuka at Takeover. A Bayley title victory would be emotionally powerful if done right. Asuka grabs a chair and sets it up in the ramp, then indicates to Bayley to go sit there for a better look at the action. Bayley tosses the seat and chooses to stand ringside instead.

3 – NXT Women’s champion ASUKA vs. ALIYAH – non-title match

Asuka has her eyes on Bayley as she brutalizes Aliyah. Aliyah pops off the mat with strikes, Asuka absorbs it and rocks Aliyah. Hip Attack, then stiff knees to Aliyah’s face. Asuka with a variety of strikes. Asuka with a cocky hold through the ropes looking at Bayley.

Hip Attack to Aliyah tied up in the ropes. Aliyah gets boots up in the corner, then jumps into a near. Asuka covers, then pulls Aliyah out. More pain from Asuka. “Somebody stop the damn match!” from the crowd, cute. Asuka Lock ends it.

Post-match, Asuka continues the hold. Bayley jumps into the ring and Asuka breaks the hold.

WINNER: Asuka in 2:28. Good ring psychology there, with Asuka coming off as mildly heelish.

Oney Lorcan (f/k/a Biff Busick) interview from last month after he beat Tye Dillinger. He says that he has to return to his roots to compete in NXT.

“Ember Moon” is advertised for August 20. The vignette feels like a New Age version of The Undertaker, if Jeff Hardy designed it.

[Q3] Bobby Roode struts out on the ramp in a suit. He says that the wait is finally over. Bobby Roode is NXT. Sitting in the front row at “Takeover: Dallas” gave him strong emotions. Ten thousand screaming fans, WrestleMania weekend, and he knew that NXT was the perfect place for him. Strong jab at TNA there. There’s never been another company or brand that revolutionized “this industry” like NXT. He’s heard “We are NXT,” but the fans are NXT, too. We are all NXT. He is going to take NXT to the next level, because NXT needs Bobby Roode, and the fans need Bobby Roode.

The NXT Universe has been looking all over for someone to expand NXT and he is the one to do it. Now that they have found their man, Roode’s face will be all over the place as he takes this company to the next level, to corporate America, to Wall Street, he will make it a better place. Vice Presidents and Presidents and CEOs of Fortune 500 companies will fill NXT, not these overweight fans in their oversized shirts and cargo pant with their stupid chants. The crowd finally gets the heel turn here. He is a Superstar because he looks like a Superstar, he dresses like one, he wears expensive shoes, and he has a great watch. No one has ever been as glorious as Bobby Roode. This is the new NXT, and he is at the helm.

[ J.J.’s Reax: Good promo to establish Roode as a heel in the Chris Jericho tradition. A bit long and dragged out at around 7 minutes, which is quite a long promo by NXT standards. ]

Tom Philips confirms the Asuka-Bayley title match at Takeover: Brooklyn, and says that there will be a contract signing next week.

4 – NXT tag champions THE REVIVAL (SCOTT DAWSON & DASH WILDER) vs. TM61 (SHANE THORNE & NICK MILLER) – non-title tag team match

Dawson and Miller tussle on the mat. Dawson consults with Wilder then trades control with Miller. Dawson gets double-teamed by TM61. Thorne covers for two. Now The Revival is in control. Thorne breaks from of Wilder, then the action breaks down a bit. The Revival gets sent out of the ring going to break.

[ Break ]

Back from break, Dawson is picking a part Thorn, working his left arm. Cover for two.

[Q4] Double tag and it is Dawson and Miller. Miller takes out Dawson then fends off Wilder. Rollup for a nearfall. Spindebuster gets a nearfall again. Wilder keeps Thorn off the apron, Miller chases Wilder, right into the ring where Dawson is waiting with a DDT for the win.

WINNER: The Revival in 8:17. Who wins with a DDT? Good match to show off The Revival’s skill. TM61 looked good, too.

Post-match promo, Dawson says it doesn’t matter where you come from The Revival talk heavy and hit hard. NXT is the big leagues, and The Revival rules it. Wilder rattles off the list of teams they beat. Ciampa and Gargano decide to interupt at this point. It looks like they have official shirts now. Ciampa can’t decide if Dawson is Ole or Arn. Everyone knows that the one team The Revival haven’t beaten are Ciampa and Gargano.

Dawson asks if they are done making jokes so they can respond. Dawson says Gargano and Ciampa have words, they have the titles. “Go back to your basements, nerds!” from Wilder, then they sucker punch Ciampa and Gargano. Ciampa and Gargano win the match-up, and Ciampa counts three as Gargano covers Wilder to make the point. Ciampa and Gargano hold up the title belts.

Final Reax: Super strong NXT episode rolling into Takeover: Brooklyn. It looks like the “Ember Moon” debut will be the fifth match at Brooklyn (others expected to be Joe-Nakamura, Bayley-Asuka, The Revival-Ciampa & Gargano, and Austin Aries-No Way Jose), which is a bit of a disappointment. Where has Andrade Almas disappeared to after his strong debut?


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