Collectibles Column – They’re Here! Figures Toy Co. shipping first ROH Figures Line

By Michael Moore, PWTorch Collectibles specialist

ROH Series 1 - Figures Toy Company (c) ROH,


More than a year after the first Ring of Honor action figures were announced, Figures Toy Co. has the first wave of figures in hand and ready to ship out.

image1ROH Series 1 includes figures of Jay Lethal, Kevin Steen (pre-WWE), and the Briscoe Brothers. The figures are $24.99 each and come with removable gear, such as Lethal’s robe and Steen’s “Kill Steen Kill” t-shirt.

These are the first figures ever made of Mark and Jay Briscoe. Lethal previously appeared in Jakks Pacific’s TNA line (in his “Black Machismo” persona) and Mattel has already produced a few figures of Kevin Owens/Steen.

Figures Toy Co. has also been rolling out images of figures for its upcoming Rising Stars and Legends lines on Twitter (@FiguresToyCo).

“We have been doing reveals once a week, and have several ready to go in the coming weeks,” said Chris DePetrillo, chief marketing officer for Figures Toy Co. “It’s all dependent on production, but we are at the point where as we see prototypes and finished products, we are happy to share with the fanbase.”

Legends Series 1 will include Jim Cornette, New Jack, and Blue Meanie. Mikey Whipwreck has been moved to Legends Series 2, according to DePetrillo. Rising Stars Series 1 features an all Bullet Club lineup: A.J. Styles, Doc Gallows, and the Young Bucks.

Other Bullet Club members planned for future series include Kenny Omega, Tama Tonga, and “Bullet Babe” Amber Gallows. Also planned are Cliff Compton, Chris Hero, Joey Ryan, and Brian Myers. Figures Toy Co. has released sample images of several of these figures.

“The Bullet Club stars are going to do tremendous as figures,” DePetrillo said. “You have guys like Kenny Omega and the Young Bucks who are getting first ever figures, who are masters of self-promotions – all over social media, etc. They’re three of the most popular stars in the business today. A.J. Styles and Doc Gallows were always expected to do well, but now even more so considering where their careers have taken them. Tama Tonga is another first ever figure with a look that makes him stand out from the pack. That’s a guy who was born to have a figure made of him.”

Figures Toy Co. plans to add several more names to its list of figures as well.

“The only new names that are public for the second wave of signings are Sami Callihan and Ivelisse, which was a story you broke in your interview with her,” DePetrillo said. “There will be announcements as to who is officially on board in the coming months, but we are still working on deals with additional talents as well.”

DePetrillo noted that Figures Toy Co. will produce limited numbers of each figure, “but enough to satisfy both existing and new collectors.” Figures Toy Co. is also contemplating producing variants of figures that sell out.

“Each star, no matter the line, is being made in the same amount,” DePetrillo said. “For those who don’t know, this isn’t going to be Mattel WWE production numbers. Much like our retro figures, these will be produced in much smaller amounts.”

[ FYI: Ring of Honor Series 1 figures can be purchased online at ]

PWTorch Collectibles specialist Michael Moore can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @MMooreWriter.


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