Dehnel’s “Ultima Lucha Dos” Night 1 Preview – Match For A “Unique Opportunity”

By Joel Dehnel, PWTorch contributor

Ultimate Lucha Dos (c) Lucha Underground/El Rey Network


Lucha Underground kicks off three weeks of “Ultimate Lucha Dos” Wednesday night on El Rey Network. The following is a preview of the top match(es) scheduled to air each week, without the benefit of advanced Spoilers…

Cage vs. Texano vs. The Mack vs. Son of Havoc – Match For A Unique Opportunity – Airing July 6 (Part 1)

This match is prototypical WrestleMania multi-man match where LU threw a bunch of guys together last-minute. On last week’s Lucha Underground, they inserted an awkward segment where Dario announced a unique opportunity for these four men so that they could wiggle their way onto the card. It’s safe to assume without looking at spoilers that the winner will receive a number one contender spot of some sort.

Cage was a much bigger player on the first year of LU and has really struggled to find his spot this year. He’s been in a handful of meaningful matches including a short run with the Gift of the Gods Championship before he was demolished by Matanza.

Texano hasn’t had anything big this year on LU – nothing comparable to the big feud he had with Alberto El Patron. He’s been a good babyface this year, but has not done much of significance. He could use a big boost to make him feel important again.

Son of Havoc has grown a lot as a character and a babyface playing off Ivelisse and Angelico. I think they are testing him out as a singles star, same as Ivelisse. Havoc, Ivelisse, and Angelico may remain loosely tied to each other, but after losing the trios championship, I think LU wants to see how they will do by themselves.

The Mack was a part of a larger program earlier in the year with Marty The Moth and Sexy Star. LU appears to be putting Mack in a better position to elevate him.

Prediction: The Mack earns the unique opportunity, which leads him to a title match or an Aztec medallion.



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