RADICAN’S TNA Impact “Final Deletion” Blog – Hardy vs. Hardy battle for supremacy

By Sean Radican, PWTorch columnist


Aired on TNA Impact – JULY 5, 2016
Taped in Cameron, N.C.

The running blog is for the “Final Deletion” portion of Impact, with the match broken up into parts on the TV broadcast.

Opening Commentary: I’ve really enjoyed the Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy feud in TNA this year, especially “broken” Matt Hardy. The commercial for Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy: Final Deletion looks different from anything I can recall seeing in wrestling. In this column, I am going to my virtual-time reaction to watching Final Deletion.


Final Deletion begins with Matt and Reby having a party for Maxel’s birthday. Senor Benjamin, the housekeeper comes with a present for Maxel and asks Reby in Spanish if Hardy is sick. Matt opens the gift and thanks Senor Benjamin for the xylophone. Reby asks Matt what his gift is for Maxel and Hardy tells her it is the deletion of Brother Nero. He then tells Senor Benjamin to prep the battlefield for massacre.


The footage picks up with Jeff Hardy using his lawnmower to cut designs into his lawn. He settles down to strum his guitar. This is amazing. Drones show up outside his window and we get the drone’s point of view. Several drones fly inside Jeff’s house and taunt him with “Brother Nero” chants. Jeff uses his guitar to destroy some of the drones as they continue to say “Brother Nero.”

Matt then pops out of one of the drones as a hologram and tells Jeff the final deletion will take place tonight. One of the last drones flies out of Jeff’s house and he chases it on his motorcycle. The drone manages to avoid him by flying over a lake. It shows the drone’s P.O.V. looking back at Jeff on the lake. As Jeff has left his property to chase the last of the drones, Matt is shown smiling as he runs over the designs that Jeff has carefully sculpted into his grass. Matt opens his arms and smiles as he ruins Jeff’s work on his lawn. This is so campy, but wonderful in execution. Matt popping out of one of the drones as a hologram to invite Jeff to the Final Deletion was insane.


Senor Benjamin is shown constructing a ring near the lake on the Hardy property. Hardy tells him to use the remaining gasoline that he used to fuel his lawnmower to prepare the battlefield. He then walks away with Reby.


A dog-whistle for insider ROH fans takes place, as a ref is shown driving up to the battlefield. He enters the ring and asks if he’s a licensed official. He tells him he’s only there to count the pin or record the submission. He also tells the ref not to resuscitate Brother Nero because this is the final deletion.

Hardy then plays a violin to summon Jeff and he actually shows up on his motorcycle! I should also note that the ring is surrounded by lawn torches and lights since it is now night time. Matt senses Jeff on the apron behind him and tells him to prepare for his deletion. This is hilarious and the best kind of campy programming.


There are actually torches in each corner as well. Matt and Jeff do battle in the ring. Jeff goes under the ring and gets a big board covered in prickly bushes. He sends Matt into it in the corner for a two count. Matt screams in frustration while making his comeback. He goes after Jeff’s leg with a kendo stick. Matt goes under the ring and gets a ladder. He uses it to choke Jeff in the corner while screaming delete over and over. That was hilarious.

Jeff fired back and hits a twist of fate. He goes up top and hits a swanton, but Matt kicks out at two. Jeff sets the ladder up on the corner and hits another twist of fate. He sets up mat on the ladder in the corner and then begins climbing a ladder to get to the top of a tree near the ring. Jeff then hits a swanton through the ladder on Matt, but he kicks out! That was crazy.

A short time later, Matt hits Jeff with a chair and gets a bunch of roman candles under the ring. He shoots them at Jeff, who holds up a trashcan lid and asks, “What’s wrong with you.” Matt shoots the fireworks across the ring at Jeff and screams delete over and over. Matt calls out Brother Nero and says it over, but Jeff has some roman candles of his own. Jeff shoots them at Matt, who uses a small boat to cover himself. OH MY GOD! They battle near the river and Matt gets a choke on Jeff. He drags him into the water and Jeff disappears. It looks like Matt has won and Matt declares that Brother Nero has been flushed.

Willow the Wisp pops up from behind Matt and chokes him with his umbrella! Matt manages to fend him off. He grabs a flashlight and calls out for Brother Nero slowly. He finds Willow the Wisp on the ground and calls over the official. Matt makes the cover on Willow, but when he takes his mask off and it’s Senor Benjamin! Senor tasers Jeff, then Matt screams for Brother Nero, who blindsides him and they brawl near one of Jeff’s huge bike ramps. Jeff gets a choke on Matt in the dirt he then climb to the top of a huge Hardy symbol on a ladder.

Suddenly, Matt has visions of Maxel’s birthday party and Reby runs in and gives him Maxel’s candle, which Matt uses to set the symbol, which was covered in gasoline on fire. Jeff then falls off the ladder and Hardy makes the cover for the pin. Hardy poses to end one of the most fun, crazy, and insane wrestling matches/segments/vignettes that I’ve ever seen.

Final Deletion should have people talking for weeks and perhaps years to come. It was so different from anything I’ve seen in wrestling. It was campy, but the logic behind it was incredible. If anything, this will get Impact a ton of buzz this week just from people talking about the different crazy scenes that were shot for Final Deletion. Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, and Jeremy Borash did an amazing job of putting this together and when you compare this to their disappointing feuds in WWE, this blows it way out of the water. This was incredible and crazy! I literally can’t believe what I just watched. Credit goes to Reby Sky and Senor Benjamin for their performances as well. They were great.

Email Sean at PWTorchSean@Gmail.com

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