Magic, Memories & Mania
Live Report – E3 Convention
Los Angeles, Calif.
E3 is the world’s biggest video game convention, and every year it comes to Los Angeles and brings the most avid gaming fanatics on the planet.
The event sees the announcement of the newest games from all of the big publishers. WWE usually has a few wrestlers as guest stars at the convention, but this year, the big wrestling star was artist Rob Schamberger.
I stopped by to witness one of his masterpieces in the making, a promotional painting for the new WWE video game, “WWE 2K17.”
I spoke to Rob for a little while, and I asked him about his painting of Wade Keller at last year’s Tragos/Thesz Hall of Fame, and he smiled. He obviously has respect for the Torch and is a huge wrestling fan.
It was fascinating to see an artist at work because despite the fact there was chaos going around him, and a line of eager gamers in line to play the new WWE game were staring at his painting, he had full concentration.
People say wrestling is an art form, and Schamberger showcases how wrestling literally can be art.
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