Hogan vs. Gawker Suit #1 Update – Friday court hearing results, Gawker to declare bankruptcy

By James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

Hulk Hogan (artist Travis Beaven © PWTorch)


Hulk Hogan vs. Gawker Trial Aftermath – June 2016

Week of June 6

June 10 Update: A court hearing was scheduled for 9:00 a.m. Friday morning, where Judge Pamela Campbell granted Gawker’s motion to postpone the $140 million judgment granted to Hulk Hogan.

The postponement was to allow Gawker to go through the appeals process attempting to over-turn or reduce the judgment, reports the Tampa Bay Times.

Judge Campbell ordered Gawker put up shares of the company as security until the appeals court reviews the case. Gawker founder Nick Denton is pledging about 45 million shares (30 percent of Gawker’s total).

Gawker has also declared bankruptcy, reports the Wall Street Journal and Deadline, and the company is being auctioned. Gawker’s attorneys argued in court Friday that Gawker faces “certain financial ruling” if forced to pay the full judgment.

Regarding the fresh appeal filed by Gawker on Tuesday (June 7), the next key date is June 29.

June 9 Update: Judge Pamela Campbell issued a final judgment against Gawker, Gawker founder Nick Denton, and writer A.J. Daulerio on June 8, according to court records.

However, she also issued a stay for the case to go through the appeals process. The current status of the case is “pending appeal,” which will be addressed at a court hearing scheduled for Friday.

June 8 Update: On Wednesday (June 8), Judge Pamela Campbell officially ruled that Gawker is prohibited from posting the tape containing Hulk Hogan engaged in sexual acts with Heather Clem, the ex-wife of Bubba the Love Sponge.

The injunction was the latest ruling against Gawker. But, there was another ruling, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Judge Campbell upheld the original $140 million verdict and imposed an annual interest rate until the balance is paid out.

Gawker is appealing the verdict to attempt to over-turn the verdict, which Judge Campbell upheld in her ruling earlier this week.

– In the appeals process, records show Gawker Media filed a new appeals in Florida’s second district court of appeals. The petition was filed on June 7 by Gawker’s legal representative Gregg D. Thomas.

The filing against “Terry Gene Bollea, professionally known as Hulk Hogan” was acknowledged on June 8, prompting a new record to be made of the appeal.

Gawker now has two outstanding appeals against Hogan. The previous appeal that we documented has not had activity since April 20 when one of Hogan’s attorneys filed a response to Gregg Thomas.


June 7 Update: On Tuesday (June 7), Judge Pamela Campbell issued an order officially denying Gawker’s motion to dismiss the original lawsuit and/or motion for a new trial.

– PWTorch has obtained new records that show Gawker currently has an active appeal in Florida’s Second District Court of Appeals.

The appeal filed by Gawker Media against Hogan has not had activity since April 20. It’s unclear if this is related to Gawker attempting to have the original lawsuit be dismissed or turned into a new trial.

On March 22 – the day after a Florida jury awarded Hogan a total sum of $140 million against Gawker – Gawker was ordered to show cause on their appeal against Hogan. The deadline was April 11.

One of Gawker’s legal representatives, Gregg D. Thomas, filed the response on April 11 along with exhibits responding to the March 22 order.

One of Hogan’s legal representatives, Kenneth G. Turkel, filed a response on April 20. The response was labeled Hulk Hogan’s response to Gawker’s order to show cause in the appeal.

There has not been activity since Turkel’s response was recorded by the court.

Meanwhile, the appeals court denied a separate appeal filed by Gawker’s founder Nick Denton, individually, against Hogan a few days before the original verdict was handed out.

Denton’s petition was denied by the presiding appeals judge on March 16 and the case was officially closed on April 5.


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