TV/Radio Listings – Upcoming Wrestling Broadcasts
Includes PWTorch Livecast airings, TV wrestling, original Network content, PPVs, Internet PPVs, and other relevant broadcasts.
Wednesday, June 8
– PWTORCH LIVECAST (PWT): Pat McNeill hosts the Wednesday Livecast with guest Alfonso Castillo of Newsday at 5:30 p.m. EST at PWTorchLivecast.com.
– EAST COAST CAST (PWT): Travis Bryant hosts the East Coast Cast at 6:30 p.m. EST at EastCoastCast.com.
– NXT Takeover: WWE’s highly-anticipated “NXT Takeover: The End” special is part of a block of WWE Network programming.
- 3:00 p.m. EST: NXT Preview show hosted by Cathy Kelley
- 7:30 p.m. EST: NXT Pre-Show from Full Sail University
- 8:00 p.m. EST: “NXT Takeover: The End” live special
- 10:00 p.m. EST: New episode of “WWE Breaking Ground” revisiting Season 1
- 11:00 p.m. EST: NXT Takeover replay
– Lucha Underground: This week’s episode airs at 8:00 p.m. EST on El Rey Network with the following line-up.
- Rey Mysterio in the main event
- Killshot vs. Marty the Moth
- Jack Evans in the first-ever LU nunchuck match
Tonight I compete in the main event on a NEW #LuchaUnderground! Watch it at 8p ET on @ElReyNetwork! pic.twitter.com/FjfNaZH0d1
— ♛Rey Mysterio
(@reymysterio) June 8, 2016
Professor @JackEvans711 is here to teach you about the history (and future) of nunchucks. #LuchaUnderground https://t.co/mIzgXLcDal
— Lucha Underground (@LuchaElRey) June 4, 2016
– ROH TV: Ring of Honor airs late-night on Comet TV with more ROH vs. New Japan matches.
– NJPW BOSJ Finals: New Japan’s Best of the Super Jrs. Finals is available on-demand with English and Japanese commentary at NJPWWorld.com.
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