EVOLVE 60 iPPV Results
May 6, 2016
Joppa, Md.
Aired on WWNLive.com
Report by Sean Radican, PWTorch columnist
Lenny Leonard started the show previewing the line-up. The crowd was hot as be introduced the show. Leonard then brought out Lio Rush. Several ROH office workers ran out behind Rush and tried to prevent him from getting into the ring. (Okay, not really.) Rush got a good reaction from the fans. He got in the mic to cut a promo. He said his hometown fans had been with him since the beginning. He said he couldn’t wait for the fans to show EVOLVE what they’ve got. He called for the show to begin.
It appears WWNLive has purchased a new ring mat, turnbuckle pads, and WWN logos for the ring posts.
(1) Lio Rush vs. Caleb Konley
Konley is now in “Valifornia” now that the PAB is dead. This was a good back and forth match that saw Rush win with a frog splash.
WINNER: Lio Rush. (**3/4)
(2) Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Flex Rumblecrunch) vs. The Bravado Brothers (Harlem & Lancelot Bravado)
The action quickly broke down with all four men going at it on the floor. McMassive was in a half crab from Lancelot. McMassive tried to make the save, but he got out in a half crab as well. McMassive went for a huge flip dive over the ring post to the floor, but he not Rumblecrunch instead. The Bravados then hit the gentleman’s agreement for the win.
WINNERS: Bravado Bros. Good match. (***)
(3) Matt Riddle vs. Anthony Nese
Good back and forth action here at the start. They built to big back and forth spot where Riddle finally wiped out Nese with a diving lariat. Riddle got a Kimura and then got it again a short time later, but Nese suplexed his way out of it. Nese blocked another Kimura attempt, but Riddle got a cross-arm breaker and it was good for the win.
WINNER: Riddle via submission. The crowd was hot for the finish and was really into this match. (***1/2)
(4) Marty Scurll vs. Johnny Gargano
They started with a slow build and the crowd was into the action as they came to a stalemate. The pace picked up as Gargano sent Scurll to the floor and nailed him win a dive through the ropes. Scurll fired back with an eye poke on the floor and went on the attack. He focused his attack on Gargano’s arm. Gargano mounted a comeback. They eventually built up to a big spot with Scurll hitting a running knee to Gargano’s head and a superkick for a near fall. Gargano countered the chicken wing several times and finally connected with a discus lariat and both men were down! Wow! They continued to go back and forth. Gargano finally hit a lawn dart and then locked in the Gargano escape for the win.
WINNER: Gargano via submission. What a match! (****1/2)
Gargano cut a promo after the match. He said EVOLVE would come back to Joppa. He called Drew Galloway out to the ring. He said Galloway had gotten on the mic in Dallas and said WWN and NXT’s relationship was comprising indie wrestling. Galloway wore a hood and slumped in the corner as Gargano put over this as the best time in the pro wrestling business. Gargano said he knows Galloway’s real motivation was. He said Galloway had blown his shot in WWE and wanted to blow it for the wrestlers in EVOLVE. Galloway teased getting on the mic and then sucker-punched Gargano. Ethan Page ran out to make the save and Galloway bailed. Page then nailed Galloway with a dive and their match was on.
(5) Ethan Page vs. Drew Galloway
Page ran wild early on the floor, but Galloway cut him off and began worn of him over. Page finally caught Galloway with an enzuguri as he came off the top and both men were down. Page went on the attack and they built up to a big back and forth sequence that ended with Galloway hitting a modified sick kick. Page hit a slingshot ace crusher a short time later, but Galloway managed to kick out at 2. Galloway ended up grabbing the ref and hit a low blow on Page. He then spiked Page with the future shock DDT for the win. The fans booed and Galloway hit another Future shock DDT.
WINNER: Galloway. (***1/4)
Galloway got on the mic and said he does it for himself. He said he’s better than anyone else in the world. He said Drew Galloway made Drew Galloway. He said he didn’t need a machine behind him. Galloway said he spread the word of indies and when WWE came calling they said jump and WWN said how high. He said he only hates WWN for being hypocrites. Galloway said he made EVOLVE and not WWE. He said what’s about to happen is on Gargano’s hands. He went to hit another future shock DDT on Page, but Gargano made the save. Page reached out to Gargano, but he bailed on him.
Stokely Hathaway cut a promo congratulating TJP for becoming a tag team champion. He also put over Perkins for the Cruiserweight Classic. Gulak cut him off and told him to get out of the ring.
(6) EVOLVE Tag Team champions Catch Point (Tracy Williams & Drew Gulak) vs. TJP & Fred Yehi w/Stokely Hathaway – EVOLVE Tag Title match
Gulak was carrying the EVOLVE Championship as well as his tag title. Gulak and Perkins bumped heads when TJP went for a Muta lock. Ouch! Gulak has the gear of someone that’s going over in the Cruiserweight Classic. Yehi got cut off and Gulak and Williams took turns working him over. Yehi finally cut off Williams with a belly to belly suplex. TJP got the hot tag and ran wild as the crowd woke up. The pace really picked up and Gulak ended a big sequence with a huge clothesline on Perkins and everyone was down. The finishing sequence was a bit awkward, but Gulak managed to finish off Perkins with a dragon sleeper.
WINNERS: Catch Point to retain the EVOLVE Tag Titles. The action was good at times, but the crowd didn’t seem to know what to make of the match-up of Catch Point members at times. (**3/4)
Gulak cut a promo after the match. He held the EVOLVE World Championship and said they have the title, but not the champion. Gulak said Timpthy Thatcher owed every member of Catch Point a title shot. Matt Riddle came out to issue Gulak a challenge, but then said when Tim comes back he should face the real champion. Riddle left with the title and Hathaway joined him in going up the aisle. It looks like the Dream Team might include Matt Riddle. The fans chanted for Hathaway to close the segment.
(7) Zack Sabre, Jr. vs. Chris Hero
Leonard mentioned EVOLVE would return to Joppa on Aug. 19. After an initial feeling out period, Hero got the upper hand after landing a short right. Hero tried a fancy spot where he rolled himself and Sabre to the floor. He got caught up in the ropes, but completed the sequence with a rolling elbow a short time later. Hero was dominating the action and went for a senton, but Sabre caught him in a cross-arm breaker. Hero forced Sabre under the ropes and then snapped his neck into the bottom rope. Sabre finally caught Hero with a kick to stop his momentum.
Sabre went after Hero’s arm each time he got the upper hand. Sabre kicked Hero’s arm at a bad angle, but Hero popped up and surprised him with a forearm and both men were down. Wow! Hero got the upper hand and jawed with the fans as he worked over Sabre. He told them he’s the best in the world. Sabre seemed to have a counter when Hero would go for a big strike. Sabre went for a hurricanrana at one point and Hero just spiked him with a piledriver that set the crowd on fire.
They went back and forth and Hero hit a short piledriver for a near fall. Wow! They went back and forth and Hero hit a cyclone knee and another piledriver for the win. Sabre was helped to the back right after the match ended.
WINNER: Hero. This was a really good match. (****1/4)
Hero got on the mic and asked who’s your hero? Hero said he wanted everyone to stand up. He said he wanted the fans to give Zack Sabre, Jr. a much deserved applause. Hero said Sabre had come this close to beating the greatest of all time. Hero asked the fans if they wanted another EVOLVE show on their town and the fans applauded. Hero closed the show by thanking the fans. Hero said he’s the undisputed number 1 contender.
Overall Thoughts: (8.0) – This was a really good show from top to bottom. The Gargano-Scurll match was the highlight of the show, as they had an incredible match. Hero-Sabre wasn’t far behind and is well-worth seeking out as well. The Joppa crowd was hot for most of the show and added good atmosphere to compliment the action in the ring. Replay recommended.
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