WWE Smackdown TV taping
May 3, 2016
Kansas City, Mo.
Report by Sean Robbins, PWTorch reader
Dark Match: WWE tag champions New Day (Big E. & Xavier Woods) beat The Dudleys at 5:20 in a non-title match. Kofi Kingston was absent “reaping the benefits of work he put in nine months ago.” Pretty standard match. New Day won with the Midnight Hour on Devon.
Main Event Taping Results
(1) Titus O’Neil beat Damien Sandow at 3:46 via sit-out powerbomb. Back and forth match – the crowd was split between Titus and Sandow.
(2) Apollo Crews beat Viktor at 4:30. Crews delivered a 30-second delayed vertical suplex, plancha over the top rope, standing moonsault, enziguiri, and finally the sit-out powerbomb finisher.
(3) Baron Corbin beat Sin Cara. Corbin was a face in Kansas City – big reaction for our local guy. Sin Cara’s mask came off by accident and he almost botched a springboard moonsailt. End of Days ended it. Afterward, the question was whether Sin Cara was hurt or selling.
(4) Stardust beat Dolph Ziggler at 10:10. Some comedy and amateur wrestling early on. Cody Rhodes worked on Dolph’s left shoulder, then got his knees up to block the Heartstopper. Disaster Kick for a nearfall, then Ziggler went for a superkick into a schoolboy for Rhodes for the win.
WWE announced the return date to Kansas City is the Labor Day edition of Raw on Monday, September 5. ( Thanks to Derek J. )
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