Friday 4/29 Torch Today – Matt Morgan interview, Cabana #299, WWE & MAW World Wish Day, Ross blogs on Chyna & Payback, Bill Watts surgery update, Jericho & Zayn, Jerry Lawler’s restaurant opening in Memphis, Baywatch behind-the-scenes, Muta & Ultimo Dragon notes, Videos – new CHIKARA video game & PRIME Cuts DVD trailer

By James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

Chris Jericho (artist Travis Beaven © PWTorch)


TORCH TODAY – Friday, April 29

At On-demand access to former WWE/TNA star Matt Morgan’s return interview with Wade Keller on Thursday’s Livecast discussing Chyna, WWE, TNA, and other topics.

At The latest MMA news heading into the weekend.

At Full Recap of Episode #299 of Colt Cabana’s “Art of Wrestling” podcast with guest Savio Vega.

SML, Colby and Jake– WWE is promoting Make-a-Wish’s “World Wish Day” through social media today. WWE also hosted an event at company headquarters in Stamford, Conn. On Thursday, WWE hosted 18-year-old Colby McMahon of Derby, Conn., who is battling cystic fibrosis. Included was promotion for Colby’s dream of building a website for sports and activities. The visit naturally concluded with a visit from a McMahon Family member, which was Stephanie McMahon.

Jim Ross published a new blog at offering more thoughts on fall-out from Chyna (Joanie Laurer)’s death, his predictions for Payback, and a health update on “Cowboy” Bill Watts.

“Cowboy Bill Watts recently had spinal surgery as a result of his years in wrestling and is home recovering nicely. My mentor is in great spirits and is as ornery as ever,” Ross wrote.

Chris Jericho and Sami Zayn got together for an interview of note.

– WWE announcer Jerry Lawler’s new themed bar/restaurant is scheduled to officially open today in Memphis.

– Entertainment Tonight’s Kevin Frazier went behind-the-scenes at the movie shoot for “Baywatch” starring “The Rock” Dwayne Johnson. (Video Feature at

– In today’s Japan news, Great Muta is asking fans to vote who he should face at the next big Wrestle-1 show on August 11, Ultimo Dragon is hosting “DragonMania XI” on May 28 in Mexico, and NOAH’s Global Tag League has a big logjam atop the standings after Day 6. (Full News Update via

– Video: Chikara released the first look at a new video game “Chikara: Action Arcade Wrestling.” The game is in the very early stages of development.

– Video: Prime Wrestling released a trailer for a new “Women of Prime” DVD featuring several women’s wrestlers before they were big stars.


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