3/23 Lucha Underground Results – Dehnel’s Report on huge Aztec Warfare match including Rey Mysterio’s LU debut

Rey Mysterio
Rey Mysterio (photo credit Lucha Underground)


Lucha Underground Report
March 23, 2016
Taped in Los Angeles, Calif.
Season 2 Episode #9 aired on El Rey Network
Report by Joel Dehnel, PWTorch contributor

Aztec Warfare II

Backstage: Pentagon ran into Fenix and said he would capture the Lucha Underground title tonight. Catrina then appeared and told Pentagon that he doesn’t know about the darkness, as he also lost his privilege to be there. Pentagon told her she can’t tell him what to do because he only listens to his master. Catrina said the only reason he has zero fear is because he doesn’t know real fear. She also told Fenix that Mil Mascaras would take his title back tonight. Then, she disappeared.

Announcers: Matt Striker welcomed the audience to Aztec Warfare II. He explained the rules, which is that every 90 seconds a luchador will enter the ring and the only way to be eliminated is by pinfall or submission. This match is for the LU Title. Vampiro expressed his displeasure with Pentagon, Jr not being invited to participate.

In-ring: Santos introduced the champion, Fenix, as the first competitor in Aztec Warfare. Famous B. was shown at ringside. Next out making his debut was none other than Rey Mysterio. As you would expect, Mysterio got a huge ovation.

Rey Mysterio arrives at Lucha Underground (c) El Rey Network
Rey Mysterio arrives at Lucha Underground (c) El Rey Network

1 – AZTEC WARFARE II – 20-man gauntlet for the Lucha Underground Championship

Fenix and Mysterio both shook hands to start the match. Mysterio hit a huracanrana, then set up for the 619, but Fenix hit a superkick followed by a springboard armdrag.

Next in the match was King Cuerno. Cuerno kicked Fenix, then Attacked Mysterio. Cuerno then dove onto Fenix on the outside. Next out was Argenis making his debut this season. Argenis hit a terrible superkick on Fenix followed by a better one on Mysterio. Mysterio recovered and hit a 619 followed by a splash on Areginis for the first elimination. Johnny Mundo came out then they threw to a break.


The match picked up right where it left off before the commercial. Mundo and Mysterio came face-to-face, then Mundo beat down Mysterio. Mundo kicked out Mysterio, then he fought Fenix. Mundo and Fenix both attempted pins on each other.

Next out was Joey Ryan. Joey took his time to get to the ring, then he handcuffed himself to the barricade. Cuerno superkicked Ryan then Famous B. gave him his card. Next out was Prince Puma. Puma took out everyone in the ring, then hit a Shooting Star Press to the outside on top of everyone. As Jack Evans entered, Mysterio submitted Cuerno with an armbar.

Fenix and Mysterio worked together for a splash on Evans. Mundo yanked Evans to the outside for the save. Next out was Taya. Taya teamed with Mundo and Evans and took out the other three in the ring. Next out was Cage. Once the ring, Cage took out Mundo, Evans ,and Taya. Striker then threw to the second commercial break.


Cage continued to go after Mundo. Cage caught Taya and slammed her, then ran into a kick from Mundo. Mundo suddenly threw Cage through Catrina’s office window. Mascarita Sagrada then came out and got taken out by Mundo. Cage came up behind Mundo and hit Weapon X on the floor.

Puma hit a Shooting Star Press on Mundo for the elimination. Next out was Marty Martinez, who took out Puma. Marty took out Mascarita, then ran into Evans. Marty dropped Evans, then pulled at his mouth. Next out was Drago heading to break.


Drago ran to the ring and dodged a dive from Evans. He then sprayed mist on Joey Ryan. Mascarita hit a DDT on Marty, then a splash by Mysterio resulted in an elimination. Next out was The Mack. Mack hit a Stone Cold Stunner on Marty, then went face-to-face with Cage. Mack hit a flying knee followed by another stunner. Next out was Chavo Guerrero. Drago powerbombed Evans on the steps in the crowd. Chavo then locked in a Camel Clutch on Mascarita for an elimination.

Mundo smashed a cinder block over Cage’s head, then Taya pinned cage for an elimination. Next out was “The Darewolf” P.J. Black. Black suplexed Drago in the crowd. Drago fought back and back body dropped Evans, then launched Black into the ringpost.

Next out was AeroStar. AeroStar took out Black, then kicked Evans. AeroStar and Black ended up pinning Drago and Evans for simultaneous eliminations. Next out was Dragon Azteca, Jr. Dragon took out AeroStar and Black followed by a huracanrana on Mack before diving onto him. Next out was Texano, who cleared the ring before they went to another break.


Texano dove onto everyone outside the ring coming out of the break. Black tried to pinned Texano, but Texano powerbombed Black for another elimination. The last entrant was Mil Muertes. Pentagon ran through the crowd to attack Mil and beat him with a chair. Suddenly, Mysterio splashed Muertes for an elimination, ending Mil’s title chase in seconds. Catrina screamed at Vampiro and told him to get out of here, then slapped him.

The countdown clock continued to roll down and Dario Cueto emerged at the top of the temple. He re-introduced himself to a huge pop. He reclaimed his temple and said now that he is in charge again he announces one more entrant into Aztec Warefare – his brother, “The Monster” Matanza Cueto. All the luchadors stared down The Monster. They all attacked The Monster, who eliminated Fenix, AeroStar, Mack, and Texano. He ripped Joey from the barricade and threw him into the ring. He slammed Ryan a few times, then got the pin.

Dragon fought against The Monster, but Dragon could not get Monster off his feet. The monster chokeslammed Dragon for the elimination. Monster then easily took out Chavo. Puma and Rey fought against The Monster, but Monster took them out. Monster German suplexed Puma for an elimination.

Mysterio was the last one left and slowly approached the monster. Monster clotheslined Mysterio, but Mysterio fought back. Rey set up for 619, but Monster caught him and set up for a second 619, which he hit. But, Monster caught Mysterio off the top rope and slammed him for the win.

WINNER: The Monster Matanza Cueto at 33:54 to capture the Lucha Underground Championship

Post-match: Dario introduced his brother as the new Lucha Underground Champion. The crowd continued to boo as the show signed off.

Order of Entry

(1) LU champion Fenix
(2) Rey Mysterio (LU debut)
(3) King Cuerno
(4) Argenis
(5) Johnny Mundo
(6) Joey Ryan
(7) Prince Puma
(8) Jack Evans
(9) Taya
(10) Cage
(11) Mascarita Sagrada
(12) Marty “The Moth” Martinez
(13) Drago
(14) The Mack
(15) Chavo Guerrero, Jr.
(16) “The Darewolf” P.J. Black
(17) AeroStar
(18) Dragon Azteca, Jr. (LU debut)
(19) Texano
(20) Mil Muertes
(21) The Monster Matanza Cueto (LU debut)

Order of Elimination

(1) Argenis at 3:54
(2) King Cuerno at 8:15
(3) Johnny Mundo at 12:59
(4) Marty Martinez at 15:40
(5) Mascarita Sagrada at 18:03
(6) Cage at 18:33
(7) Taya at 18:45
(8) Drago at 20:52
(9) Jack Evans at 20:52
(10) P.J. Black at 23:04
(11) Mil Muertes at 24:27
(12) Fenix at 26:12
(13) The Mack at 26:32
(14) AeroStar at 26:50
(15) Texano at 27:14
(16) Joey Ryan at 28:18
(17) Dragon Azteca, Jr. 29:31
(18) Chavo Guerrero, Jr. at 30:12
(19) Prince Puma at 31:21
(29) Rey Mysterio at 33:54

FINAL THOUGHTS: Not a fan of short title reigns, such as the case with Fenix, but it is what it is. This was the culmination of a lot of storylines and sling shots for Lucha Underground moving forward. It paid off and was a big deal to see Dario Cueto return to the temple. On the other hand, his brother has been built for almost 50 episodes and he’s just a copy of Braun Strowman. Now, I’ll wait to see what they do with him, but so far I’m not looking forward to seeing anymore of him.

Dragon Azteca got lost in the mix of of luchadors, thus his debut was really watered down because he wasn’t able to do anything of significance. I’m intrigued to see where they go with him, but I don’t see him playing a super important role like we have been lead to believe.

I feel like Drago has really fallen down the ladder from where he was last season as one of the top mid-card guys and now he’s ath the bottom of the mid-card. P.J. Black is still winless. I have no idea why Mascarita or Argenis were in this other than wanting returning undercard luchadors.

Rey Mysterio got a lot of eliminations and did his signatures spots, but he clearly paled in comparison to the athleticism of the other luchadors. I do think he will remain very popular in a main event spot even though his wrestling ability is limited at this point because of those bad knees. He did get a really nice pop and I hope he can help bring in more viewers because of his name recognition.

Pentagon is finally a face. It was a long time coming as a vast majority of fans have cheered Pentagon and want to see him go face. He was a very effective heel and can be a great babyface now. The feud with Muertes only seems natural to start then possibly moving onto The Monster for a title shot.

A lot of things were crammed into this one match where it felt like a huge cluster with high spots here and there that really didn’t mean much. Some interesting directions they could take going forward, which means we will have to tune in next week.


2 Comments on 3/23 Lucha Underground Results – Dehnel’s Report on huge Aztec Warfare match including Rey Mysterio’s LU debut

  1. ” On the other hand, his brother has been built for almost 50 episodes and he’s just a copy of Braun Strowman.” Um no, Matanza can actually wrestle. If this is what you think then you shouldn’t review Lucha Underground.

  2. “Copy of Braun Strowman”… wow, when did Strowman get fifty hours of character development and start mercing guys with standing shooting star presses and sit-out powerbombs?

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