3/19 WWE in White Plains, N.Y. – Show & Kane vs. Wyatts main event, US Title match, thin roster


WWE Live Show Results
March 19, 2016
White Plains, N.Y.
Report by Torch VIP member Marc in New York

Attendance was good – the house was basically full. The crowd was a mix of different types of fans. Notable attendees included Betty Skaaland, the widow of Arnold Skaaland, and Steve Wilkos.

(1) Ryback beat Erick Rowan via the shell-shock. Ryback was the de facto babyface, and played it as such. Tough to have him play face at the house shows and heel at TV tapings, but so it is in WWE these days. Rudimentary match – Rowan is definitely a tag team wrestler as he failed to shine in a rare singles match.

(2) Goldust beat Bo Dallas with a roll-up. Curtis Axel accompanied Dallas and they did some mic work before the match. Goldust got a nostalgia pop. Quick match with the heels double-teaming at the finish leading to the R-Truth save. Truth brought fans into the ring for post-match shenanigans. This took longer than it should have.

(3) U.S. champion Kalisto beat Rusev and Dolph Ziggler in a three-way match to retain the U.S. Title. Best match of the night, which is not saying much. All three worked hard and earned the paycheck tonight. Kalisto is popular, but is still a ways off from filling the Rey Mysterio slot. Ziggler may have the gotten pop of the night.

[Intermission, Byron Saxton excitedly threw t-shirts into the crowd. He was way too into it, although his unabashed nerdyness is almost endearing.]

(4) Sin Cara beat Diego. Yes, this house show was so thin that Diego was wrestling on it. Basic match with Sinn Cara wining on a Swanton dive. Hard to justify paying top dollar for front row seats to watch a match like this, quite frankly.

(5) Becky Lynch beat Naomi via DQ. Good short match with Tamina interfering to cause the DQ. Sasha ran out and made it a tag team match..

(6) Becky Lynch & Sasha Banks beat Naomi & Tamina via submission. Solid tag, but nothing special. Becky is very good as a babyface and had the kids behind her. She really has become an effective act. Sasha is finding her way on the main roster, but you can tell that she struggles making the babyface comeback. She showed fear when Tamina caught her in a cross-body, and grabbed the ropes when Tamina had her pinned. But, good match with the faces going over.

(7) Big Show & Kane beat Braun Strowman & Bray Wyatt in the main event. This was exactly what you would expect. Strowman is still learning and Bray was still nursing the back injury. Kane and Big show won when Show knocked out Bray with the right hand KO Punch. Kids were engaged, but adults were clearly checking out.

Overall, a weaker line-up but a good effort from the talent.


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