WWE announcer Jerry Lawler appeared on “Cerrito Live” Memphis radio on Saturday covering several subjects:
– Lawler said there is talk of doing split announce teams at WrestleMania so that he and Mauro Ranallo will be part of the broadcast. “It’s not a done deal or anything like that,” Lawler said.
– Lawler said it was his idea to go back to the heel commentator role with Mauro Ranallo and Byron Saxton on Smackdown.
Lawler said he pitched the idea to Vince McMahon, who liked the change. Lawler recalled McMahon saying he missed the old “king” gimmick and how he used to be.
“I’m just trying to ease into it gradually,” Lawler said, “and have just scratched the surface.” Lawler said it’s more fun being this type of character even in today’s world where he has to be more politically correct about things he says.
– Lawler talked about the injury situation heading into WrestleMania. Included was a line about WM32 main-eventer Roman Reigns “being a little shaky if he will be back in time from surgery” for WrestleMania, which could be interpreted as Lawler playing up Reigns’s storyline write-off.
– Lawler said current ticket sales for WM32 are about 84,000.
– In local news, Lawler said the deal is not finalized on a bar/grill restaurant in Memphis, but they hope to close a deal on the location on Beale Street.
Lawler said he plans to be very hands-on with the restaurant location, which will be a mix of Memphis wrestling and music as the attraction.
I know the King is up there in the years as far as being a wrestler but he is still wrestling a couple of nights a month on indy shows. I really think if the WWE wants him to make a complete heel turn, they have to let him interfere in a few matches and give the man one final Wrestlemania match, let him in the ring on occasion again. He had no permanent damage to his heart and if used right (let him cheat in a few matches to gain a win etc) then it really adds to his heel persona. Part of what made it work in the 90’s was you never knew when Lawler was going to cheat on someone’s behalf.
As a face or a heel, Lawler is still much better than the current Raw announcing team.