3/8 TNA Impact Viewers – Impact falls to 2016 low-point despite Angle’s farewell match

By James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor


TNA Impact fell to a series low on Pop TV despite featuring Kurt Angle’s farewell match.

TNA Impact Viewership Tracking

March 8: TNA Impact drew a combined audience of 280,000 viewers, down 14 percent from last week.

It was the fewest viewers thus far on Pop, falling below 297,000 viewers two weeks ago.

– The first airing drew 222,000 viewers, down from 258k last week.

– The replay drew 58,000 viewers, down from 68k last week and the fewest thus far on Pop.

DEMOGRAPHICS: Impact’s median age was 56.5 years-old, the oldest audience thus far on Pop.

The show drew 74,000 adults 18-49 viewers, tied with two weeks ago for fewest on Pop.

Within the a18-49 demographic, the audience split was 69 percent males 18-49 and 31 percent females 18-49.

Caldwell’s Analysis: Impact lacks, well, pop, ten weeks into the new TV era. Impact is lost in the shuffle on Tuesday nights on an unfamiliar night for viewers and has not been able to retain an audience since peaking with 443,000 viewers at the end of January.


3 Comments on 3/8 TNA Impact Viewers – Impact falls to 2016 low-point despite Angle’s farewell match

    • There was, though I don’t think that would have all that much to do with it. It was a Democratic debate and I’ve heard that the Republican debates are getting higher ratings (don’t quote me on that though). I guess we can get somewhat of an idea how much effect those two broadcasts had on Impact in about a week when DVR numbers come out.

  1. Have you reported (or gotten) the DVR ratings from last week’s shows? I’ve looked around but can’t find them. Been waiting to see if Impact got the 53K they needed to stop their 4-week streak of dropping in total viewership, and also to see if Lucha Underground got the 13K they needed to surpass 200K last week. Thanks!

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