SEC Filing – Triple H’s contract status and 2015 pay as talent & executive

By James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

Triple H makes key creative change in WWE
Triple H (artist Travis Beaven © PWTorch)


The latest in our series reviewing information from WWE’s annual shareholders meeting announcement …

– WWE World Hvt. champion Triple H’s (Paul Levesque) current booking agreement expires on March 30, the week before WrestleMania 32.

WWE expects to renew the agreement, of course, but the terms might be different. Hunter is currently entitled to a $1.0 million downside guarantee. WWE noted Hunter has “out-earned this minimum guarantee” over the “past several years” through his TV wrestling role and merchandise sales.

WWE noted: “The agreement currently runs until March 30, 2016, and we contemplate extending this agreement on the same terms and conditions for an additional three years after its current term ends.”

In 2015, Hunter earned a total of $1.713 million as a WWE talent, up from $1.647 million in 2014, but down from $1.868 million in 2013.

– Hunter also earns salary as a WWE executive. In 2015, his base salary was set at $577,500 – his official earnings were $573,269.

The base salary will increase to $606,375 in 2016 after the executive team surpassed key performance goals in 2015.

Hunter also earned “incentive plan compensation” of $526,000, nearly doubling last year’s bonus of $283,140.

Triple H’s 2015 Earnings

  • $1,713,360 million as talent
  • $573,269 as executive (fixed compensation)
  • $526,000 bonus (variable compensation)
  • TOTAL PAY: $2.812 million

Hunter was also awarded performance stock units (PSUs) valued at $299,995, which is considered long-term equity incentive compensation, as part of WWE’s accounting disclosure.

This brought his total 2015 compensation package to $3.112 million, as disclosed in WWE’s total value table.


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